No matter how strong Ouyang Xue acted just now, when her parents got in the car and left, tears still flowed down.

No matter how good she is, even if she is No. 6 in the Chopin Piano Competition, or even if she is a student at Huaqing University, she will be envied and envied by countless peers.

But after all, she is still a 20-year-old child who has been cared for and pampered since she was a child.People like this are slow to grow up, let alone a family like hers.

But who could have imagined that everything would collapse overnight, including her future school fees and living expenses, which she would have to earn by herself.

But at this time, she didn't realize the seriousness of the matter, and only had a sense of justice and love in her mind.For these she can do whatever it takes, even to death!
Ye Yuze soon walked out, and Liu Ling and Ouyang Xue quickly stood up to greet him.

Seeing that they hadn't left yet, Ye Yuze was stunned for a moment.But he soon smiled and said:

"Are you hungry? Let's go home!"

A car stopped at the gate. It turned out that Han Xiaojing drove to pick them up. When she saw Ye Yuze, Han Xiaojing quickly looked at Ye Yuze's arm:
"Shall we go back to the hospital?"

Ye Yuze shook his head: "I am a doctor originally, especially proficient in orthopedics. If it is dislocated, it will be fine if it is reset. It is useless in the hospital."

Han Xiaojing nodded without persisting and drove home. Her expression was grim along the way, and she was extremely angry in her heart.

She didn't care that she was wronged or wronged, but this man couldn't do it. He had done enough, and ten, hundreds, or thousands of people like her couldn't compare.

She is afraid that this man will be sad, and she is afraid that this man will be disappointed, because once he is disappointed, the consequences may be serious.

Does she feel like she has to do something?If normal channels don't work, she will do it in her own way.

But what she didn't know was how could this matter be so simple?Politics is never simple.

What are several people discussing in a small meeting at the top?Although there were small disputes, unity was quickly formed.

"Comrade Ye Yuze is a patriotic businessman. He may have some shortcomings, but his innocence is unquestionable!"

"The two incidents he encountered recently show that some of our comrades have lax upbringing, which allows their children to act arbitrarily and seriously affects certain images. These problems must not be tolerated and are a warning to all comrades. Sound the alarm!”

Once the tone is set, things will become easier to deal with.Yang Geyong and Ye Mao were quickly released, but they still had to bear the other's medical expenses.

If the Lu family's incident last time only shocked a small circle, the Wu family's incident shocked the entire Beijing circle.

However, everyone agrees that if many things are not managed, it will really be impossible.Although some veteran comrades have worked hard and made outstanding contributions.

But the disciples really failed to live up to their expectations and did whatever they wanted in their name. The impact was so bad that it was impossible not to manage it.

The next step is to conduct an inventory of these things, not just going through the motions, but going through them in a down-to-earth manner, dealing with what needs to be dealt with, and educating what needs to be educated.

Ye Feng finally ended his layout and investment in Northern Xinjiang and returned to Boston.After all, no matter who the shareholders are, this is an American company and should have been deployed in the West.

He did not take Ye Guigen away, Yifei said: "Since the Queen Mother gave him this name, she naturally does not want him to leave again, and wants to take root in this land like Ye Mao."

Ye Feng is very obedient. In fact, he knows that his wife is right. Grandma is so old that she should keep the child, which is also a support for the elderly.

With the success of a series of investments by Brother Investment Bank, its reputation is now growing and a large amount of funds are pouring in.Banks originally use other people's money to make money, so funds are their means of making money.

And because Brothers Investment Bank shifted its investment direction abroad in the previous stage, the focus was on road construction in northern China.Therefore, it has perfectly avoided the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States.

This also made the CEO Ye Feng's prestige skyrocket for a while.Capital is chasing profits. Those funds that were originally unable to be brought in by Brothers Investment Bank did not need to be pulled in this time. They began to snap up a large number of various stocks issued by Brothers Investment Bank, causing the size of Brothers Investment Bank to expand rapidly.

One characteristic of Western capital is that eggs are not put in one basket.Every family or consortium will expand in all directions, spreading their influence across various industries.

Because of the failure of Ye Feng's investment last time, his Pan American Insurance and Angel Investment also became the properties of Brothers Investment Bank.

Thanks to the support of brother investment banks, Pan American Insurance and Angel Investment are now among the top companies in Europe and the United States. Next, it is time to attack other industries.

Ye Feng did some research and found out that because of the existence of Warrior Auto in the automobile industry, he was not prepared to participate.But there is one industry that he has never forgotten, and that is the media.

Due to financial issues some time ago, Ye Feng never had the chance to make a move.However, this subprime mortgage crisis has indirectly affected several major media companies in the United States.

Ye Feng's eyes were fixed on the troubled FOX, which is the world-famous Fox Media.It owns Fox Broadcasting Company, 20th Century Fox Film Company and Fox Entertainment Group.

Fox Entertainment Group is one of the giants in the world's entertainment industry. Its main components include Fox Broadcasting Company and its 29 television networks.

Therefore, although it is said to be an American company, Fox is actually one of the most famous media companies in the world. Its influence is not only in the United States, but in the entire world.

Fox Film Company was founded in New York in 1904 by Hungarian immigrant William Fox (originally named Wilhelm Fred) with only $1600 in capital at the time.

Fox has made its fortune from movies, and its 20th Century Fox Pictures has blockbuster films such as the "Star Wars" series, "Titanic" and "Dr. Dourid."

After 1985, Australian Keith Rupert Murdoch, who controlled News Corporation, successfully acquired Twentieth Century Fox Film Company, and in the early 90s established a joint venture with the three major American television companies. Giants:
CBS, National Broadcasting Company (NBC), and American Broadcasting Company (ABC) stand side by side in the TV media kingdom-Fox Cable Network.

Being able to acquire such a company made every cell in Ye Feng's body tremble.I really want to thank all the eight generations of ancestors who caused this subprime mortgage crisis, otherwise how would he have the chance?
Of course, such a large-scale transaction cannot be accomplished overnight.This requires a long period of detailed inspection and negotiation.

However, Ye Feng has enough patience. Anyway, they are the ones who are anxious. The subprime mortgage crisis has caused the entire Fox company to suffer heavy losses. At the moment, it is just hanging on, relying on a very small number of profitable projects to support itself.

And Ye Feng has a lot of money. In a capitalistic society, money is king, and there is no use talking about anything else!I'm rich, but you're having trouble running your business, so I want to buy you and give you a good price.

Of course, there are many people who want to acquire you, but how many of them can afford so much money like me?This is Ye Feng's confidence.After the last setback, Ye Feng has grown rapidly.He is studious and self-disciplined, which is better than his father.

Ye Yuze is relatively lazy. His style of doing things is to set an outline and never care about the specific implementation.

Therefore, he likes to hire those who are capable. Ye Feng is different from him in this regard. Ye Feng also likes to hire capable people.

But he has to worry about every detail, so he will understand everything he does.

The advantage of this is that if any accident occurs, he will come up with the best solution at any time. The disadvantage is that it is tiring.

What bothers Ye Yuze the most is having to do everything by himself, but the child he raised by himself has become a model in this regard. I don't know if this is a joke?
As for the acquisition of Fox, Ye Yuze agreed in principle, but he was not optimistic about it.

The main reason is that Murdoch is an old fox. This guy turned an unknown small company into such a behemoth in decades. Ye Yuze doesn't think Ye Feng can beat him?

However, Ye Yuze is not too worried. After all, Ye Feng has grown rapidly in the past few years, and his vision in some business decisions has begun to surpass his.

If he hadn't relied on his foresight, the question of who was the father would have been uncertain.

Let them fight if it doesn't matter, and he also knows that Fox will eventually be acquired by Disney. What if it happens?
Owning one of the world's top media companies, the Ye family at that time was not what it is now, and it would also have a decisive influence in the United States.

But I heard that the Disney Company also had this intention, but Disney was not a giant at this time, at least Ye Yuze didn't take them seriously yet.

Because their strength lies in animation and animation-derived entertainment and various products.For this type of company, no matter how big it is, the Ye family and his son will not regard them as opponents.

After the matter was settled and the two movies were completed, they never had to worry about screenings.

Although Junken Film and Television Company does not have many works, it has always been the box office champion. Cinemas will not schedule movies for them unless they are out of their minds.

However, this Zhu Bajie is in some trouble. After all, it is a small company with a new director, and even the actors do not have any real big names. It is really a bit dangerous to put it next to a film like Camellia Tree Love.

However, Ye Yuze made a phone call and the matter was resolved. After all, how dare the richest man Wang not give Ye Yuze face?
Ye Mao, on the other hand, has become silent since this incident, and Uncle Yang's impulsiveness almost got his father involved.

It is always adversity that makes a man mature quickly. Although things were close to danger, Ye Mao really got into his heart.

On the other hand, Yang Geyong still went his own way, and Ye Yuze didn't bother to care about him. He was already dozens of years old, so let him alone. He never caused trouble anyway, and usually he would be fine if others didn't bully him.

The Wu family suffered a heavy setback and soon disappeared from the capital. Where they went was kept secret.

But Ye Yuze still did a good thing. Wu Wei was awakened by Ye Yuze's acupuncture. As for Wu's mother, she woke up on her own the next day. It was just because she was older and her actions were affected. She no longer wanted to be as immobile as before. I just want to scratch someone, but I definitely can’t do it.

Ye Yuze has never been a person who holds grudges, and things will be over when they are over. After this incident, he felt embarrassed and left directly, deciding to stay in the capital for a while.I even called my wife to come over.

Yu'e was naturally happy. The couple had spent less time together and more separation. Now that Ye Yuze was willing to stay in the country for a while, she naturally wanted it.

But there is still a lot of work at home. Yifei has to go to work and has a little grandson.Although there is a professional like Jin Hua'er taking care of her, Yu'e still feels uneasy.After all, there are still two seniors in the rehabilitation center.

After thinking for a long time, Yu'e decided to stay only for a few days, mainly to spend time with her son.Women of their generation, after having children, focus entirely on the family, but ignore the communication between husband and wife.

When Yu came, Yang Geyong moved to the backyard. At present, his place is a bit messy. Zhao Liying moved in generously, and Ma Xiao was not to be outdone, and would come around regularly every day.

After Minnie calmed down, she would come back with Ye Mao and the others every day, but she would always leave right after eating.

Naturally, Lili and Han Xiaojing can no longer live here, but when the boss comes, they will naturally visit.

Yu'e has long been immune to Ye Yuze's women and smiles at everyone.

Lili was also smart and directly called Ye Xin mom. Yu'e immediately fell in love with this little girl, who was sweet-tongued and smart.

She is destined to have only Ye Mao in her life, so her daughter has a fatal temptation for her.

Xiao Yexin hung around her asking questions, and even brought tea and water from time to time, which suddenly made Yu'e's heart melt.Who doesn't like such a child?
Yu'e took off a jade pendant from her neck and put it on Ye Xin. The little girl was so happy that she became even more intimate with her.

Yu'e knew Han Xiaojing for a long time, and she had also met Han Ye.If two people couldn't deceive this matter, it would definitely be the Queen Mother and Yu'e.

Because they are the two women who know Ye Yuze best in the world.

When Yu'e comes, Ye Yufan and Cuicui will naturally come to visit. The sister-in-law is better than her mother, and Cuicui has a deep affection for Yu'e.So Cuicui will come here after get off work these days.Anyway, Ye Yufan rarely eats at home.

At their level, the office is basically their home, and there is no concept of time at work.

At a certain age, power is definitely more attractive to men than to women. The feeling of being in control is better than anything else.

Regarding Ouyang Xue and Liu Ling, Yu'e unexpectedly favored Ouyang Xue, not because she was beautiful.But Liu Ling is too sensible.

According to Yu'e's thinking, a woman who is too sensible is very scheming and her son cannot control her.

But Ye Mao has not yet made it clear who he likes?Yu'e didn't intervene.

Come on

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