Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 191 Prepare for the Adventure

Chapter 191 Prepare for the Adventure
Although there has always been a legend about the silver wolf howling at the moon, there are indeed many animals in nature that like to howl at the moon.

Many experts have explained this phenomenon, but Ye Yuze didn't remember it.Because in later generations, the most untrustworthy type of people are the Bricks.

On the way back to send Yinhua, the little girl mustered up the courage for a long time to ask.

"Can't you come back every week? Is that Zhao Ling'er better than me?"

Ye Yuze froze for a moment, this girl seemed to have never spoken so seriously before.

He shook the little girl's hand: "No one in this world is better than you! Ling'er is an older sister, this is incomparable."

After speaking, he thought about it again. "It may not be possible to come back every week, especially in winter, when the road is too slippery."

Silver Flower nodded. "Then can you come back every full moon day? I miss you most at that time!"

Ye Yuze nodded. "Okay, I promise to do it!"

He left at noon the next day.The main reason is that he still wants to go to the border to see, Ye Yuze forgot to tell him about the shoe size.

The old man is tall and burly, if he brought a bunch of boat-like shoes, who would he sell them to?

Ye Yuze already had experience this time, so he hid far away and waited for the border guards to patrol past before driving to the river.

After a while, the old Maozi soldiers also came over.Seeing Ye Yuze's car, he immediately yelled excitedly.

Ye Yuze got out of the car and walked over, and told the second lieutenant about the shoe size.I thought that guy would be worried, but I didn't expect him to get excited.

It turned out that the shoes they sent out were all full sizes, and most of the rest were small sizes.

In addition, the neighboring countries are relatively cold, and they like to wear thick socks, so the shoe size required is even larger.

This is what worries every quartermaster the most.Ye Yuze's request actually helped them a lot.

The second lieutenant immediately asked for an early delivery, which he really knew.Moreover, the wife in the family did not take away the leather shoes, so it didn't take a week to prepare.

After the matter was settled, it was decided to deliver the goods on Wednesday, and Ye Yuze drove away.

When he arrived in the regiment, Ye Yuze also went to Mama Wan and asked her to pack the clothes in bundles of ten.

Wan's mother became excited when she heard it, and hurriedly called people to get busy.It only took half a day to get everything done.There are a total of [-] pieces of cotton-padded clothes.

Ye Yuze went directly to the regiment to find Liu Qinghua. After he told him what happened, Liu Qinghua sat on the stool for a long time without being able to stand up.

He is a political cadre, but he understands the seriousness of this matter.

At that time, the term smuggling did not exist. For the Corps, it was possible to characterize the matter as being connected with foreign countries.He really didn't dare to do this.

He smiled wryly and said to Ye Yuze:

"You kid can be lawless, but I dare not!
Although I won't get any benefit from this matter, as long as I am reported, I guess I will have to stay in prison for the rest of my life. "

Ye Yuze originally wanted to say something to him, but thinking about what he said was right, he could only leave the regiment headquarters resentfully.

In the evening, Ye Yuze was having dinner at Aunt Gan's house, and Mama Wan came to find her excitedly.

"Yu Ze, there are [-] pieces in total, can you really sell them?"

Aunt Gan didn't know about this yet, so she looked at Ye Yuze inquiringly.

Ye Yuze gave a wry smile, honestly told the two of them how he discussed with Lao Maozi, and then spread his hands.

"The political commissar has rejected this matter, and I have no other choice. I really don't know who to sell your oversized clothes to, except Lao Maozi?"

The two women looked at each other with serious expressions.

They are all members of the first generation Corps, so their thinking is naturally not as simple as Ye Yuze's.The operability of this matter is really small.

After thinking for a long time, Mama Wan slapped her thigh.

"I've done this. Anyway, I'll retire next year, and I'll take it if anything happens! I don't believe what they can do with me as an old woman?"

Aunt Gan shook her head. "Old sister-in-law, don't be impulsive. This matter is on the line, you can't afford it alone!"

"Then I can't just watch this pile of things piled up in the factory like this! It's all my fault that I have no brains. This kid gave such a good idea, and I can screw it up!"

When Wan's mother said this, her eyes were red, she really felt distressed!

Ye Yuze pondered silently in his heart, looking for a suitable solution.

Liu Qinghua's attitude was just that he didn't dare to do it, not that he didn't support this matter.Including Wan's mother, in fact, this is also the mentality.

Things can be done, but the responsibility cannot be shouldered, mainly because we cannot afford it.

Thinking of this, Ye Yuze already had an idea in his mind.Since this matter can be done, they are not allowed to show up.

He took Mama Wan to Liu Qinghua's office.

Liu Qinghua's house still hasn't moved, so he simply lives in his office.Seeing two people come in, I felt a bitterness in my heart.

Although he is a political cadre, his mind is not rigid.Knowing that the most important thing for the Corps is to develop the economy.

But if this economy develops to neighboring countries, this matter will not be a red line that his class dares to touch.

Before the two of them could speak, Liu Qinghua smiled bitterly and said:
"Don't mention that matter, we can't challenge principled things for the benefit of small groups."

Ye Yuze looked at him quietly, so Liu Qinghua didn't dare to look him directly.

Ye Yuze knocked on the table. "Uncle Liu, is there any way you can tell them not to patrol the area of ​​Liulian Xiaohegou on Wednesday morning?"

Liu Qinghua nodded. "This is naturally possible. Although it does not belong to a system, our corps sometimes patrols.

For example, during exercises, they can rest.What are you doing? "

Ye Yuze smiled, then you can find a way to stop them from patrolling at noon on Wednesday morning.Everything else has nothing to do with you.

Then he turned to look at Mama Wan again. "Auntie, you told Wan Shanhong not to leave the car on Wednesday. Just lend me the car for a day."

The two immediately understood what Ye Yuze meant, he wanted to do it himself.

It's not a big problem to lend him the car, but can he hand over so many goods to the other party clearly?What if the other party turns his back on him?
The two shook their heads almost simultaneously. "You can't do it yourself, and we can't let you go!"

Ye Yuze smiled:
"I've been dealing with them for two years. The old man is quite trustworthy, otherwise you might as well take someone to practice nearby. If you hear something wrong, come and save me?"

Liu Qinghua thought for a long time, but this is a feasible way.

It's a mountainous area, so you just need to bring your own people to train on the side of the hillside.If something really happened, there was still time for rescue.

So things were settled, just waiting for Wednesday.

Ask for collections, recommendations, monthly passes and investments.

(End of this chapter)

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