Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 2273 1 life for 1 life

Chapter 2273 One life for another

Liu Ling looked at Gang's somewhat rickety body, and her heart was filled with gratitude. At the critical moment, her father sold her, but this old servant protected her with his life.

If Yang Jingyun knew about this, he would definitely die, and his death would be miserable.Even Peng Jinsheng couldn't protect him.Because the difference in status is too great.

Just when he noticed the young lady looking at him, he smiled with two missing teeth and continued to sweep the floor with the broom.

When dinner time came, I just came to deliver food again.Liu Ling asked in a low voice:
"Uncle Gang, can you find me a mobile phone?"

He was shocked all over. As a domestic slave, he had no status.Now that the young lady actually called him uncle, he couldn't help but have mixed feelings in his heart.

But he didn't speak or answer. He continued to set the food for Liu Ling, then nodded and went downstairs.He will collect the rice bowl when breakfast is delivered tomorrow.

Liu Ling was not in the mood to eat. She was eager to contact Heizi now. After several years of planning, she was unwilling to fail like this.

Although these people were loyal to her, one thing she understood was that she was nothing compared to her father, at least in Kokang she was nothing.

If these people had gathered before she went out, as long as her father raised his arms, these people would be willing to be driven by his father, and even all the things they had done before would have been done under his father's orders.

As for the leaders such as Heizi, they will be replaced by their father without mercy, and then the team will be broken up and all of them will be incorporated into the alliance army.Such a thing cannot happen no matter what.

She had studied the Bamboo Tower many times, but she couldn't get down at all, unless she had the skills to fly over the walls and jump down in one fell swoop.But she really didn't.

She likes all the meals. I don't know if it was her father's order or just prepared it herself. Both of them know her taste.

While he was anxiously circling around the room, there was a soft "plop" sound, and something flew in from the window and landed at Liu Ling's feet.

Liu Ling picked it up with a puzzled look on his face. It was a piece of clothing. It was a typical piece of clothing worn by local men, but it was heavy.

Liu Ling's heart moved and she quickly opened her clothes, revealing a mobile phone inside.It is the "Beijiang brand".

Liu Ling knew that this kind of mobile phone was produced in Ye Mao's hometown.

Liu Ling stretched his head and took a look outside, only to see Gang's rickety body staggering into his own room.

Liu Ling didn't hesitate, picked it up and dialed Heizi's number.

"Heizi, I'm locked up. Please delay your actions until I get the results. Remember, don't accept orders from anyone except me!"

"Miss? I know, don't worry. Several of our leaders are near your yard and will rush in at any time if there is any disturbance. As for the team, we have already informed you that the youth army has only one leader, and that is Peng Lingxiao!"

Liu Ling felt hot in her heart. She didn't expect that this young boy who had been stupid since childhood would become smart.

"Okay, wait for my next order and be ready to act at any time!"

After hanging up the phone, Liu Ling felt settled. Just as he was about to hide his phone, a figure suddenly emerged from his mind. It's winter vacation. I wonder if he has gone home?We may never see each other again. Will he still think of himself?

Without thinking, she dialed the number she knew by heart. It was the only number she could remember without having to look through her address book.

After a few rings, the phone was connected, and Ye Mao's somewhat lazy voice came from inside:

"Hello, who are you calling? If this is an advertising call, please shut up!"

Liu Ling smiled. This bad guy was still so out-of-the-box, as if he would never be influenced by anyone.

"I'm Liu Ling, are you okay?"

Liu Ling's voice was trembling, whether it was excitement or grievance.I have experienced too much these days, but it is said to be from heaven to hell.

"Damn, Liu Ling, I'm looking for you. Why did it take you so long to call me? How are you? It seems to be a mess over there."

The tears in Liu Ling's eyes suddenly flowed out. It seemed that all the grievances finally had an outlet, and his voice couldn't help but choked up:
"I'm not good, I'm very bad..."

Ye Mao was anxious: "Don't cry yet, tell me what's going on? The more detailed the situation, the better!"

Liu Ling's tears flowed even more happily. Now she realized that the man who she thought had no interest in her turned out to be the one who cared about her the most.Then, all the efforts I have made in the past will be worth it.

After calming down his emotions and recounting everything he had experienced in the past few days, Ye Mao finally felt relieved. He just pondered for a moment, and Ye Mao immediately gave instructions:

"If you are like this, don't stay at home. Immediately move your team towards the Chinese border, and then wait for my call."

"But more than 1000 people are eating horse chews, and I have no money anymore."

Liu Ling said it very bitterly. In recent years, she seemed to be very prosperous, but all the money was used to support the team, and she often did not even have enough for living expenses.

Ye Mao didn't take it seriously: "Okay, if someone has a gun and he starves to death, how can he be so stupidly armed!"

Liu Ling's heart moved. Just when she was about to refute that her team had strict military discipline, Ye Mao had already hung up the phone.

Liu Ling looked helplessly at the black screen of her cell phone, finally gritted her teeth and dialed Heizi's number again.Decisive order:

"Save me out!"

Yang Xiao rushed to Peng's house with a group of people. He was ordered by his father to pick up Liu Ling. The reason was simple, that is, to let Liu Ling go home with him and serve him.

He may not be held accountable for the injury, but it should be Liu Ling's responsibility to take care of him, right?
With one eye covered by a black leather mask, Yang Xiao seemed to have suddenly transformed from a pretty boy into a ferocious beast.The expression was sinister, and the remaining eye flashed with a fierce light.

Peng Jinsheng was not at home today and went to the front line for inspection.But when Yang Xiao came, Yang Jingyun called Peng Jinsheng.Peng Jinsheng agreed with the Yang family's wishes, so today Yang Xiao is confident.

Driving to the gate, Yang Xiao asked the guard to open the door, but the guard refused. In the Peng family compound, no one's car except Peng Jinsheng's car must park at the gate.

Yang Xiao was very angry, but it was of no use. The guards would not give him any face.

However, the noise soon alerted Gang. Gang was nominally an old servant, but in fact he was also the housekeeper of the Peng family. He made the final decision on all matters at home.

Except for one thing, that was the guards. He would never order them to do anything, and of course, the guards would not listen to him.

As soon as he reached the gate, he humbly asked Yang Xiao what he was doing.
When Yang Xiao saw Gang, the anger in his heart rose again.He remembered his father's words, that his eyes were destroyed by this dog-like guy.

"I'm here to take my fiancée home. I'm blind in one eye, and I'm still blind here. As my fiancée, she must serve me. Uncle Peng also agreed to this." Yang Xiao was not reckless and lifted Peng Jinsheng. When he came out, although he brought more than a dozen people with him, he was not sure that he could capture the Peng family compound.

Gang looked stern and stepped in front of Yang Xiao. His dull expression disappeared and his eyes were sharp:
"This is the young lady's home. She won't go anywhere before she gets married. If you want the young lady to serve you, it's not impossible. You can live at Peng's house."

Gang had a resolute expression, and all the humility seemed not to belong to him, like a divine beast guarding the door, blocking anyone who wanted to come in.

"Fuck, you damn old man, don't you even listen to Uncle Peng?"

Yang Xiao, who was still suppressing his anger, finally exploded, reaching out and taking out the gun from his waist.

Gang was unmoved and kept his feet motionless: "I don't care who it is, the young lady is not allowed to leave this house until she is married!"

A group of men came up and took out their guns. They were all die-hard guards of the Yang family and would not give face to anyone except the Yang family.

Gang's eyes were bright and he refused to give in, which made Yang Xiao very embarrassed.

Liu Ling stood on the bamboo tower watching all this, looking anxious.She had already given the order for Heizi to take someone to pick her up, but she didn't know why there was no movement yet?
Yang Xiao raised his gun and put it against Gang's forehead, and asked ferociously:

"You bastard, you haven't listened to your master's words, and you still haven't avenged my eye. If you don't get out of the way, do you believe I will shoot you to death?"

Gang didn't blink an eyelid: "You can beat me to death, but if you want to take the lady away, you will have to wait until I die."


There was a muffled sound, and Yang Xiao finally couldn't hold it back, pulled the trigger, and shot Gangde in the head.

The bullet was destructive. Although there was only a small hole in the front, it just exploded a big hole in the back of the head. It disappeared from this world without even making a sound.

After firing the gun, Yang Xiao waved his hand: "Don't drive, go in and pick up my fiancée!"

Many people in the crowd of onlookers had bloodshot eyes. They were all looking towards Peng Jinsheng. However, the Peng family guards did not move, so naturally they could not control it.

At this moment, a roar suddenly sounded:

"Yang Laowu actually brought a gun to the young lady's house to show off his power. Your death has come!"

Yang Xiao looked back and was startled when he saw a group of people wearing camouflage uniforms and holding rifles rushing over.The man in the lead had a dark face, but he didn’t know who he was?

Yang Xiao's arrogance comes from his family's power, but he is not stupid. Facing a group of people who are armed to the teeth, he does not dare to show off.So he hurriedly asked:
"Who are you? I came to pick up the young lady on Uncle Peng's order. Don't do whatever you want!"

But Heizi dismissed it: "You're going to hell, you're going to commit murder when you come to pick someone up? Kill an old servant of the Peng family? You will definitely pay for it with your life today!"

Yang Xiao trembled all over: "He blatantly disobeyed the master's order, and I killed him for Peng Jinsheng!"

Heizi sighed: "I don't care what you agreed with Peng Jinsheng. We are the young lady's subordinates. If you kill someone, you have to pay with your life. It's useless to say anything else, just do it!"

There was a burst of gunfire, and all the weapons in the hands of the young army spewed smoke. The Yang family, who had been showing off their power just a moment ago, suddenly fell to the ground.

There were only two people who escaped quickly. They squeezed into the crowd before anyone could shoot, and then disappeared quickly. Heizi ignored them and waved:

"First company commander, clean the battlefield. Don't leave any corpses or blood stains. The others will follow me in to pick up the lady!"


With a few crisp sounds, a truck drove over. A group of soldiers quickly cleaned up the battlefield, and some picked up buckets and shovels to clean up the blood on the ground.

But more people followed Heizi towards the door.At this time, a cold voice came from the watchtower on the courtyard wall:

"Stop! Trespassers will die!"

Heizi answered equally coldly: "We are here to pick up the young lady, our leader. You try firing a shot, I guarantee that none of you will be left alive. I will let the young lady tell you later."

The people on the watchtower stopped talking. Although they were all dead soldiers and only loyal to Peng Jinsheng, the lady was not targeting the master, and they didn't know how to deal with it.

Soon, Liu Ling was surrounded by Heizi's gang. She walked to Gangde's body and bowed, then reached out and closed his open eyes and said:
"Uncle Gang, your revenge has been avenged, go peacefully!"

Then he walked up to Yang Xiao, who was still alive, asked for Heizi's pistol, pointed it at the head and shot him again.

Then he waved to the crowd: "Send a message to Yang Laogou for me. I can kill people. If he attacks my father, I will make sure that no one in the Yang family is left!"

It turns out that although Liu Ling has a strong character, he is not cold-blooded.But her father's ruthlessness and Uncle Gang's death completely changed her temperament.

Since reasoning is useless, then beat them until they understand the truth and cannot change them, then erase them from this world.

No one touched Yang Xiao's body. This was to give the Yang family face and let them collect the body themselves. Otherwise, the youth army would throw the body into the wilderness and bury it.

In fact, the equipment of the Youth Army is not advanced. The weapons are purchased locally by Heizi and others. Most of them are items that have been eliminated from abroad, but among the Allied forces, they are already pretty good.

The only means of transportation were five pickup trucks and two large trucks, so the march basically relied on legs.

However, because they are well-trained, they are not as loose as the Burmese army. At least when they walk out of the old street, the team is neat and even their steps follow the same rhythm.

An uncle couldn't help but sigh, seeing such a team, it was still the anti-Japanese period. Miss Peng was amazing!
Liu Kuisheng looked at his son standing on the first pickup truck, wiped his tears and cursed:
"You bastard, you dare to hide such a big thing from me. Do you really think your father is old? Just wait, I will contact someone now. Don't think we are really too old to hold a gun!"

Liu Ling sat in a pickup truck and checked the map, then called and asked:

"Are we following the road all the way to near Zhenkang?"

Ye Mao agreed: "Yes, just keep walking on the main road, someone will pick you up."

Liu Ling smiled: "I know, husband, I'm very hungry..."

The driver drove the car intently, but his hands seemed a little unsteady. Their big boss was so two-faced.He was so ruthless when he first committed the murder, but in the blink of an eye he became so charming. Who is he following?
At this time, Ye Mao, Yang Geyong and others also entered the territory of Kokang, but they stopped after walking not far.

The snakehead urged impatiently: "Hurry up, it's dangerous here!"

(End of this chapter)

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