Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 1798 Capable Berg

Chapter 1798 Capable Berg

Ye Feng did not object to Yang Wei's proposal. He is more domineering than Ye Yuze, and pays more attention to the shareholding ratio. After 2000, it is no longer the era of feelings. A few people start to do things as soon as they get excited, and then no matter how much they invest , No matter how much you do, the equity will be divided equally.

The biggest feature of the commodity economy is that it relies on capital to speak. To put it bluntly, whoever has more money has the final say.Of course, it is also possible to separate the equity from the management right, just like Brother Pony, but so what?It's just for the company to make more profits.

Those like Brother Ma are beyond the scope of making money, and are more for doing things. According to Ye Feng and his shareholding ratio, Brother Xiao Ma is also working for them.

After discussion between Yang Wei and Zhang Jianjiang, although there are only three of them in Junkenzizi Company, according to the investment ratio, Ye Feng accounts for 60%.Yang Wei accounted for 20%.Zhang Jianjiang accounted for %5.The remaining %15 is temporarily placed under the company's name as bonus shares.

Originally, I wanted to start a real estate company, but now I have to expand my business.And Ye Feng has already explained that the real estate is only a part of their business, and the main part has to be invested in high-tech investment. Yang Wei and Zhang Jianjiang will definitely not be able to do this. The company must expand and recruit talents.

Otherwise, relying on two technical school students will definitely not be able to do business, and professional talents are necessary.

However, in terms of talents, there is no need to worry about finding them. After 2000, universities have continued to expand their enrollment, and the proportion of Chinese college students has continued to increase.And after the state does not cover the distribution, the consequence is that employment begins to be difficult.

In addition, young people like to come to big cities to make a living, and a metropolis like Beijing has become a place where talents gather.Once a job advertisement is posted, applicants will flock to it.

The location of Yang Wei's company in Junken International City is also a relatively recruiting place.Many large companies have also settled here one after another, and the rent is so high that small companies can't afford it at all.

It’s really not that Lili raised the price on the ground, it’s forced by the situation. If you don’t raise the price, people won’t like it. Every city has to have a gathering place for big companies. Have a look.

So Yang Wei, as the chairman of the board, officially opened the Junken Children's Company, which integrates investment and real estate development.

Recruitment is very strict, and the academic requirements must be college students or postgraduates who graduated from relevant majors in prestigious universities.The manager is a senior manager who has been in Hong Kong Island for more than ten years and was dug by the headhunting company.

After clarifying the company's development direction, Ye Feng put down 50 billion funds and left.Yang Wei also asked his father for 50 billion US dollars, and he is not short of money, so he can't let Ye Feng give all the money.

Because of the experience in communicating with Brother Xiaoma, Ye Feng went to Boston directly when he returned to Boston. Now the development of Facebook is getting better and better, it is simply a copy of QQ.

Ye Yuze knew that once this thing cost money, it really wasn't something his family could afford.So he has to plan ahead and cannot use the model of QQ to develop.

After chatting with Berg, Berg left full of excitement.He has already dropped out of school, and this unintentionally developed thing has made him obsessed. In comparison, studies have no attraction for him at all.

Now that he has money and a career, what reason does he have not to work hard?Otherwise, why did Ye Feng give him so much money?
As for the idea Ye Feng said, he has already had it for a long time. To divide users into levels, ordinary users do not need to pay, but members must pay, but the resources enjoyed by members are naturally not comparable to ordinary users.

For example, massive picture storage, private space, and some small games are all exclusive to members.In this way, anyone with a little financial strength will join as a member.

And the membership fee is not high, only five dollars a month, which is not a burden for anyone.Although it is not a burden to individuals, the sum of these numbers is considerable. You must know that the total number of Facebook users is close to 2000 million at this time. Even if 1000 million join members, it will be 5000 million per month, and the annual cost will be more than [-] million. There is no problem with maintaining the operation with this money.

With the increase of users, there will definitely be problems in the future, but with more users, there will be more members, and the company's profits will also increase, so there is nothing terrible about the rising tide.

No matter what it is, everything is difficult at the beginning. Today's Facebook has already covered the entire Massachusetts and began to spread to other states.Sometimes I have to admit that Berg is a genius. His genius lies not only in the research and development of Facebook, but also in the way he implements communication.It started to spread with college students as the medium.

Facts have proved that the group he chose is precisely the highest quality group, which saved him a lot of publicity expenses, and it spread like that.

After the establishment of the company, Berg sent salesmen to various universities across the country to find some students to do part-time jobs. The first is to promote, and the second is to help students solve some problems encountered in registration and use.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with college students. They can use this small software quickly and easily. It is mainly some people in the society, such as children and the elderly, who have started to register for the software at this time. Naturally, these people Need some help.

Moreover, the part-time wages of college students are relatively low, which is much more cost-effective than specialized hired workers.If they catch up with computer majors, Berg also encourages them to design some software suitable for Facebook. Once it is available, Berg will definitely pay for it.In this way, research and development costs are saved.

Facebook is thriving under the management of Berg, and Ye Feng basically hears good news, so he doesn't worry about it anymore, but Yang Wei always makes him a little worried.Although I hired a bunch of professionals, those two guys are too impulsive, and I don't know what will happen to you if you are not careful.

Ye Feng doesn't care about their money, a few billion is really not enough for him to hurt his muscles and bones. What he is worried about is that once these two guys fail to invest, they don't know what will happen?
This time, the matter of the South African company is there. It is unreasonable to ask the bayonet mercenaries to talk to others at every turn.It's just that he has forgotten that he also asked Little Apple to talk to someone's agent.

"Yuze, do you know what Yang Wei and Ye Feng are doing?" Yang Geyong asked Ye Yuze who was holding a bottle and feeding the bear.

Ye Yuze shook his head: "Why do you care about that? You're already grown up, so do whatever you like."

Yang Geyong shook his head: "This kid has never asked for money before? This time he asked for so much at once. He said he was doing something with Ye Feng."

(End of this chapter)

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