Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 208 The Capital Hotel

Chapter 208 The Capital Hotel
Ye Yuze still shook his head, it's hard to come to the capital once, what's the point if you don't go to a good place to wander around?
If he didn't know that the State Guesthouse could not be entered, he would have wanted to go to Diaoyutai for a walk.

He asked Cha Hongying. "So what? How far is the Capital Hotel from here?"

Cha Hongying's eyes were bigger than eggs.

"You know a lot, kid, do you want to go to heaven?"

Ye Yuze pouted. "Don't I just want to see it? This is not okay?"

Cha Hongying thought for a moment and looked at her watch.

"Okay, anyway, it's Sunday tomorrow. I'll take you to see it. Can you ride a bicycle?"

Wang Honghua shook her head, she really doesn't know how to do this.

Ye Yuze raised his hand. "I will do this!"

Cha Hongying had a strange expression of believing in you, but Ye Yuze also curled his lips, his face full of disapproval.

The three walked out of the cafeteria. Cha Hongying saw a woman and yelled.

"Sister Liu, are you going home today? If not, borrow my bicycle!"

Sister Liu took out the key and gave it to her without hesitation.

When I came to the bicycle storage in front of the dormitory, there were not many cars.Although there are many local students in Peking University, not many have bicycles.

Cha Hongying handed the key to Ye Yuze, pointed to a Ms. Flying Pigeon [-] bicycle and said:

"That's mine, you ride it, and you won't have to pay for it if you break someone else's!"

She herself rode on the borrowed Phoenix female bicycle and patted the back seat.

"Sister Huahua, I will support you!"

The two of them were still worried that Ye Yuze would not be able to ride.

Unexpectedly, Ye Yuze kicked up with one leg and left.Cha Hongying was surprised for a while.

"Sister Huahua, aren't there mountains on your side? There are also bicycles?"

Wang Honghua smiled. "There are also some in the city, but you only ride in the city, and you can't ride once you go out."

"And do you all have horses?"

Wang Honghua shook her head.

"Not all of them have horses. The herdsmen have horses, but the people in the city and the general soldiers of the regiment don't have them!"

Speaking of this, she pointed at Ye Yuze.

"He has a purebred Yili horse given to him by a Kazakh friend. He doesn't know where the horse is when he goes to live in school?"

Cha Hongying ran forward and shouted: "Don't ride so fast, you don't know the way, what should you do if you lose it?"

Ye Yuze slowed down when he heard the words, he was curious about everything.So I rode a little faster without knowing it.

At that time, there was no large-scale demolition in the capital, and typical courtyard houses were everywhere.There are also antique archways at the entrance of each alley, which made him a little addicted.

"Where's your horse?"

Cha Hongying rode side by side with him and asked a question.

Ye Yuze froze for a moment before thinking of lightning.

"You mean Lightning? It's in the company."

Then how do you go to school at the regiment headquarters?
Ye Yuze gave her a white look. "Do you know that there is another thing called a car in this world?"

Cha Hongying was obviously unconvinced by this child's rebuke.

"Your place is so remote, and there are no buses everywhere like BJ. Is there a bus from the company to the regiment headquarters?"

Ye Yuze was really stunned by the question, but then he reacted again.

"Who said that you have to take a bus to go to the regiment headquarters? I can't drive by myself?"

"Tch, why don't you talk about flying a plane? Little brat."

Being despised by others again, Ye Yuze was too lazy to argue with her again.It is said that men can't care about women, right?

Seeing that Ye Yuze was silent, Wang Honghua whispered:

"He has a Gasjeep, which was given to him by the head of the regiment. When I came and went, it was the car he sent me to."

Cha Hongying shook the handlebars and almost fell to the side of the road.

"Why did your leader give him a car?"

Wang Honghua shook his head, he really didn't know.

Cha Hongying looked at Ye Yuze, and Ye Yuze rode forward with his head raised, not looking at her at all.

After all, he is still in his teens, so his curiosity is strong.

Cha Hongying still slowed down and asked: "My child, tell my sister, why did the leader give you the car?"

In fact, Ye Yuze couldn't think of a reason why the team leader would give him a car.

Obviously he traded his good car for it, okay?But the reason can't really be said.

In fact, Ye Yuze used to use him to help the infrastructure company solve the elementary school's infrastructure problems to prevaricate the family.

Now he is too lazy to talk to a strange woman.

But looking at Cha Hongying's gossip-flaming face, it was obvious that she would not give up without an explanation.

He casually said, "Because I'm his son-in-law!"

After he finished speaking, he regretted it. He wondered if Zhao Ling'er would pinch his arm again after hearing that.

Of course, Zha Hongying didn't believe this. After all, she was also the first batch of Peking University students, so how could she be fooled by Ye Yuze's words.

He smiled and asked: "You still come here on a bamboo horse to make green plums around the bed? Is she your child bride-in-law, or are you her son-in-law?"

Ye Yuze's head was full of black lines, and he pointed at the hairpin on Cha Hongying's head angrily.

"You are the one who can't hold back the spring scenery in the garden, and the red apricots keep coming out of the wall!"


Cha Hongying's face was flushed with anger, Ye Yuze was scolding her for being disobedient.

Although she didn't need to obey any women's morals at all, she was naturally not angry when she was ridiculed by a little kid.When the handlebars were crooked, they would lean over and hit him.

Ye Yuze couldn't let her get away with it, he smiled and kicked a few steps.Pull them back.

The two of them were arguing along the way, but the road didn't seem far away.

Wang Honghua kept smiling and watching the two fight, just like looking at her own child.

It takes a few people more than half an hour to get there on the twenty-highway road.

They came to the Capital Hotel first, and Ye Yuze was immediately overwhelmed.

This is a nineteen-story building!At that time, it was a shock to anyone.

They put down the car and entered the hotel.Several beauties in uniforms at the front desk asked them politely.

Cha Hongying deliberately stayed at the back, hoping to see Ye Yuze make a fool of herself.Because the Jingcheng Hotel is also a place where foreign affairs activities are often held, ordinary people simply cannot live in it.

Wang Honghua was also dumbfounded, where had she seen such a magnificent place?
This style is completely out of date with the current society.

Ye Yuze was not stage-frightened, he walked to the front desk and asked:
"Can I open a room?"

The lady at the front desk glanced at him, but she didn't show any disdain.It's just that the expression is a little alienated.

The reason for being polite just now was because I saw the Peking University badge on Zha Hongying and the others' chests.

What the hell is a little kid going to open a house now?

"Hi kid, you need a letter of introduction to open a room here, and it's a very high-level one!"

Although the tone is euphemistic, the meaning of the expression is very clear.That is your level is not enough.

Ye Yuze didn't care at all, and then asked another question.

"Do you have any spare rooms here?"

The waiter continued to smile: "We have vacant rooms at any time."

Ye Yuze breathed a sigh of relief, took out the letter of introduction and handed it over.

"Is this okay?"

Ask for collections, recommendations, monthly passes and investments.

Thank you for your votes.Also, Taoist Youfang Yousifang and Sand Sculpture II two children's shoes, I didn't see the reward yesterday, why do I apologize, and add two more chapters today.Is it powerful?

(End of this chapter)

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