Chapter 1753 The old man who doesn't go home
Maybe it's because he has been with the fifth master for a long time, and the relationship between the two of them is very good.Dieter Schwarz's only regret is that he has been working hard for a long time, but he has not been able to find a Chinese wife.

After falling in love several times, he found that in the end, women always coveted his property.Even those who didn't know his identity at the beginning were not exempt in the end. It seems that women are born with the desire to control property.

The arrival of the two made the two old men very happy. Lao Rou had been away for a long time and had no time to accompany them at all. Only Bu Shuli would occasionally bring them some food.

It's just that Bu Shuli is not familiar with them, because of the age difference and no common language, so they are not close.

Bu Shuli's father came here once, but the old man loves to brag too much. In front of two real masters, he dared not come after bragging only once.

The two nannies hired are from Hebei. They are honest and kind, but they don't talk much, so they don't communicate much.The two old men are inevitably lonely.

And without the company of the fifth master, Dieter Schwarz didn't like going to the streets anymore.The main reason is that he is wandering around the park with a birdcage, so he is easy to be watched.

In fact, according to his age, he should have returned to his German sons and daughters long ago, but Germans are naturally indifferent to family, and they are relatively independent after marriage. Although compared with ordinary families, Dieter Schwarz’s family is relatively closer. But Dieter Schwarz understood that it was all about the money.

Dieter Schwarz has been busy with money all his life, but after he came to the capital and got in touch with the fifth master, his mentality slowly changed.

Seeing that the fifth master gave all the antiques to Ye Yuze without frowning, Dieter Schwarz still felt a huge wave in his heart.

He asked Nawu why did he do this?This time, it is said that at least half of the antiques can be kept by himself.Na Wu laughed, teasingly said:

"Am I short of food or short of clothes?" Dieter Schwarz shook his head naturally, how could Ye Yuze make them short of things?

Na Wu went on to ask: "Since I don't lack anything, why do I need money? Just to make the children feel uncomfortable with my property? Why don't I give it all to them, so that they will feel grateful and be good to me naturally? That's why I have no children, but I'm happier than you, an old guy with a lot of children."

Dieter Schwarz was silent for a long time, and finally agreed with this statement, but did not do anything.

There is another most important reason for not leaving the capital, that is, I like the fireworks here.

There are few people in Germany, and although there is enthusiasm among people, relatively speaking, there is less fireworks.

Dieter Schwarz is used to the greeting of "Have you eaten?" when he meets someone on the road when he eats breakfast in the morning, and he is even more used to it. If the neighbor has something delicious, he can't help but pour it into a bowl when he knocks on the door. The kind that doesn't see the outside.

And if the two of them haven't moved for a day, someone will definitely knock on the door to see if there's anything wrong with them. Although they act calmly, Dieter Schwarz can tell that they are really worried about the two of them Are you sick?
Such moves are simply unimaginable in Germany.According to the fifth master's words, it is "human taste!"

Dieter Schwarz likes this "flavor of fireworks" and even more like this "flavor of humanity".

Therefore, he became obsessed with this place and refused to leave.Now he is a registered figure in the neighborhood committee, and the aunts also come to see the two of them every now and then. When they are happy, they can roll up their sleeves and make them a bowl of authentic Beijing noodles.

Of course, there are also times when he is unhappy, and the fifth master speaks badly and doesn't give people face.The old ladies turned their heads and left after cursing a few words of "Immortal" in a hurry.

Dieter Schwarz also tried to scold them, but it ended once, and he couldn't scold him. He opened his mouth and didn't organize his language well, so the series of replies from the old lady made him I couldn't open my mouth at all, so I could only open my mouth wide and listen.

The two entered the yard, and Ye Yuze was carrying two kinds of stewed vegetables and several bottles of lotus white.The fifth master's eyes lit up: "Where did you get this thing, boy? I haven't seen this thing for some days."

People in the country know that Erguotou is the favorite of the people in the capital. In fact, it was a later thing. Lianhua Bai was the first to occupy the capital. They think it is the wine that best represents the royal culture of BJ.

According to the records of the palace archives of the Qing Dynasty, in the past, Yingtai South China Sea in Xiyuan was filled with lotus flowers every summer.Empress Dowager Xiaoqin (Cixi) asked the eunuchs to pick the stamens, and made liquor in the palace according to the "secret recipe for the imperial use". He named it "Lotus White", and often drank it and rewarded the ministers.The lotus white fine product has a slightly medicinal taste, clear and slightly sweet.

Mr. Zhu Ziqing, a writer who first arrived in Tsinghua University, "smelled the fragrance of lotus white" when he passed by Renhe Hotel in Haidian. After drinking two cups of "lotus white" in a village shop, he wrote "My South ".Lu Xun, Zhou Zuoren, Hu Shi, etc. all mentioned lotus white wine in their works, and it is a wonderful delicacy in Beiping to use braised goose wings to make lotus white in autumn.

Lianhua Baijiu is actually a kind of medicinal wine, which kills water and dampness. It not only relieves alcohol addiction, but also cures diseases. "The lotus white in Jingxi Haidian, Beijing, is a must in baijiu. According to Mr. Zhou Jimei, the former president of Tsinghua University, the lotus white... the core of the lotus fragrance, the infusion of sweetness, can make people feel refreshed.

It's just that this wine has disappeared several times in the capital due to various reasons. Ye Yuze also happened to see it in a small shop when he was driving over.

There were only three bottles in total, and Ye Yuze bought them all.

The two old men had already had dinner, but when they saw the wine, they immediately became interested, and then they started drinking.

But Lianhuabai's fifth master only let him drink one bottle, and then changed to Erguotou. This wine is rare, so fifth master should keep it and enjoy it slowly.

Seeing Dieter Schwarz's leisurely look, Ye Yuze muttered angrily: "Why is this old man full of children and grandchildren here to join in the fun? Why don't you go back to Germany to enjoy the happiness?"

Dieter Schwarz gave him a white look: "I can't keep my granddaughter? If you talk nonsense, I will live in Junken City, do you believe it?"

Ye Yuze immediately shut up, this old guy can do anything, and he still has nothing to do when he really lives in Junken City.The key point is that the wife and mother still have to wait on them, they have a lot of seniority.

The fifth master hesitated for a while and couldn't help but said to Ye Yuze: "You really want to find a wife for the old man. The old man is as strong as a cow, and he likes this place, so let him settle here. I don't think he has any. I'm planning to go back to Germany."

Ye Yuze glanced at Dieter Schwarz and didn't speak, this matter was out of his hands.

(End of this chapter)

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