Great Power Reclamation

1840 Women's means

1840 Women's means

In fact, Li Li and Ni Zhifu didn't want many people, only [-] people, but they were all masters with professional skills.

Although this is not a big deal, Ni Zhifu has not moved for a long time. The brother company has a rule, that is, any work that is going on needs to be reported to the head office every day.

This regulation was actually formulated by Lili, so that the head office can keep track of the situation of the branch at any time.And the report is based on the city-level company, so that the provincial company's intervention in the city-level company can be seen at a glance.

They were unanimously applauded for this regulation, which was also one of the main reasons why they decided to delegate power to Lili.They also take the initiative to summarize the situation of the Guangdong branch to the head office every day.

This is what Ni Zhifu is most unconvinced about, and it is also the main reason why Lili transferred people this time, and he was obedient and obedient.Why should my subordinates report the progress of the project to you?

While Ni Zhifu was thinking about how long he would delay Lili before sending someone.An appointment from the company was passed down.Gai Lili is promoted to be the vice president in charge of the daily affairs of Brothers Real Estate, and the managers of all branches must cooperate.

This made Ni Zhifu angry all of a sudden.Why?If you want to go up, you should go up with labor and capital, right?How can you, a little girl, He De, be able to take up such a position?

So in the daily report materials, Ni Zhifu asked his subordinates to add an item: "Because of the huge project volume of the Zhejiang branch, it is really impossible to send personnel to northern Xinjiang. I hope the head office can understand."

Because the reporting materials can only be seen by the head office, other branches do not know about it.And all the people they sent are already on the way, and those who are closest have already reached the northern border.

Lili didn't get angry when she saw Ni Zhifu's report, and she was also shocked by her appointment today.

She didn't take the daily business of acting as the head office seriously. In her heart, she just wanted to help Laorou and Xiaohui. They were so busy, and they were Ye Yuze's brother, so she should help.

But after this appointment, it will be different, at least for her, it is a right and a responsibility.

Her first reaction was to refuse, so she called Ye Yuze.

But before she finished speaking, Ye Yuze interrupted her: "Okay, they discussed this matter with me in advance, and I agree. If you can't do it, you will resign."

Ye Yuze's words completely dispelled Lili's idea of ​​resigning. How can young people be strong?Especially in front of your loved ones.

So after receiving the report from the Zhejiang branch, Lili immediately held a video conference with the company's top management.The content of the meeting was only one, and Ni Zhifu was transferred to Beijiang Company as a branch manager.

After Lili showed Ni Zhifu's email to everyone, Laorou, Xiaohui and Wu Weiguo nodded in agreement.Just kidding, Ye Yuze needs someone who dares to play tricks, isn't he uncomfortable?

When the document was released, Ni Zhifu was still chatting with the manager of the Guangdong branch.

The two have always had a good relationship. The reason why Ni Zhifu has a good relationship with him is that the bosses have been in Guangdong, so that he can understand the dynamics of the bosses at the first time.

Ni Zhifu, who was chatting, was secretly proud because he rejected Lili's request. After one night, there was no movement, which meant that Lili had nothing to do with him.

If so, then he, Ni Zhifu, would not take this girl seriously in the future.Why should he, Ni Zhifu, as a company veteran, listen to a girl's film?

As a result, the two were chatting vigorously, and there was an exclamation from the other side: "Old Ni, take a look at the company's announcement today."

Ni Zhifu didn't know, so he opened the email, and then sat there in a daze, not even noticing that the phone dropped on the ground.

Among the bosses of the company, he was still familiar with Lao Rou. After hesitating for a long time, he decided to call Lao Rou and at least make an effort.

Transferring from the best province to the worst province, at least he has to give himself an explanation. In the past few years, Ni Zhifu has not only contributed but also hard work, right?

The call got through, and before Ni Zhifu could speak, Lao Rou told him directly: "Your transfer was decided collectively by the company's senior management. Old Ni, the reason why our company can develop so well is because of the results of the whole team. If everyone had their own little thoughts, then this company would have been gone long ago. Even if I did something inappropriate, I would still be dismissed. Work hard in the future, and with your ability, you can make some achievements wherever you are !"

Ni Zhifu's heart is ashamed, now, no matter how stupid he is, he will understand what's going on?Now there are only two roads in front of him, either resign or go to northern Xinjiang.

After thinking for a long time, he still called his deputy to hand over the work, and went to Northern Xinjiang to take up his post.He didn't go alone.Instead, he took away two thousand direct descendants, and these people were the cornerstones on which he built his career.

When he came to Wushi, the city of Northern Xinjiang Province, all the troops were already in place, and they were working in full swing.

Originally, Ye Yuze meant to let Yang Wei pick up the mess, but Lili sent a manager of the northern Xinjiang branch, and Ye Yuze didn't bother to ask her what she meant?Let Yang Wei and Zhang Jianjiang have something to learn from Ni Zhifu, after all, he is an experienced expert.

In fact, what Ye Yuze doesn't know is that several companies that Yang Wei and his company have invested in are planning to go public. Once they succeed, they may not be interested in this industry?

The reason why Yang Wei is willing to come is entirely out of feelings.It has nothing to do with money.

The property price is preliminarily set at 1500 square meters. The development of this community is basically half selling and half giving away compared to their profits elsewhere.

Ye Yuze didn't care about these at all. According to the original idea, he and Yang Geyong could donate a community to the headquarters for free.But it was firmly stopped by Wu Tianming and the chiefs.In desperation, such a price was negotiated.

The price is based on the income of the local people. After several years of hard work, they can almost afford it. The main reason is that the residents are the most suitable. Basically, it is [-] square meters and they can get it in their hands.

For this reason, Ye Yuze also insisted on paying the land transfer fee and going through the formal procedures.He didn't want to turn the community into a house with small property rights, and he would be scolded for a lifetime.

With so many people gathered on this small construction site at once, the speed can be imagined.The point is that this incident has shocked the media. As a remote area of ​​Urumqi, it is the first time that this type of commercial housing has appeared, and the sensation caused is naturally conceivable.

In later generations, people actually want a small courtyard, so that they can live comfortably.But at the time, buildings were a fashion.

Even in the capital city, there are many people who sell their courtyard houses to buy buildings. The key point is that the money from selling the courtyard houses is not enough to buy a two-bedroom, one-living room small-area building.

 It's the end of the month, brothers, come on
(End of this chapter)

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