When Ye Feng returned home, his emotions were always influenced by this matter, so he was a little depressed.When he didn't have to face it before, he thought he had let go of it completely, but Yuanfang's sudden appearance today broke his already dusty heart completely.

Women are sensitive when they are in love, and Yifei knew from Ye Feng's expression that he must have encountered something, but she is not a particularly proactive temperament, she will not deliberately ask questions, but is considerate to accompany him By his side, taking good care of him.

Feeling Yifei's warmth, Ye Feng finally opened his heart and told what happened today.

Yifei stood up suddenly: "Where is Sister Yuanfang? How can you let her live outside when she comes to Boston? Bring her back?"

Ye Feng was a little stunned, wondering what happened to this girl?Aren't you rivals?Why did you take her into your home?Are you sure this isn't leading a wolf into a house?
Before answering him, Yifei grabbed his arm and asked, "Tell me where she lives? I'll pick her up."

Ye Feng shook his head, the two of them were furious when they met, they patronized vigorously, and never asked Yuan Fang why he came to Boston?where to live?Thinking about it now is too much, isn't it a lover or a relative?People come from such a long distance, and people are not allowed to come to the house, but the layout is small.

Seeing Ye Feng was at a loss, Yifei stomped her feet: "Forget it, I'll call Aunt Xuelian, she must know Yuanfang's phone number here."

Before she picked up the phone, Monica took out a business card and handed it over: "This is her phone number, the assistant gave it to her, and said that if you don't ask, you don't need to show it."

Ye Feng looked at this obedient boy, almost full of guilt, this is called principle!It seems that this bodyguard trainer is really good at training!

Yifei called Yuanfang according to the number, and she answered the call with a smile. At this time, they were still on the set, but they had already finished work and were ready to go out.

She naturally didn't know Yifei, so she handed the phone to Yuanfang: "Sister Fang, a person named Liu Yifei is looking for you, it seems to be in Boston, do you still know anyone here?"

Yuanfang froze for a moment, took the phone but didn't know what to do?And Liu Yifei over there had already heard her voice, and shouted anxiously: "Sister Yuanfang, I'm Yifei, where are you? I'll go pick you up now."

Yuan Fang hesitated for a while, and finally said: "I'm at Ye Feng School, and I'm going back to the hotel."

"What hotel are you going back to? Are you coming to Boston to stay in a hotel, are you planning to let the people in Military Reclamation City scold me? You stay there and don't move, I'll go over right away."

Yuanfang glanced at the colleagues who had already started to get in the car, and said, "Don't run over, send me the address, and I'll ask the driver to take us there."

Yifei immediately sent the address, Yuanfang showed it to the driver, and whistled: "That's a wealthy area, do you still have such friends here?"

Yuanfang nodded without saying anything, and got into the car with Xiaoxiao.The driver quickly sent them to Ye Feng's home.

The moment Yuanfang saw the villa, the self-confidence that Yuanfang had accumulated for so long disappeared instantly.

She used to think that she could earn enough money to support Ye Feng, because Ye Feng had been arranging everything for her throughout her teenage years.And when Ye Feng was in college, she could completely support him.

But seeing this villa, she understood the gap between the two sides.A chasm like a chasm, even if she was exhausted, she would not be able to earn so much money.

Yifei stood at the gate and kept looking around, seeing a car approaching, she ran to her and opened the door after a few steps.

The moment Yuanfang got off the car, Yifei hugged her: "It's good to see you, I will live at home from now on, and I'm not allowed to go anywhere!"

Yuanfang's eyes were moist in an instant, she could feel Yifei's sincerity, regardless of the relationship between the two, the identity of the second generation of the Corps has already destined them to be relatives, and they cannot choose.

She also hugged Liu Yifei tightly. In the past few years in Hong Kong Island, why is she not lonely?With just one Batu, the two still get together less and leave more. Others only see her success, but who knows the hard work she has put in?

Do you really think that you are the kind of person who can become popular just by cutting out pictures and reading numbers?There is no such technology in this era.

Even she herself couldn't believe the hardships Yuanfang had suffered.Not only sweat, but also blood and tears.The most difficult thing is being lonely, with no one around me who can talk to me.

The two hugged each other for a while, and they were both in tears. At this time, Yifei took Yuanfang and walked towards the house. While walking, she introduced the situation of the manor to her. , and this large piece of land!
When he came to the room, Ye Feng, who was sitting on the sofa, also stood up, but his expression was a little dull. He really didn't know how to face these two women at the same time?
Yuan Fang soon calmed down, and smiled at him: "Hello, Brother Ye Feng."

Ye Feng nodded: "Come on, let's cook, the meal will be ready in a while. What do you want to drink? I'll pour it for you."

Yuanfang cast a glance at him, a little speechless.Does he really not know what he likes to drink?What she has been drinking for so many years is the coffee sent by Ye Feng. Although it has not been sent for so long, she will buy it herself.

But of course she couldn't say that, she just said lightly: "Coffee, I've been drinking coffee all these years."

Ye Feng froze for a moment, but soon returned to normal, skillfully made a cup of coffee and handed it to her.

Yuanfang felt a bitterness in her heart, did she agree to make freshly ground coffee for herself when she arrived in Boston?
The atmosphere was awkward for a while, but soon Wang Jianying brought the food.There are not many styles of Northwestern cuisine, mainly because the staple food is rich. In addition to a few dishes, today she made mutton steamed buns.

The meal was a bit dull. Although Liu Yifei had been adjusting the atmosphere, the emotions in her heart could not be eased with a few words.

After dinner, Ye Feng answered the phone and went out. It was Su Xi who came to look for him. Yuan Fang saw Su Xi's figure from the window, and asked Yi Fei strangely: "Who is this woman?"

Yifei said lightly: "Student, Ye Feng is also her savior. The relationship between the two is very good."

Yuanfang looked at Yifei, not knowing what to say?She is also a woman, so it is natural to see that the relationship between the two is unusual.

Yifei pulled her up and walked to the window, at this time Susie was hugging Ye Feng, but Ye Feng pushed her away, what are the two of them talking about?
Yifei sighed and said: "Sister, Ye Feng is a very outstanding man, just like Uncle Ye. If you like him, you have to tolerate him, because a person like him is destined not to be dominated by someone. Although he has done a lot All right."

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