Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 175 The Tang City After the Earthquake

Chapter 175 The Tang City After the Earthquake

The struggle and disaster relief in Tangcheng has come to an end this winter.At least, no one will live in tents anymore.

This year, people across the country tightened their belts to support their compatriots who were hit by the disaster.Insist on not asking for any international assistance!
The people of that era were different from those of later generations.Their belief is "independence, self-reliance!"

They built houses one by one with their own hands.Although the house is still very simple, even the roof is covered with a thin layer of mud, which is then covered with linoleum and then pressed with a turning head.

As long as you have a house, you don't have to worry about heating in winter.Tangcheng is not only an industrial city in Hebei Province, but also a coal capital.

Where is there a coal city where people will be frozen?In the era when people all over the country used honeycomb briquettes.

The people of Tangcheng use coal that is never mixed with soil.

Ye Yuze's grandma's house was also built, they were not built on the streets full of shanty towns.

Instead, a large four-room house was built next to the team headquarters.

Tangcheng also has cement factories and steel factories.So there is no shortage of building materials.

Although these four houses are not luxurious in the local area.But it is definitely an existence that stands out from the crowd.

Grandma often said to others: "I've been blessed by my grandson."

The second aunt and the others originally lived together.Later, taking advantage of this opportunity, I also built a house and moved out.They are married after all.

The eldest uncle is still serving as a soldier in Qingdao, so only the old couple and the younger uncle are left in the house.The little uncle is ten years older than Ye Yuze.I also graduated from high school this year.

Grandpa is from Shandong, but he followed his father to Kanto when he was a child.Later, when he grew up, his father had passed away, and he came to Tangcheng by himself.

Because of his ability, he settled down in Tangcheng.And he became the production captain of a brigade on the outskirts of the city.

It is said to be a suburb, but it is actually a village in the city.There is not much land in the team, they are responsible for growing vegetables in the city.

The vegetables sold by various cooperatives are supplied by them every day!

Every morning, grandpa and the driver drove the carriage and sent the vegetables in the field to the cooperatives one by one.

The citizens at that time were very envious of them.Because they have both food supply and their own land for rations, they don't need to buy rice every year.

Adding vegetables basically costs nothing, so at the time.Although they still earn centimeters, their living conditions are better than ordinary workers.

The orphans who survived the earthquake and those with relatives were taken away by their relatives.Those without relatives are adopted by families without children.

Then the rest were taken away by families without children in other places.Since then, they have never had any contact with the city.

This disaster left Tangcheng not only with shantytowns, but also with many people who walked on crutches or on self-made carts with their hands on the ground.

There is no need to worry about living, the government and their units will continue to distribute relief to maintain their basic life.

Grandpa was always in a daze while sitting in the carriage, unable to remember what Tangcheng was like before the earthquake?

The team is very busy, and the houses of every household are built after work is over.Therefore, there are many more self-taught masons.

Building materials are provided by the government, some are free and some need to be paid.But not much.

Grandpa and the others are busy growing vegetables during the day.At that time their slogan was not to let the people of Tangcheng have nothing to eat.

And before winter comes, they must build enough greenhouses.It can grow winter vegetables to enrich the vegetable baskets of urbanites.

Although most people in that era were still used to storing enough Chinese cabbage before winter came.

Geng Xier's father died in the earthquake.But the mother and sister survived.

Every time he saw his grandpa, he would ask, "Grandpa, when is Ye Yuze coming back?"

People at this age don't know grief yet.In his perception, it was just that there was a missing person in the family.

Perhaps the deepest part of his memory occasionally flashes the shadow of him hunched over his shoulders since he was a child.

Grandpa always touched his head with a smile.

"He came back after graduation!"

Grandpa has never been to northern Xinjiang, so he doesn't know how the living environment is like there.But he grew up in Kanto.

I heard that northern Xinjiang is very cold, so it should be similar to the place where I grew up, right?White mountains and black waters.

Grandpa lit the pipe pot and took a sip.The bag under the eyes was given to him by Ye Yuze's grandma.He likes the jade cigarette holder and the brass pipe pot very much.

The Avenue Co-op is their own community co-op.This is where they usually shop.

I saw grandpa and their car coming.The team leader in charge of the vegetable section started to bluff early.

"Dead Mei, are you lying in your wife's bed today and can't get up? Are you here now?"

Grandpa took out the pocket watch in his jacket pocket and looked at it.

"You can't sleep without a man? Are you crowing so early?"

The person next to him laughed and hurriedly helped unload the vegetables on the truck.Unload some here, grandpa and the others have to rush to the next place.

When unloading the truck, grandpa and the handlebar had breakfast in the small shop next to it.

One dime and two taels of food stamps are given to a pancake.Soy milk is free.

This small shop is state-owned, and there was no such thing as a self-employed household at that time.All stores are national.

The eldest sister who sells food at the window saw grandpa coming, and hurriedly handed over two bowls of soy milk.

"Come on, I can drink it. Let it cool down for you for a while."

Grandpa and the handlebars took it over, and without sitting down, they directly took the bowl and poured down a bowl of soy milk with "Gudong Gudong!"

Then he took a bite of the pancake, gave the money and left.They don't have time to sit and eat.

At this time, grandma also cooked rice porridge at home, cut a plate of pickles and called the younger son to get up.

My youngest son is graduating from high school.But there was nothing I could learn in middle school at that time.Another form of education is popular.

The winter sky in Tangcheng is gray, and smoke is rising from chimneys in every household.Let the original blue sky have another color.

Watching the youngest son dally get up and wash his face.Grandma looked to the north.Although she can't see anything.But she misses her grandson.

Looking at the tomatoes in her hand, grandma said to herself:
"Yuze, grandma left you tomatoes, this is the first time the team planted them in winter."

When it was dark, grandpa came home.Grandma brought the food up.Grandpa took out a dozen tickets and handed them to her.

"Tomorrow, let's go buy all the things for the New Year! These tickets are all given by people from the cooperative.

If you see who is missing, just share a point. "

Grandma took it and nodded. "How much is the pork this year?"

Grandpa thought for a while. "It should be fifty cents!"

Grandma sighed. "Why is it rising so fast? It has more than doubled!"

Grandpa glared at her.

"Isn't our food also priced up for others?"

Ask for collections, recommendations, monthly passes and investments.

(End of this chapter)

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