Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 21 Air Raid Shelter

Chapter 21 Air Raid Shelter

Ma Guojun took the cigarette suspiciously and looked at Yang Geyong.

Yang Geyong scolded impatiently: "What are you looking at, this is the only one left for labor and capital, don't give it back to me!"

When Ma Guojun heard this, he immediately ran into the company commander's house.Pass the cigarette to Ma Hongkui who is drinking.

Ma Hongkui gave the company Changqian a little while holding the cigarette.The commander waved his hand.He put it in his mouth.

At that time, although the salaries of the soldiers of the Corps were considered high.But cigarettes are definitely a luxury.

They are still used to smoking cigarettes.After all, whoever smokes a box of cigarettes for a few cents is also distressed and painful.

Yang Geyong and Ye Yuze watched Ma Hongkui light his cigarettes from outside the window.Then he took a deep breath.That look is very comfortable.

Just the next moment, the cigarette suddenly burst into sparks.Before he could take the cigarette from his lips.

Just hear the "pop!" sound.

The cigarette was torn apart on Ma Hongkui's mouth.His lips turned black all of a sudden.

Fortunately, firecrackers were black powder at that time.Explosive power is not strong.

Otherwise, this time, his entire lips would be blown to pieces.

Although not injured, but because of fright.He jumped up at once.The table full of vegetables was overturned at once.

Ma Guojun was stunned to see all this.He forgot to run until his dad's slap came down.


Ma Hongkui's palm is like a fan.He slapped Ma Guoqing's face fiercely.

How could his small body withstand such a blow.He fell directly to the ground and rolled twice.

The entire left side of the face suddenly swelled up.Like a steamed bun.

Company commander Ma Quanyi grabbed Ma Hongkui.scolded:

"How old is he? Can you stop beating like this?"

Ma Hongkui's forehead jumped with blue veins, pointing at Ma Guoqing and scolding:
"This kid even hurts me. This kid hits a dead ball!"

Ma Quanyi shook his head.He didn't let go of his arm.

"You figure it out, I don't think he did it!"

Ma Hongkui was stunned for a moment.His eyes looked at Ma Guoqing lying on the ground.

At this time, Ma Guoqing was still in a state of confusion, where could he see his father's eyes.

It was Ma Quanyi who walked over and helped him up.

"Don't be afraid, tell me what's going on with this cigarette?"

Ma Guoqing shook his head after standing firm.A little dizzy.

He glanced timidly at his father who was still in a rage.timidly said:

"Yang Geyong gave it to me just now. He said I'll give it to you."

Only now did Ma Hongkui realize that his son was wrong.Turn around and walk out the door.He was stopped by Ma Quanyi again.

"What do you want to do?"

Ma Hongkui spat fiercely. "I'm going out and breaking that little bastard's leg!"

Ma Quanyi asked coldly, "Do you really dare to break his leg?"

Ma Hongkui suddenly stopped.

He really didn't dare.Don't say that he didn't get injured, just that, Yang Geyong will be fine.

But if he really dared to break Yang Geyong's leg, then he must be in trouble.It won't be a small thing.After all, the Corps is a place with the rule of law.

The assistant instructor just wiped the oil off his body.Because he sat opposite Ma Hongkui.A table of dishes almost fell on top of him.

He was very thin, regardless of face or figure.They belong to the kind of people who are thin to lightning.who saw him.They are all worried that a gust of wind will blow him away?

And he didn't even smile.Every day, the gloomy face of the knife blade seems to rain at any time.

"These people are getting more and more arrogant. Doctor Ye dares to give such a person a seven-day sick leave note at once!

Now the son of the leader of the platoon dares to murder the company cadre again.If you don't teach him a lesson this time.Who can guarantee that he will not use a detonator next time? "

The deputy company commander didn't speak, but sat there smoking a cigarette.It seems all this has nothing to do with him.

Ma Quanyi sighed, "They're all comrades in the same company. Don't go up to the heights. After all, this is still a child."

At this time, Yang Geyong and Ye Yuze outside had already run away and disappeared.Ma Min, who was chasing out, couldn't see them.

The two laughed as they ran.Instead of running home, they ran to the edge of the horse pen on the back mountain.

There's an air-raid shelter here.In fact, every company in the Corps has an air-raid shelter.

After all, the nuclear deterrence of neighboring countries does not just scare people.Although everyone is not afraid, the necessary protective measures are still required.

The cave is dug near the foot of the mountain.Dig directly into the mountainside, and you won't be able to blast it even if you have a bomb.

When the time comes to seal the entrance of the hole, it can withstand any poisonous gas radiation.

The reason why our country's army can endure any kind of war.It is through such earthly methods that the enemy armed with the most advanced weapons was defeated.

The air-raid shelter in Lianli has a lot of space.Inside there are ammunition rooms, canteens and dormitories.

If there is an emergency, there is no problem with all the people hiding inside.

Get food and drinking water ready.It's not a big problem to hide a month in it.

But the hole has not been used since it was repaired.Although the hole was hidden, it was discovered by the children.

But ordinary children are afraid to go in.Such a deep tunnel.Even with a lantern, the children are not brave enough.

However, this ordinary child obviously does not include Yang Geyong.

Because after this guy found the hole, he took a box of matches and explored the whole thing.

And announced that this will be his base in the future.No one who is not his is allowed to enter.

He came here today to seek refuge.

Not only did Ma Hongkui blow up today.He also directly overturned the table of the company leader's house.

People are looking for his father.It is estimated that his father will only be a belt!He's been through a lot of that stuff.

Yang Geyong took Ye Yuze into the cave.In this dark place, Ye Yuze was really afraid.

Unexpectedly, after entering the hole, he took out a lantern from one place.When it was lit, the inside of the hole lit up.

The two did not go inside.There is a small house at the entrance of the cave.It should be for the soldiers guarding the entrance of the cave.

There are bales of hay in the house.There were a few cigarette butts on the ground.It seems to be a place where Yang Geyong often comes.

Ye Yuze glanced at him. "I'm going to tell my uncle that I put the whip in!"

Yang Geyong shook his head. "I gave the cigarette anyway. It's no use putting you in there!"

Silence for a while.He added, "Wait a while when you go back. Just say you don't know where I'm going. Then bring me something to eat from home."

Ye Yuze nodded, he was thinking about how to tell his father.Only then can he persuade Uncle Yang to stop Yang Geyong from being beaten!

Before waiting for a while, a soft shout came from outside.

"Yang Geyong, Ye Yuze. Are you two inside?"

The two were stunned and looked at each other at the same time.Wondering who leaked the secret.

But thinking about it is wrong.I ran here for a while because of trouble.It's always been the two of them together.No chance to tell anyone.

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(End of this chapter)

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