Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 1759 Batu's Charm

Chapter 1759 Batu's Charm

Such a person, from the moment he entered the bar, everyone in the room focused on him, but they were not sure for a while, and no one dared to speak.

Now that Dandan hangs on him, everyone is sure of it at once, and they all stand up and squeeze this way, and the bar is in chaos for a while.

At this time, the bar owner also squeezed in. She was a woman in her early thirties, very beautiful, with short hair, a strand of bangs curled at the corner of her eyebrows, and her makeup was a bit heavy, making her look a bit dusty.

She walked up to Batu and made a gesture of holding a heart with her hands, with an excited expression on her face: "Batu, is it really you? I can't believe that you came to my bar!"

Batu has long been used to these scenes.Ever since he became famous, he was often watched in public, so he was able to deal with these things with ease.

He was already tall and stood out from the crowd. If Yang Wei didn't stand up, he would be the pinnacle.

He smiled at the boss first, and said politely: "I'm sorry to trouble you."

The boss's voice was a little trembling: "Don't bother, don't bother, I have wronged you. You see that it is so chaotic now, why don't you go to my office for a while and calm down before talking."

Batu shook his head: "My friends are here, I will talk to them for a while, and it will be fine in a while."

In fact, Batu also misjudged the form today. He usually passes by in public places, but today he is sitting in a bar. There are young people here, many of them are brain-dead fans, and he drank again. Who would leave? ?

Coupled with their calling for friends, the number of people in the bar began to increase.

Just after Zhang Jianjiang introduced the people at the table, Batu raised his wine glass and made a toast. After drinking it in one gulp, he was about to leave, but he couldn't leave at this time.

The bar was so full of people that it was impossible to get out.Yang Wei smiled wryly: "If you can't, why don't you go to the lady boss's office?"

Batu has a bold temper. As soon as he couldn't see it anymore, he went directly to the stage, picked up the microphone and said to the audience:
"Since everyone likes my songs, it's not an outsider. To save face, I'll sing two songs, and then let me have a few drinks with my friends, okay?"

"Okay!" The fans immediately echoed loudly, Nima, if you want to see Batu's concert, let's not talk about how much it costs.I can listen to it for free today, I am sure what Batu said.

Immediately, Batu suddenly remembered the boss, so he said a few more words: "I'm here to delay the boss's business, so, if everyone buys a glass of wine, it's also considered a show for the boss, okay?"

As a result, before the words were finished, the bar was surrounded. In order not to waste time, how many people would buy a cup?They were all in bottles, and soon, the wine in the wine cabinet was sold out.

When everyone finally calmed down, Batu picked up the guitar and tried a few notes.Although not as good as my own, it is barely usable.

"Friends, everyone knows that I am Hu Jian's disciple. My teacher hasn't been back to the capital for a long time. I'll sing his song first here today."

After a series of preludes, Batu's thick and hoarse voice sounded:
I'm going from south to north,
I have to go from white to black.

I want people to see me,

But don't know who I am.

If you see me a little tired,

Just pour me a bowl of water, please.

If you already love me,

Just kiss me on the mouth.

I have these feet, I have these legs,
I have thousands of mountains and thousands of waters.

I want all of this,
But don't hate and regret.

If you fall in love with me, don't be afraid of regretting,
One day I'm going to fly away.

I don't want to stay in one place,
I don't want anyone to follow me.

I'm going from south to north,
I have to go from white to black.

I want people to see me,

But don't know who I am.

I just want to see you beautiful,
But don't want to know you're suffering.

I want to get the water from the sky,
But not your tears.

I don't want to believe that there really is a devil,

And don't want to be against anyone.

Don't you want to know who I am,

Don't even try to see my hypocrisy.

The whole place was silent, you could hear a needle drop, only a guitar, and a hoarse voice echoed in the room.

The soundtrack of Hu Jian's songs is very simple, and the basic highlight is the singer's singing skills.Today's Batu is even simpler, with only one guitar.

His voice was very desolate, like a wanderer wandering in the desolate desert.He is not willing to be lonely, but he can't meet someone who understands him, so he can only keep walking like an ascetic, walking to the end of the world, or to the end of life...

Everyone in the bar was infected, some drank heavily, and some quietly wiped their tears.Even Zhang Jianjiang thought of Junken City and what happened these days, and his nose became sore.

After singing a song, Batu stood up and bowed to the audience. Only then did people react, some applauded, and some shouted I love you.Others just picked up the money and threw it on the stage.

The reason why celebrities are called celebrities is that they can have something that can impress people.Otherwise, what about the billions of people in China?Why can people be on fire?
Batu is undoubtedly worthy of the word "star". His singing is very heartfelt, and he can mobilize the mood and emotions of the audience to achieve the result he wants.This is the ability to control the field, an ability that is not as good as acting.

When people's emotions calmed down, Batu looked up at Yang Wei's table, and said emotionally:
Over the years, I have sung songs to countless people in many places, but I have not sung songs to my brothers who grew up with me. Today, when we meet in different places, I will sing this song "Brothers" to them and to the following All good brothers listen.

The audience immediately fell silent, and the sound of the guitar sounded very softly, as if it came from far away.Then a deep voice followed the guitar, as if two people were singing together.

In your glorious moment, let me sing a song for you.

My good brother, tell me that you are suffering in your heart.

Walk the road ahead together, even cross the river together.

It's nothing to be a little bit tired, when you need me.

I'm here to spend time with you, my good brother.

You tell me that you are suffering in your heart, life is a rare ups and downs.

Still have to live a strong life, cry and laugh at least you still have me.

When singing here, many people involuntarily held the hand of the brother next to them. There is no more real feeling than this moment that it is so good to have a brother by their side.

The girl in a pair of lovers suddenly shouted to the boy: "Let's be brothers, so we won't quarrel."

The boy nodded solemnly, and then the two held hands tightly.Since then, there has been another male best friend in this world...

At this time, in the bar next to him, a bald man with an angry face picked up the phone and was shaking people.

"Zhu Zi quickly bring people over, the more the better."

(End of this chapter)

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