Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 1703 Little Housewife

In fact, this is always the case between lovers, there will always be some small thoughts entangled.For example, who loves whom more?Who secretly did what for whom?

Although everything is voluntary, I still hope that the other party will know and be moved.In this aspect, boys are worse, they are careless, and they can't think of many things at all.

Just like this dumpling meal, Ye Feng felt that it was good, and the taste was not bad.He would never think deeply about Yifei's feelings when she was making dumplings.

And how could Yifei's idea be so simple when making dumplings?This is the first dumpling in her life, and she made it for her beloved.

She naturally didn't want Ye Feng to eat so sloppily, even if there was no sense of ceremony, it must be different from usual meals.

Who knew that this product was really a meal, and the focus was only on why I didn't eat it alone?Stupid or not.This made Yifei somewhat disappointed.

At any rate, Yifei's temperament is relatively weak, although she is entangled in her heart, she won't say it out.If it were hypocritical, this would be another serious conflict.

In the evening, Yifei stayed with Ye Feng in the ward, and checked again the next day. After confirming that there was no problem, the two went home.

As soon as he arrived at the door, the security guard of the hospital handed him a key: "Mr. Ye Feng, right? Mr. DuPont asked me to give it to you, and it's in the parking lot."

Ye Feng took the key casually and walked towards the parking lot, because he only had the key and didn't know which car it was, so he pressed the remote control.

A car not far away made a noise, Ye Feng walked over and was also startled.This DuPont is so awesome, it turned out to be an Aston Martin!

The price of this car can be regarded as a luxury car in the European and American markets.Although Warrior Auto is considered the overlord nowadays, they are not such a luxury brand.

Even if it uses a Warrior brand engine, this does not prevent him from building his luxury in other aspects.Just like a Michelin restaurant, what you eat is not the taste, but the environment and service.

This is a sports car, the streamlined body is shining with sapphire blue light, shining brightly in the sun, it looks very beautiful.

Ye Feng smiled, and threw the key to Yifei: "This car is for you, drive the Dorafeng!"

Yifei just glanced at it and threw the key back. "I only like Aunt Yu'e's warrior car, you should drive it yourself."

Only then did Ye Feng realize that the little girl was jealous, but she didn't say much, the more things like this were said, the more troublesome it would be, so it's better to let it be.

Recently, Ye Feng also has some imbalances, that is, the crabapple company, because of the investment of 300 billion, it accounted for 20% of the company's shares.Now the chip on Junken Electromechanical has gradually become the overlord.

I believe that the chip will be the key to truly determine the performance of mobile phones in the future.After all, the smaller the thing, the better the performance of the mobile phone. After all, it has developed from a big brick and mortar to such a small size, and its performance has so much more. Doesn’t it all depend on the chip?
The key is to use the money you invest in research and development, and then rely on yourself for all the chips, which is a bit unreasonable.But that Jobs was willing to enjoy all of this, including when he asked Ye Feng to buy chips, he was so righteous, this is unbearable.

Ye Feng didn't think so much when he came out, but now that he thinks about it, it must be wrong. Although the 300 billion invested in Jobs will eventually be repaid to him, and now he has repaid 150 billion, the risk he has to bear is definitely higher than that. Big Jobs.After all, if you sold that guy, he wouldn't be able to pay that much money.

But now, the development of Haitangguo Company is getting better and better, and I still have that 20% of the shares, and I haven't even notified myself to participate in the meeting of the board of directors. Isn't this the contempt of Chiguoguo?This cannot be tolerated.

So he called Mr. Ni and told him to suspend the supply contract with Begonia fruit.

Ni Lao agreed without even asking why, just kidding, there is no need to worry about selling chips, there are many queues at the back.The crabapple fruit was originally purchased by jumping in the queue, all thanks to Ye Feng's face, now that Ye Feng has given up, Mr. Ni is very anxious.

After talking about this matter, Ye Feng and Yifei went back home.Seeing that everything was clean, Ye Feng sighed.He didn't understand why this little woman cared so much about this family?
Just the two of them, wouldn't it be good to live in an apartment?Also save to clean up.

However, many behaviors of women are not controlled by the brain, Ye Feng understands this.It's already autumn, and the lawn must be mowed, otherwise it will easily become weeds.Since I live here, these things must be taken care of.

Putting on his overalls, Ye Feng pushed the lawn mower and started to work.The family used to do this work, so it doesn't matter if the area is large, as there are several lawn mowers in the house.

But now Ye Feng was the only one left, and it was a bit difficult to do it.And Yifei also wrapped herself up tightly, and even wrapped a headscarf, looking like a little woman, and followed Ye Feng to gather the cut ones together, ready to be transported away.

The two of them had been busy for a whole day before mowing the lawn. Ye Feng was exhausted, and Yi Fei's face was stained with sweat, but she was so excited that she forgot about the trouble.

After the two of them took a shower, Yifei was busy cooking. Ye Feng originally wanted to ask her to go out to eat, but he didn't say anything because he saw how excited she was.

In fact, she doesn't know how to make rice. She barely learned how to make dumplings yesterday, and today she decided to make it richer.

So I called my mother again, first she chirped about how greedy Ye Feng and the nurse ate yesterday's dumplings, and then asked my mother what should I do today?

Jinhua has always shared her daughter's joy. As a woman, she can naturally understand her daughter's feelings. When she falls in love with a man, she is naturally willing to do everything for him.

What a strong woman, when she meets true love, she will also become a little woman.Willingly wash and cook for him, and help him take care of everything.

This is not the humbleness of love, but nature, determined by gender.

But in later generations, these things were gradually subverted, men became more and more motherly, and women became more and more manly.This phenomenon is actually quite contrary to the laws of nature.

Because the concept of yin and yang, no matter in the natural world or in the biological world, has its natural advantages and disadvantages. If it is changed by force, the result will only be nondescript.

For example, you let a woman pick up a gun to charge, for example, you let a man hold a needle to embroider.Of course, these things can be done if they are forced to do so, but what about the consequences?

Jinhua asked about the ingredients at home, so she taught her daughter to fry a fish-flavored shredded pork and a tomato egg.

The staple food is naturally dumplings, but in order to eat this meal of dumplings, Ye Feng was pressed against his chest by his hungry chest.But it's delicious to eat when you're hungry, and Ye Feng's meal showed unprecedented fighting power.

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