Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 1827 Ordinary is life

Plum Blossom stretched her waist, it was dawn, and the old man couldn't sleep late.

Ye Wancheng has not changed his habit of not getting up until work for so many years.This also made Meihua very admired.

Walking out of the bedroom, the sun has just climbed to the top of the mountain, giving the surrounding green grass and shrubs a layer of gold, which is very beautiful.

Meihua is already 64 years old, and the consequences of overwork in her youth have been highlighted on her body at this moment.waist, legs.There is no place where it does not hurt.

But she doesn't care, life is like this, if their generation tries their best, the younger generation will live a more comfortable life.

Boil the milk tea first, and then start steaming the steamed buns.This cannot be delayed when the children wake up and have to eat.

Counting the days, it's time for summer vacation again in a few days.Plum Blossom laughed, she liked the days when her children were around her knees.Although noisy, but happy.

She gave birth to four sons, all of whom are well-off now.It is different from other old people who love their younger sons and grandchildren.It is actually the eldest son that Meihua loves the most.Although beat him the most.

As soon as she started kneading the dough, Yu'e entered the kitchen.Plum Blossom scolded, "Why do you get up when you don't sleep much? Is there much work?"

Yu'e smiled: "Mom, can't I fall asleep at this point?"

Mei Hua stopped talking and motioned for her to cut up the vegetables.

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are busy and skillful, without talking, they know what the other is going to do with just one look.

Mei Hua looked at the daughter-in-law with satisfaction, and secretly sighed that her son was blessed. Another woman would have turned the world upside down with Ye Yuze's playful attitude.At least you can't do it yourself.

Just thinking of this, Ye Ling had already walked in.Mei Hua reprimanded angrily: "What are you doing here? Hurry up and wait for that old man to get up and wash up, don't let the grandchildren wake up."

Ye Ling smiled and agreed and left. As soon as she reached the door, she turned her head and said, "Sister, don't forget to steam two bean buns for me."

"Go away, you just know how to eat!" Mei Hua cursed, then took out bean paste from the refrigerator, and made a few bean paste buns.

Ye Ling went to Ye Wancheng's bedroom. Ye Wancheng was already awake at this time, leaning against the bed and smoking a cigarette. The room was filled with smoke, which made Ye Ling cough a few times.

"Could you stop smoking in the house? How many times have you told me? Don't change it!" Ye Ling complained sullenly.

Ye Wancheng glanced at her: "Can't you see that I'm thinking? What can I think of without smoke?"

"My teacher and John don't bother to smoke and don't delay others' research?" Ye Ling naturally didn't believe his nonsense.

Then why did they produce results after I joined?They can't do great things without a smoker!Ye Wancheng had a smug expression on his face.

Ye Ling didn't bother to talk to him anymore, she threw off the quilt and started tidying up the house.

There are many rooms in the villa. Ye Wancheng is unwilling to sleep with others. At this age, there are no requirements for some aspects.So each has its own bedroom.

Now Ye Ling has divided the work with Mei Hua, Mei Hua is in charge of cooking, while Ye Ling cleans up the house.Yu'e takes care of the baby full-time.

But the children are grown up and don't need to take care of them, they just need to scold them when they are having fun.

Yu'e has a good memory. After so many years, the culture class is still solid. Although the textbooks have been changed a lot, there is no problem in tutoring these junior high school students.

Ye Mei and Ye Rou are very obedient and quiet, unlike their mothers.

You must know that both Martha and Erhong have a hot-tempered personality, and their tempers are relatively violent.

Mei Hua kept saying that these two girls were influenced by Yu'e.Both Martha and Erhong agreed on this point. If the two children followed them all the time, they would probably grow crooked.

After Ye Ling cleaned up Ye Wancheng's room, he went to the two maids' rooms.In fact, one room per person is quite enough, but the birthdays of the two girls are not a few days apart, and they have been like one person since they were young, so they have been reluctant to separate.

When Ye Ling entered the room, the two girls woke up early and were discussing what they were going to do during the summer vacation.
Seeing Ye Ling coming in, the two girls called out obediently: "Grandma Ye." Ye Ling smiled: "Are you awake? Then get up and grandma will help you clean up the house."

"No need, go and call my brother that slob, we clean up our house by ourselves." Ye Mei said to Ye Ling with a smile.

Ye Ling nodded: "Okay, dirty clothes are not allowed to be hidden? Put them on the stool, and I will wash them alone later."

"Grandma, don't worry about our clothes when we're all this old. It's not that we don't have long hands, you just need to care about Ye Mao." Ye Rou also interrupted at this time.

"Nonsense, you are still children, you can't wash it clean. Be good, where should you put it? Otherwise, grandma will get angry." Ye Ling made a stern face, showing an unhappy look.

The two girls surrendered directly: "Okay, grandma, can't we be obedient?"

Ye Ling smiled and walked out of the bedroom of the two girls, and entered Ye Mao's room.

Ye Mao is still sleeping soundly at the moment, the young man is sleepy and never wakes up by himself in the morning.

Ye Ling touched Ye Mao's head, but Ye Mao didn't respond, but frowned because he was disturbed.

Ye Ling spread his frowning lovingly with her fingers. Among these children, Ye Mao is her favorite.Although the two girls are closest to her, Ye Ling still has the idea that boys are the pillars of the family.

Ye Mao was always like a girl when he was a child, always timid. It can be said that Ye Ling has been guarding him since he was born.The relationship is naturally deep, and Ye Mao also liked to play with her at that time.

The main reason is that there are still two girls, Yu'e can't take care of him wholeheartedly, and Ye Ling, who has plenty of time, naturally becomes his second mother.

In fact, Ye Ling still likes the introverted little boy with a little bit of timidity, how good was he then?
After returning to Junken City, it's like a different person. I'm not afraid of anything anymore, and I don't like to go home. I don't know how to go home for dinner if I don't call every day to remind me.

For this reason, he was educated several times by Mei Hua, but this kid didn't care at all, because he knew that there was no one in the family who beat him up.The two grandmas and the mother couldn't bear it at all, and the only dad who dared to beat him was often away from home, so he just had to be more honest when he was at home.

As for grandpa, he didn't care about them at all. If he wasn't hungry or cold, he wouldn't worry about it and let them grow wildly.This is his favourite.

Ye Ling cleaned up the house first, and looked at his watch, it was getting late.Quickly pushed Ye Mao: "Get up, it's already nine o'clock. Don't worry about being late for school."

Ye Mao had already gotten used to this morning routine, so he turned his body and turned his face to the other side, ready to persist for a while.

Where can Ye Ling give him time to dawdle?He was the last one to call him every day, just to let him sleep more, so he grabbed a pair and put it on him.

Reluctantly, Ye Mao raised his hands and asked Ye Ling to dress him.

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