Chapter 169
There is a telephone in the head's office, and each regiment has its own switchboard.

So as soon as Zhao Linger dialed the phone, the call was immediately transferred to the office of head Zhao.


Commander Zhao's familiar voice came from the receiver.Ye Yuze's heart was relieved.As long as there's nothing wrong with him, Ye Yuze doesn't worry about his father.

"Dad? Why was Uncle Ye dismissed?"

Zhao Ling'er was so spoiled that she didn't pay much attention to the art of speaking with her father.

"Don't ask children about adults' affairs!"

Head Zhao's voice was a little annoyed, obviously he didn't want to talk about these things with his daughter.

Ye Yuze quickly picked up the phone, he was afraid that the other end would hang up.Then the call would be wasted.

"Uncle Zhao, I'm Ye Yuze. Is Uncle Wu okay?"

Ye Yuze didn't ask about his father, he was really worried about Wu Tianming.

"It's okay! The sky won't fall! By the way, you can send Ling'er back after two days of playing? No way, tell your father that you are celebrating the New Year at the regiment headquarters!"

"I'm not going back! You're a bad dad!"

Zhao Linger shouted from the side.

Ye Yuze has black lines all over his head, and the head tutor is ridiculous enough!How can you raise such a girl!
However, Ye Yuze was quite touched. The reason for the girl's quarrel with his father was because of her father.

"Okay Uncle Zhao, I will send her back! Don't worry!"

Hang up the phone over there.Zhao Linger glared at Ye Yuze.

"Why do you send me back? I won't go!"

Ye Yuze quickly took her hand.

"If you don't go back, you're just fooling him. Let's go and visit my dad!"

Ma Quanyi who was outside the door quickly opened the door and came in. It would be bad if the two children found out that he was eavesdropping.

Ye Yuze and the others didn't care, and walked towards the clinic after leaving the company headquarters.

Ma Quanyi entered the company headquarters and sat there meditating for a long time.He heard all the words, it seems that this Ye Yuze has a good relationship with the head Zhao's family!

This kid really can't be underestimated.Including Ye Wancheng, this time he must not add insult to injury.

After entering the bathroom, Ye Wancheng was making alcohol cotton balls with Xiao Liu.Seeing his son coming in, he smiled.

"Why didn't you go home for dinner? Your mother left food for you."

Ye Yuze nodded. "We ate Dad! Are you all right?"

Ye Wancheng was stunned for a moment.Then I understood what my son said. "Haha!" Laughed.

"Your father, when did I take these things seriously? I still want to be a hygienist!"

At this time, Zhao Linger interjected:
"No, Uncle Ye! If my dad dares not to reinstate you, I will ignore him for the rest of my life!"

Ye Wancheng was amused and laughed again, touching the little girl's head.

"Hey, don't meddle in the affairs of adults, this has nothing to do with your father!"

Zhao Linger opened her mouth and wanted to say something else?Thinking of Dad's attitude just now, he shut up.I want to wait until I get home.

Ye Yuze suddenly caught a glimpse of a letter on the table.On the envelope is Dad's name.

And the address is indeed a hospital in Jinling.Ye Yuze couldn't help but become curious.While Dad wasn't paying attention.Put it in your pocket.

I wanted to just sneak out.Unexpectedly, Zhao Linger became interested in making alcohol cotton balls.

I also followed their example and clenched my fists into hollows.Tear off a small piece of absorbent cotton and stuff it in.Open your hand and it becomes a small ball.

Then she lay there and made cotton balls for a long time.Don't give up until there is no place to put it.

Ye Wancheng brought Ye Yuze home after get off work.Mom hasn't come back yet.

"Shall I cook for you?"

Dad rolled up his sleeves and decided to show his hand.Ye Yuze had no confidence in Old Comrade Ye.But I have to join in, so I quickly made a gesture of joy.

Dad's meal is extremely simple.I choked a pot with mutton tomatoes.Then I added a pot of water.

Then Ye Yuze lit the fire, and his father made noodles.

Ye Yuze thought that his father was making noodle soup.Who knew that Dad didn't make any rolls after reconciling the noodles.

Instead, put the dough in the water, grab it with your hands and throw it into the pot.

It's just a piece of dough that didn't feel that big in his hand.When it was in the pot, Ye Yuze felt that he would not be able to stuff it in with one bite.

Now Zhao Ling'er became interested again, and insisted on picking it up with her father.

But Ye Yuze was relieved when she got started.Because of the small hands of the girl, the dough pieces pulled out were small and thin.

He wished that his father would stop immediately and Zhao Ling'er would come instead.But he didn't dare.

When the noodles were served Zhuo, my mother also came back.Seeing the food on the table, I couldn't help laughing.

"Is this another special skill of yours?"

At any rate, there was still some mutton left over from lunch in the cupboard.Mom warmed it up, and everyone started eating.

Since Ye Yuping came, Ye Yufan seemed to be a lot more sensible.In addition, Ye Yuze was always away from home.

Most of the time he is taking care of his younger brother.The three brothers each have a cotton monkey.When you go out, make sure no one admits their mistakes.This is the only one in the infrastructure company.

Not to mention, when Ye Yuze put the noodles into his mouth, his eyes lit up instantly. He found that this stuff was better than noodles.

The main thing is smoothness!The whole table was filled with the sound of slurping.Seeing that the food is very delicious.

Zhao Linger is very picky eater at home!Not much to eat.

I don't know if it's because I made it myself.He even ate two bowls!

After eating, I also know to help my mother clear the table.

My mother kept praising her and said with emotion:
"I don't know if the next one will be a girl!"

Here's a little episode.In the summer, the regiment called for family planning, and my father took the lead and led my mother to undergo sterilization.

Because of this, my father didn't commend him in the regiment.Now the tea mug with "Advanced Family Planning Worker!" is still placed at home.

As a result, I didn't expect my mother to be pregnant again not long after, and this was embarrassing.

But this is the responsibility of the regimental doctor.It has nothing to do with my parents, so the prize was not taken back.

Ye Yuze was watching Zhao Linger's performance.He knew the details of this girl.

This guy does absolutely no housework at home.I don't know why I like my parents so much.

Mom's stomach is five or six months old at this time.The body has become bulky.

She glanced at her husband, hesitated for a while and said:
"Wei Baoren went to drink at Ma Hongkui's house at noon. He didn't go to work in the afternoon."

Dad looked at her, wondering what she wanted to say?
"My body is so inconvenient. Otherwise, I won't be the director of the factory!"

Ye Wancheng's eyes flickered.He knew it was because he was fired.The wife is not at ease.Afraid of getting himself into trouble in that position.

"Mom, do you want to do it or not? We don't have to do it ourselves! Just tell me if others want to punish you!"

Ye Yuze was really angry this time.Damn it, someone targeted my mother right after my father stepped down, and he will definitely never end this matter.J?
Ask for collections, recommendations, monthly passes and investments.

(End of this chapter)

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