Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 1733 Petroleum Exploration

Hearing this almost provocative question, Ye Yuze smiled.He likes to deal with such people, similar to Mr. Ni, people like them actually take things lightly.But he has a rare heart of innocence.

"Wang Gong, the first thing is to make money. I'm a businessman. I can't do things that don't make money. However, when the oil is extracted, I will merge it into the oil pipeline leading to the military reclamation city. Our military reclamation refining The oil from the factory is directly supplied to Beijing Airport."

Wang Haishen stood up suddenly: "Are you supplying the crude oil from Junken Refinery?"

Ye Yuze nodded, pointing at Yang Geyong: "I negotiated this matter with him from the beginning, and we also rushed to the pipeline."

"Okay, I'm going to pack my things now, and I'll go with you right away." Wang Haishen stood up and was about to go out, but was stopped by Ye Yuze who couldn't laugh or cry.

"Wang Gong, we have to talk about treatment, conditions or something?"

Wang Haishen immediately shook his head: "I'm not short of money, and my retirement salary is enough to live on. Just don't starve me when I go to neighboring countries."

The two engineers followed suit. Their views were the same as those of Wang Haishen. They didn't care about treatment, as long as they could do something for the country.

The reason why Wang Haishen agreed so happily is because he is an old oil man. Although China has a vast land and rich resources, it lacks oil.With the rapid development of the economy, the dependence on oil is getting heavier.Therefore, the country has to spend a lot of money to import oil.

Now that I heard that Ye Yuze went abroad to invest in oil fields to supply the domestic supply, how could he still have the slightest hesitation?They know the cost of oil better than anyone else. No matter how dark-hearted Ye Yuze is, it is much cheaper than international trade.

Originally, Ye Yuze was going to spend a lot of time talking, but Xiaozhi moved him with emotion and reasoned.It turned out to be completely useless.

Yang Geyong couldn't help but sighed with emotion: "It seems that the high-level people are not just our old comrades in Junken City!"

Ye Yuze took this very seriously, and as for the exploration equipment, he bought them directly from Germany. Now Luke has lived in the military reclamation city for a long time, but for work, Ye Yuze called him back to Germany again.

Luke understands Ye Yuze's style of doing things, basically whatever you are asked to do, you just have to do it at any cost.He will not care about the price with you, only the time.

Ye Yuze and the others recruited a total of five engineers and seven experienced retired workers.

Oil exploration is a very technical job, and these are his entire team.

A large number of workers will definitely be needed, but it is unrealistic to recruit them all from the country, and the cost is too high. It is better to recruit locally from neighboring countries.

It has been half a month since the passports and visas of these people were completed.Before departure, Akeli called and happily told Yang Geyong that the exploration equipment had arrived.

The distance from Germany to neighboring countries is much shorter than that of Ye Yuze and others. In addition, Luke bought all the exploration equipment off-the-shelf, so all that is needed is the transportation time.

Ye Yuze handed the list of equipment sent by Luke to Wang Haishen for review, Wang Gong patted Ye Yuze on the shoulder excitedly: "Young man, these equipments are not available in China, you are really generous!"


After completing the formalities, the group set off directly from the Beijing Airport.Because there is no need for transit, I arrived in the capital of the neighboring country in a few hours.

Akeli had been waiting at the airport early, and when he saw Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong, he came up and hugged each other.

Yang Geyong disdainfully said: "I haven't seen you for a few years, why are you so fat? Don't you know how to exercise?"

Akelie looked at the figures of Yang Geyong and Ye Yuze enviously, and said, "Compared with my friends, my speed of gaining weight is already very slow. How do you manage to eat without gaining weight?"

Ye Yuze scolded angrily: "How much exercise do we do every day? Do you move? I guess you've turned yourself into a plant. Except for going to bed, don't you do any other exercise?"

Akeli grinned, and leaned closer to smell it quietly: "Do you need me to call someone to warm your beds at night? It's still very cold here in winter."

Ye Yuze kicked him angrily: "Get lost, you're out of shape, have you completed the formalities?"

Akeli smiled and took out a license, which approved the exploration and exploitation rights of the land where Akeli discovered oil, but Ye Yuze and the others were still required to sign the contract. After all, it was a joint venture. In terms of procedures There are still some procedures that need to be fulfilled.

Ye Yuze punched him, and this guy's energy became significantly stronger, and such a big matter was actually taken care of.As for Ye Yuze's contract, it's just a procedure, and there will be no resistance.

Ye Yuze and his group couldn't wait to go to the construction site to have a look. They were all business people and didn't want to waste time.

But Akeli resolutely stopped them, asking them to rest in the city for one night and go there tomorrow.

Ye Yuze could only agree, mainly because the people brought here were obviously older, and Ye Yuze was also afraid that poor rest would affect his health.

Early the next morning, a group of people drove a few cars to the exploration site. This place is not far from the urban area, and it is also close to the border. If there is really oil, the cost of laying pipelines will not be high.

This is a grassland, strictly speaking, it should be a wasteland.It is winter now, and everything is covered under the snow. Because it is flat land, Akeli has already built more than a dozen board houses in a place with relatively high terrain, and the equipment is placed in the board houses, waiting for them Here comes the installation and use.

A group of old workers stroked the equipment as gently as if touching their own children.Their eyes are full of pampering. They have never touched these devices before, but they are no strangers to them. They are all from technical backgrounds. I don’t know how many times they have seen them in the materials.

Ye Yuze also sighed, he can achieve the ultimate in certain fields, but he is not capable of leading in all technologies, his strength is not enough!

There are more than 50 local people here, all of whom are workers hired by Akkel.Some of them have worked in the oil field, so it is more convenient to command.

The interpreter is a 19-year-old girl, very beautiful, who lives with the finance.

Accountants and cashiers are both young girls, beauties, and I don't know what Akeli put a few beauties among a group of rough men?
It turned out that two fat women in their 30s were cooking, which provided a buffer for the men's vision.

The master craftsmen just watched the machine for a while and then instructed people to start working. Two people from the manufacturer who sold the equipment also came to teach everyone how to install and use it.This saves a lot of time.

Great Power Reclamation

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