chapter 1767

The helpless Wang Chedan came to Yang Wei's company depressed that day.He has searched all over the past few days, but he didn't find Yang Wei. The main reason is that they have only been in the capital for a few days, so where do they get contacts?Finding them won't do anything except gain sympathy. Is Wang Chedan a person who needs sympathy?

Seeing Wang Chedan's image, both Yang Wei and Zhang Jianjiang were taken aback, and asked what was going on?

Wang Chedan didn't want to tell them at first, but the two couldn't help asking, and told the story helplessly.

Yang Wei and Zhang Jianjiang were blown up when they heard it. The two of them were jealous of evil, and Wang Chedan was kind to them. They had already accepted them as brothers. Brothers were angry, so naturally they would not just pull them together.

Zhang Jianjiang stood up and went out to find the boss, but Yang Wei stopped him, saying that he would go back at night, and the boss must not be in the store now.

After what happened last time, Yang Wei also calmed down a lot.This is not Marseille, let alone Junken City, if something goes wrong, it will be suppressed without hesitation.

Yang Wei thought for a while, and first called Wang Luodan. He wanted to know the details of the other party first.Because they are neighbors, there was a conflict last time, Wang Luodan must know nothing about this Huo Feng.

Sure enough, Wang Luodan knew everything about Huo Feng, and asked Yang Wei what he was doing?
Yang Wei told the story of Wang Chedan.Wang Luodan was silent for a while, and then said: "My sister will help you in this matter, don't act on your own."

Yang Wei was immediately upset, and said: "The man is here, you don't need a woman for this kind of thing, just leave it alone." He hung up the phone.

The harassed Wang Luodan was stunned for a long time holding the phone that had no sound, and laughed with a "puchi", then rolled his eyes, and muttered: "Women don't meddle in men's affairs."

That expression was indescribably charming, he touched his feverish face, and muttered: "Little man, but he's really a man."

In the evening, the three of them ate something and went to the bar. Batu called and asked them why they went and didn't go home. Yang Wei asked him to go directly to the brother's bar to meet.

After getting out of the car, Yang Wei took a look at the shop next to the Brothers Bar. The name of the shop is quite unique, and I don't know what it means "Red Guys and Dolls"?
The three of them sat with Wang Luodan for a while, and when Batu arrived and sang on stage, the three of Yang Wei slipped out quietly.

Entering the men and dolls, there are very few people inside, and the few people who come in are men and women who are locked in the corner for a date. The lights here are dim, so it is convenient to do some small movements.

As soon as Yang Wei and the others entered the door, Huo Feng saw them at a glance, and his heart tightened. He knew how capable this big man was.

Sure enough, he didn't disappoint. After Yang Wei came in, he asked Wang Chedan to tell him who beat him that day?Wang Chedan pointed out that Yang Wei and they would take care of one.Until you get to the bar.

"Huo Feng, right? Come out, I want to talk to you." Yang Wei hooked his fingers towards Huo Feng.

Huo Feng was already timid at this moment, and quickly begged for mercy: "Brother, don't make trouble, talk about what you have to say."

Yang Wei was expressionless: "Then tell me, why did my brother buy fake wine from you, and you not only refused to refund the money, but also beat him like this?"

Speaking of this, Yang Wei has already copied a bottle of relatively strong red wine in his hand, and his eyes have been sizing up Huo Feng, as if looking for where to start?
Huo Feng wanted to be tough, but looking at the waiters who were beaten, he really couldn't be tough anymore.

He muttered softly: "That money is too much, I am reluctant to give it to him."

Yang Wei took the wine bottle and tapped him lightly on the head a few times: "Then say he owes you money and ask someone to beat him, right?"

"Isn't there nothing I can do? Otherwise, we all have to go in." Huo Feng behaved like a child right now.

"Okay, then tell me all about the situation that day, and then record that video for me, and then pay the money, and the matter is over."

Yang Wei's voice was not loud, but he was very firm.There is no doubt.

Helpless, Huo Feng could only honestly describe the situation that day, and then asked someone to plug in the original computer and copy the video.He used the POS machine to transfer the money to Wang Chedan, and then looked at Yang Wei pitifully.

"Brother, big brother, I have done all these things, so it's over, right?"

Yang Wei nodded, then took out a tape recorder from his pocket and played the recording again, then nodded in satisfaction: "Okay, the big thing is over, there is still one thing that is not clear, that is, what should I do about my brother's injury?" ?”

"If I give the money, can I give another [-] yuan?" Huo Feng was really scared at this moment.Nima, labor and management pay so much money, isn't it just to avoid being beaten?Then just give the money.

Yang Wei shook his head: "This definitely won't work, who do you think is short of money? Let's use another method."

"I'll add money, 20 head office, right?" Huo Feng hurriedly increased the amount, as long as he didn't get beaten, he didn't care how much it cost.

Yang Wei looked at Wang Chedan, and Wang Chedan shook his head resolutely: "Labor and capital have money, unless you let me beat you up."

"Don't, don't, bro, I'm an old man with old arms and legs, I'm not as forbidden as you to beat me up." Huo Feng began to beg for mercy.

"Get down on the ground, take the initiative to beat lightly, and save more suffering." Yang Wei taught earnestly, as if thinking of him.

Seeing that he was still hesitating, Zhang Jianjiang kicked him in the crook of the leg, and Huo Feng fell directly to the ground.

Without further ado, Wang Chedan just kicked Huo Feng fiercely on the ground. He had no choice but to use his feet because his arms were still hanging.

Hearing the screams of Huo Feng on the ground almost became inhuman, Wang Chedan finally stopped ravaging him, and stomped on his arm again.

Huo Feng rolled directly, and his arm probably had to be broken.

Yang Wei shook the U disk and tape recorder in his hands, and said to Huo Feng who was howling on the ground: "You can call the police, and we will go in together when the time comes."

As a result, when they turned around and saw Wang Luodan standing behind them with a smile, no one found out when she came in.

Before Yang Wei could speak, Wang Luodan knelt down and said to Huo Feng: "You know what you have done yourself, and I don't care about you because I disdain you. There are too many people in this world that you can't afford to offend."

"If you have other thoughts, I don't mind making you unable to turn over forever. You remember this. Also, don't open this bar. I see you disgusting. You can transfer it to me, of course. Others are fine too, just don’t let me see you in the future.”

After saying these words, Wang Luodan stood up and pulled Yang Wei outside, "Okay, don't worry, let's go back to drink."

Yang Wei looked at the woman with a spring face beside him, and couldn't help shivering, why is it a little scary?

 Please, please, please give me something
(End of this chapter)

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