Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 195 Song Weibing

Chapter 195 Song Weibing

"Afraid of a bird, you dare to take five hundred, but you dare not take ten thousand? What's the reason for this? Is there any difference between five hundred and ten thousand?"

Ye Yuze scolded angrily.

Wang Sihai thought for a while, then murmured, "It's all corruption, but the amount is different."

Ye Yuze patted him on the shoulder. "So, old comrade, don't be afraid of this. You are not called corruption, but a commission!"

Wang Sihai looked confused. "What is commission?"

Ye Yuze cleared his throat, and said scientifically:
"It's something that should have been bought for a dime, but you got a nickel.

This is not a loss to your unit, because another person may not be able to buy it for a dime!This excess is your commission. "

Wang Sihai thought for a while, and finally nodded.

"I get it, but it's still too much money. I'm afraid to take it."

Ye Yuze said angrily:
"Then you donate, and you are supporting the construction of the frontier!"

With a constipated expression on Wang Sihai's face, he thought about it for a long time and finally said:

"I'm a little bit reluctant."

Ye Yuze laughed out loud and ignored him.

After eating the barbecue, Wang Sihai wanted to pay the bill, but the old man said he would not accept anything.

"You are Balang's friend, that is, my friend. When a friend comes, he must be entertained!"

It seems that the old man directly upgraded Ye Yuze to a friend.

Ye Yuze understood their personalities.As long as it is said, it will never be changed, and he will go.

It was Wang Sihai who couldn't bear it all the time, and kept talking to Ye Yuze about it along the way.

Ye Yuze thought he was nagging, so he asked angrily:

"You came from your mouth, didn't you bring any gift?"

Wang Sihai took out some things from the bag he was carrying. They were all bits and pieces that were not easy to find in northern Xinjiang.

Ye Yuze checked and saw a silk scarf.It should be satin, very pretty.

Ye Yuze pulled it out, ran back and handed the silk scarf to the old man.

The old man did not refuse this gift at all.He took it directly, and wrapped it around the old lady's neck with a smile.

The old lady smiled and opened her mouth wide, revealing her gums that had lost a few teeth.

This is the custom of ethnic people, you can go to their house for dinner at any time.But don't mention money, it's easy to turn your face if you mention money, that's called looking down on them.

But you can bring gifts, it doesn't matter how big or small the gift is.

At noon the next day, Wang Sihai came to pull Ye Yuze out for dinner again.

Zhao Ling'er looked at him with hatred, she couldn't eat well now without Ye Yuze.

In fact, Zhao Ling'er has an older brother, but his elder brother is seven or eight years older than her, and he is a soldier in the army.

What people are most afraid of is getting used to it. Once they get used to something, they will become dependent.

For example, she and Ye Yuze are together every day.If I don't see it one day, my heart will be empty.

Wang Sihai didn't invite her either, so she couldn't follow along, so she had to go home resentfully.

In fact, Ye Yuze was also a little puzzled, isn't this Wang Sihai a stingy person?How come you can't bear to take an extra bite out of a meal?
Ye Yuze didn't react until Wang Sihai took him to the savings office, handled the deposit business, and held the deposit receipt with his name on it.

Now Ye Yuze's personal property has reached more than 1 yuan.This was a proper little rich man in that era.

There is no way, I can’t even spend money if I want to.Nothing to buy!

Zhao Ling'er is in Tuanbu Middle School, which is also a school beauty level.Coupled with her own background, there are actually many people who like her.

It's just that people in that era were relatively simple and didn't dare to express themselves.

However, among middle school students, there are not no people who secretly meet each other.After all, it is human nature.

When Ye Yuze first arrived, no one took him seriously.Because the little man is several years old and short in stature.

The age division of children is very strict. Generally speaking, one year younger is the same as two generations.We rarely play together.

But Ye Yuze and Zhao Linger have been in pairs all day long.Finally caused some people's dissatisfaction.

There is a boy named Song Weibing in Class [-] of the second year of junior high school, who is tall and big.

Nowadays, children generally have crew cuts, but he has long hair, which is cut into threes and sevens.I also like to wear an officer's uniform.

In addition, he looks a little handsome, which makes the girls look at him a little differently.

In fact, in that era, this kind of division was only left by the spies and traitors in the movie, but this Song Weibing didn't care at all.

The classroom of the first class of the second grade is just in the back row of Ye Yuze's class.Therefore, Song Weibing often looked at Zhao Linger from the window.

This girl is beautiful and lively, and Song Weibing has always liked it very much.

Moreover, his father has always told him to have a good relationship with Zhao Ling'er.Although Dad didn't say anything deep.

But Song Weibing is not stupid, he understands what the old man means.It is the background of Zhao Linger's father.

It's just a pity that they are not in the same grade and class, and the two of them don't have much contact.

Song Weibing is good at studying, and he doesn't belong to the kind of ignorant dude.

But because of his background and economic conditions, he will always be surrounded by a group of people.

Even Li Yuanchao, the famous high school student, always greeted him politely when he met him.

Li Yuanchao can fight, and he dares to fight against a group of local ruffians alone.

But so what?His father was just an ordinary clerk in the supply and marketing department, and with such an identity, he couldn't be embarrassed in front of Song Weibing.

No matter what age, this thing will always exist.This does not need to be deliberately shown off, but something that is born in people's consciousness.

For example, Zhao Linger, everyone looked at her differently from ordinary people.Although she never regarded herself as a special class.

Looking through the window, Zhao Linger was laughing and talking to that little guy named Ye Yuze again.

That Ye Yuze reached out and rubbed Zhao Linger's hair.

This action made Song Weibing suddenly feel an unknown fire in his heart.

At first, he thought Ye Yuze was a relative of Zhao Linger's family, so he didn't pay much attention.

Later, the school slowly spread the word that this little guy is the eldest son of Dr. Ye's family.I was smart since I was a child, so I skipped a few grades to go to school.

This time Song Weibing began to feel unbalanced.Achievements are what he is most proud of.

Ask for collections, recommendations, monthly passes and investments.

(End of this chapter)

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