Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 1717 3 The old man receives the award

From the day Yuanfang met Ye Feng, she never thought that Ye Feng's brother would one day live with other women in front of her. At this moment, she even thought of killing someone.

It's just that she doesn't dare, and she can't, a heart is like being slowly cut by a small knife, that kind of pain is truly unforgettable...

Ye Yuze hung up the phone, and Yu'e asked, "Is it the eldest son?"

Ye Feng nodded: "Growing up, I have troubles. Yuanfang went to Boston. This kid doesn't know what to do? He has no future at all."

Yu'e rolled his eyes at him: "Are you so promising? Get a bunch of women and a bunch of children."

Ye Yuze chuckled, but before saying anything, Mei Hua took the words and scolded: "Old Ye's men are all so virtuous, but children, it's better to have more people, the house will be lively when there are more people."

Yu'e didn't say anything more, the mother-in-law was obviously protecting the calf, and she didn't think about her reaction after her father-in-law had Ye Ling.Women are all like this, the benefits of double standards.

"Son, tell Feng'er that if Yuanfang doesn't become that actor anymore, she is actually pretty good as our daughter-in-law. She just isn't very sensible, and there is nothing wrong with her."

Speaking of this, Meihua thought of Liu Yifei, and scratched her head a little: "Yifei's child is good, but her health is too poor. Although she has undergone an operation, I am worried that she will be troublesome to have a child. We, Ye's parents and grandchildren, cannot have children. what!"

Mei Hua's words made Ye Yuze and Yu'e fall silent. Originally, Yu'e liked Yifei, who was weak, well-behaved, and very sensible, which was a bit like her personality.

But if it is really impossible to have a child, Yu'e will definitely not agree to this marriage. After all, Ye Feng is the eldest in the family, and he will be the head of the family in the future.

"Mom, this is not urgent. Young people have changed a lot. Who knows what will happen to them in a few months? We don't need to get involved." Ye Yuze thought for a while and said to his mother.

Mei Hua nodded: "That's right, there are still three years to go before graduating from university, who knows how the situation will develop, just let nature take its course!"

At this time, a great news came from Junken City suddenly, that is, Fengshining and Bushikang from Junken Pharmaceutical Factory, because of their remarkable curative effect, solved the suffering of countless people suffering from diseases for many years, so the three main researchers Liu Xiangdong, Ye Wancheng and John won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

The three will go to Stockholm, Sweden to receive the award on December 12, and the king will hold an award ceremony in Oslo, the capital of Norway.

The three old men were very excited. After hearing the news, regardless of their age, they got very drunk. As a result, all three of them were sent to the hospital.

At their age, money is hard to impress them.And this honor recorded in history will forever prove their contribution to the world.

Considering that Ye Wancheng, the youngest of the three, is already 66 years old, and John is 78 years old. It is enough to be proud of such achievements at this age.

Although there are still about two months left to receive the award, the three old men asked them to take a tour around Europe under Ye Feng's suggestion.

Unexpectedly, Ye Wancheng shook his head directly: "It's too boring over there, why don't you go around the country, it's much more fun than Europe."

This suggestion was immediately supported by John and Liu Xiangdong.Ye Yuze thought for a while, and planned to send a coach to take them around.

Ye Yuze wanted to follow them in person, but the old man firmly refused.Said it was inconvenient.

An angry plum blossom yelled, saying that these three bosses must not be doing good things, otherwise why didn't they dare to let Ye Yuze follow?

This Ye Yuze didn't speak up and had the same point of view, otherwise why didn't he dare to take him?I'm afraid he will make a joke.

It's just that before they had time to leave, various media had already swarmed in, and relevant departments at all levels also sent people to congratulate and award various certificates, so the trip was delayed all of a sudden.

However, the three old comrades were very interested in these things, and they even studied how to be handsome when speaking and facing the camera. It took half a month like this, and now there is only one month left before receiving the award.

Seeing that the time was a bit tight, Ye Yuze simply let his plane take them to play, and just visit those famous places.Every time they went to a place, a car from the Warrior Automobile Group would go to the airport to pick them up, and the three old comrades had a great time.

But in the end there was an accident. The three old comrades did not leave after arriving in Chengdu, because the car took them to the Sichuan-Tibet line. Although it was 2005, the mountainous area there was still extremely backward, and then they went to Chengdu. Help the poor.

Originally, Ye Yuze had prepared 50 yuan for their activities, plus the bonuses awarded by the pharmaceutical group and relevant departments at all levels, they already had millions of dollars in their hands, but they still kept calling back to ask for more money. money.

Ye Yuze had no choice but to fly over to see what was going on?
When I arrived, I saw that they were helping the local hospital to train doctors and purchase medical equipment.

Doing these things with a million dollars is of course a drop in the bucket. Ye Yuze could only let the Junken City company sponsor them and raised 1000 million yuan for them.

The three old comrades finished their work happily and followed Ye Yuze back to Junken City.

On the plane, John patted Ye Yuze on the shoulder and said, "I will return the money to you after we collect the bonus. The three of us did this by ourselves, and it has nothing to do with others."

Ye Yuze nodded and said yes, slandering in his heart, isn't your bonus only 500 million?This has cost more than 1000 million. Could it be that Nobel can pay more for this matter?

But he didn't dare to say this, any of the three old men could scold him by their ears, and they didn't even dare to resist.

Back in Military Reclamation City, it was already December [-]st, and after two days of rest, Ye Yuze accompanied them to Moscow first, mainly because none of the three of them had been there.

Especially Ye Wancheng and Liu Xiangdong, because of the education they received since they were young, the Kremlin and Red Square are the holy places in their hearts.Ye Yuze had to satisfy them.

Lev, a landlord, naturally wants to join the friendship of landlords, which is extremely luxurious, and it can be regarded as allowing the three old men to thoroughly enjoy the extravagant life of capitalists.

Then I went to Jeep again, this time Ivanovic personally entertained him, and in a semi-official capacity, the mayor and the minister in charge of medicine and health attended the banquet, which greatly satisfied the vanity of the three old men .

Originally, they wanted to donate money again, but Ye Yuze didn't give it, so they had no money to donate, so they could only regretfully embark on the journey to Stockholm.

After arriving at the destination, they rested for two days, and then the award ceremony was held, but the three old men were very disappointed.

The three of them received a total of 1000 million Swiss kroner in rewards. Three certificates were given, but there was only one trophy.

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