Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 1796 Yang Wei's Means

Chapter 1796 Yang Wei's Means

But Xin'er could see that this guy definitely didn't take this matter seriously, so he lost the mind to waste spitting with him, so he left.

After receiving Yang Wei's call, Lighter directly contacted the South African embassy in Marseille, saying that he wanted to talk to someone from Millard International Holdings Group.

People from the embassy told him that people from this company are currently in Marseille, discussing with the relevant departments here about introducing cable TV and Internet services.

Lighter is more straightforward, telling people directly: "If you want to negotiate this business, you must unconditionally transfer the shares of China's Tencent to angel investment, otherwise this matter will not be discussed."

The ambassador was also taken aback. How easy is this president?Don't people need some diplomatic rhetoric, plus hints?What is this operation?

So he directly contacted the people of Millard International Holdings Group and told them about it.

Originally, the leadership of Millard International Holdings Group Company was unwilling. They took over US$1000 million from a company in Hong Kong Island, and then bought 13.6% of the shares from Brother Ma. At this time, they already accounted for Tencent% 36.6% of the shares.

Now, although Tencent urgently needs to expand and needs financing, its market value has grown tremendously. You must know that the Hong Kong Island company that was sold to them only spent 100 million US dollars, but it turned out that it was sold to them for 300 million US dollars in just one year. This increase is faster than the robbery.

Any fool knows that although it is impossible to tell what this Chinese company will become in a few years, it will definitely increase. Who will let go of such a cash cow?

But they couldn't ignore the president's words, so the boss flew over to explain to Lighter himself.

Then Lighter asked the bayonet mercenaries to take them to visit the army of Marseilles, allowing them to see the strength that a military power should have.All of this was naturally accompanied by the ambassador. After reporting to his boss, he finally agreed to transfer the shares.

2000 million US dollars, in fact, they still lost some.However, lighter is also interesting. All the applications submitted by their company to Marseilles have been approved, so it is still profitable.

Kawadi was very frustrated when he received this call. He argued for a long time, but after being reprimanded, he obediently agreed.

He took the initiative to call Ke Xiner, but Ke Xiner kept saying that he was busy, and after being reprimanded several times by his boss, he contacted Ke Xiner through his relationship to meet at the Chinese restaurant of the Peninsula Hotel.

After the lawyers of both parties completed the formalities, Kawadi paid for everyone to eat.A meal has been praising how delicious Chinese food is.Ke Xiner only felt nauseous when she heard it.

When Ke Xiner came to the capital with the formalities, Ye Feng already owned 56.6% of the shares of Tencent.

The shares changed hands, Xiao Ma naturally knew, he just didn't know the origin of this angel investment.They are sending people to investigate.As a result, Ye Feng brought Yang Wei and Zhang Jianjiang to the door.

Then Xiao Ma was surprised to find that the shares of Tencent were not in the hands of angel investors, but in the hands of the children of the army. Is this a Chinese company?Haven't heard of it yet.

When Xiao Ma knew that these young people were all from Junken City, he was relieved.Nowadays, there are not many people in China who do not know this city.Even many people have been there.That place not only has beautiful scenery, but also has the most cutting-edge technology.

It's really not surprising that a few young people like him buy their own company's stock, but when the company sells shares for financing, there is an agreement to separate equity and management rights.This little brother Ma is not worried, he is a more pragmatic person, as long as you don't interfere with his work, he doesn't care how much money is distributed to whom.

What's more, now that the two foreign capital stocks have all returned to the Chinese, this is a good thing for him, at least it is convenient to communicate with each other.

They are all straightforward people, and Xiao Ma also likes to speak straight to the point.Looking at these young people, he said: "Before we sold these shares, we had an agreement. I believe you have also seen it. That is, even if you own 80% of the shares, you only have the right to dividends but not the right to manage them. You should not have this clause." opinion?"

Brother Xiaoma said this very peacefully, but the indisputability in his tone is very obvious. These years of business career have created his uncompromising and domineering personality, and naturally he will not compromise with a few young people in their early twenties.

Ye Feng glanced at him: "When purchasing these shares, I agreed to the terms in principle. But if the shares change again, my conditions will naturally change."

Ye Feng is no longer the kid who just entered the shopping mall and can be manipulated by others.Both ASML and Facebook have fully proved his business sense and wisdom.

Brother Ma stared at Ye Feng and asked, "Do you already know that we plan to list on Hong Kong Island?"

Ye Feng nodded: "I have heard about it a little bit, but I have a different opinion."

"Then tell me, we can discuss it together." Little Ma looked at Ye Feng meaningfully. If he was still smiling sincerely just now, he was already feeling a little displeased.

Although he has been reluctant to contact foreign businessmen, after all, foreign businessmen also have the benefits of foreign businessmen. Although they are greedy, once an agreement is reached, they will strictly follow the terms of the agreement, and the spirit of the contract is better.

And some rich people in China like Ze are completely nouveau riche. As soon as his money is in place, he will stand there all day and point fingers.

Maybe he didn't take the money seriously, but Xiao Ma would not allow such a person to ruin his hard-working career. If necessary, even if he had to fight his back, he would kick these young masters out.

After all, the board of directors is now in his hands, and the management is also in his hands. Although they account for 0.6% more shares, he is sure to get rid of them.

Ye Feng smiled slightly: "I know that the company urgently needs funds for development and expansion. If I can provide you with one billion dollars, how many shares do you plan to give me?"

Brother Xiao Ma's expression froze, and stars almost appeared in his eyes.He is short of money!No one understands the importance of money at this moment better than him.

Don't look at the current development of Tencent in full swing, but it is actually burning money. The number of users is increasing exponentially every day, but the more users, the higher the company's operating and maintenance costs.Where does the money come from?

The company has developed some operating software, but it has been unable to sell. If it cannot be sold, there will be no income.

(End of this chapter)

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