Chapter 1824

This night Wang Luodan came here in a daze, as if he had been giggling all night.Facial muscles are about to cramp.She really wasn't forced to laugh by others, she was so happy!

Born in the capital, I am used to the kind of vigilance and competition between people.When faced with such a simple and honest crowd, my heart was really touched.

Especially those Kazakhs nearby, who knew each other very well, but the kind of true feelings revealed really shocked Wang Ludan.

"It's so nice here!" This is the only feeling in her heart. She has a mother, so she is also from here, right?
Jinhua looked at Wang Luodan, who was full of light, and said to Wulan with a smile: "You just have nothing to do and recognize what kind of daughter you are, and you just marry and go home as a daughter-in-law, isn't it over?"

Not far away, Wang Luodan blushed when he heard this, and lowered his head, not daring to look at Ulan.Ulan was shocked by this sentence, and muttered in a low voice: "The son brought back his girlfriend?"

Jin Hua scolded angrily: "You are a foolish mother, that girl doesn't agree with Batu returning to the mainland to develop, how can you expect her to marry to the mainland?"

"When you get married on Hong Kong Island, do you have to take care of the baby? Over there they talk like birdsong, do you understand? You can't even buy vegetables."

Ulan also fell silent now, she was very excited to visit these days.She didn't think about it so much at all. At this time, Jin Hua's words undoubtedly woke her up, and it really happened.

Especially the phrase "marry home and be a daughter-in-law" is like a small flame burning "suddenly" in my heart, and it burns more and more vigorously.

Looking at Ulan who was in a daze, the uneasiness in Wang Luodan's heart was indescribable.She hoped that Ulan would agree, but she was also afraid that she would agree.

The main reason is that she and Yang Wei used to have entanglements, and Yang Wei and Batu were younger. This kind of relationship is the most difficult to deal with.

And Yang Wei obviously didn't like her, and the reason why she was emotional was because of Yang Wei's arrogance that day.

A woman is like this, no matter how tough she is, she also likes a man who is fearless.In fact, from the first meeting, she liked Batu, but Yang Wei completely covered Batu's light that day.He also covered her eyes by the way.

Through getting along these days, she has been deeply fascinated by this big boy, otherwise, how could she have left her bar and been running around for him for more than a month?
She could tell that Batu also liked her. Although she was a few years older, today's young people don't care much about these things anymore.

It was just because he had Ye Peiwen, and Wang Luodan had such an unclear relationship with Yang Wei, so neither of them thought about it.

Look at Batu, who is having a good time drinking with a bunch of Fat Boys at the moment.And Ye Qianwen's small eyes kept looking at her, full of vigilance.

Wang Luodan felt bitter in his heart, tried his best to calm down his emotions, and walked over.

Batu's current achievements naturally made the boys jealous.Everyone is trying hard at him, trying to get him drunk.

However, Batu's drinking capacity can compete with Yang Wei, so it is not easy to drink him down.The only person in the group who didn't drink was Yi Fei.

Although the little girl is now much more cheerful, her personality cannot be changed, she is so quiet everywhere.

Originally, she didn't have a strong sense of presence in this circle, but because of Ye Feng's relationship, she also became the focus. Everyone thought that Yuanfang and her would have some disputes when they met, but it turned out that she was good with her relatives. Same as sisters.A group of people couldn't help admiring: "Brother Feng is mighty!"

Seeing Wang Luodan approaching, Ye Qianqian greeted her with a smile and asked, "Sister, you've worked hard, you should have a few drinks with Batu."

Wang Luodan also nodded with a smile: "I just saw that he drank too much, so I'll drink a few glasses for him."

When Batu saw her coming, he hurriedly stopped her: "Sister, without you, I can overthrow a group of them by myself!"

The boys were naturally not happy, they all toasted and vowed to let him go out sideways today.

Wang Luodan ignored Batu, but bought himself a glass of sorghum alcohol. This wine is a must for military reclamation people, and it is a special offering. It can only be bought in the military reclamation city.The ones you buy outside are different from this one.

"Hello, brothers and sisters, today's drink was prepared for me by Ulan's mother. Since I am Batu's older sister, I am also your older sister. Is there anything wrong with toasting everyone?"

"No, no, this cup must be drunk!" Everyone must give this face.They raised their glasses and drank it all.Only Ye Qianqian just took a sip and put down her wine glass.

Yifei doesn't drink alcohol, everyone knows this, so no one persuades her, it's because of her health.

But Ye Qianqian's behavior made everyone a little strange, this girl can drink a lot, why didn't she drink this glass?

Seeing Ye Qianqian sit down, Wang Luodan didn't take it seriously, and then poured a second cup.He raised it again: "I am so happy to be your sister today. This glass of wine is not respectful to you. I drank it myself just to be happy."

After speaking, Wang Luodan drank it down again.

How can everyone let her drink by herself?They all had another drink.

As a result, Wang Luodan poured himself another glass after drinking.Batu quickly stopped her: "Sister, although this wine has no stamina, it is still 53 degrees, you can't drink it like this."

Wang Luodan smiled: "I am your sister, that is, from Junken City. This table is full of people, and no woman can drink. How can I do that? Today I am not only your sister, but also a girl from Junken City. I want to represent Girls, make a show of drinking!"

Ye Qianqian's face turned red. She could drink and dared to drink, but she simply didn't want to give Wang Luodan any face.After all, no woman wants to get along with her rival in love.

"I don't need your representative, I drink my own wine!" After speaking, Ye Qianqian drank two glasses of wine, and then looked at Wang Luodan provocatively.

Without saying a word, Wang Luodan drank the wine in the glass again.

Others didn't understand what happened to these two girls?It seems to be competing?

But Batu understood, knowing that they were because of Yang Wei, so he grabbed Wang Luodan's hand and shouted: "Mom, come here quickly, my sister is drinking wine instead of water!"

When Ulan heard her son's words, she ran over quickly, pulled her up and left: "You can't drink like this, you just got sick, don't drink too much."

Wang Luodan obediently followed Ulan away. To this mother, she didn't have any resistance at all, and she didn't want her to get angry in a hurry.

Ye Qianqian snorted and stared at Batu dissatisfied.

Batu smiled: "For more than a month, my sister has been running around the country with me, don't you just look for trouble?"

"Batu, don't bend your elbows!" Ye Qianqian said disdainfully.

(End of this chapter)

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