Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 2292 Ye Feng changes tactics

"You don't love him anymore?"

Ye Fengqing couldn't help but ask. In his mind, two people who once loved each other should not choose to betray in this place even if their relationship breaks down.

Deng Wenjing smiled sadly: "When you reach your status, is there really still love? Shouldn't it be just like the two of us, just seeing sex?"

Ye Feng shook his head: "Maybe I haven't lived to his age yet. I can't get over the word "love" yet. Anyway, I think that as long as two people have that kind of relationship, they will always be different."

Deng Wenjing put her nose to his face, rubbed it gently, and her tone was full of teasing:
"What's the difference? Is it any different from whoring?"

Ye Feng was speechless, not knowing what to say to this bitch?
As the saying goes, don't play hooligan with married women, especially married middle-aged women, because they are more hooligan than you.

Seeing that Ye Feng was at a loss, Deng Wenjing smiled, but she liked this boy very much in her heart. She loved this boy to death. He looked mature and steady, but he was actually very shy.

"Come, make sister happy, sister will help you."

Deng Wenjing's eyes were as charming as silk, her desire surged up like a tide, and her little face was flushed as if it had been roasted by fire.

Ye Feng wanted to resist and tell her that this was working time, not ovulation time, but before he could say anything, his mouth was blocked.

The lounge was in a mess, everything was thrown to the floor, and the soft Simmons bed made a squeaking sound.

In fact, the quality of this bed is very good. It should not have made any noise, but the impact force was too strong and it was overwhelmed.

The two secretaries outside also had pretty faces flushed. One of them was holding a coffee cup and clasping his legs, looking very excited.

"Oh, Ruth, don't do this. You can use your strength quietly, but you can't shout, or I will go crazy!"

"Alice, please bear with me, I'll be fine soon."

Ruth continued to exert force and couldn't stop. This was the first time this happened to her boss in such a long time.

When the wind stopped and the rain stopped, Ye Feng slumped on the bed like a big character. Although he is extremely talented, he can only plow the land with exhausted oxen.

Deng Wenjing's weak fingers didn't want to move anymore, she lay there and asked in a weak voice:
"Tell me, what do you need from me? As long as you don't let me die, I will do anything."

Ye Feng shook his head: "I'll do my own thing. There's nothing wrong with a woman!"

Deng Wenjing felt moved in her heart. This man was affectionate and righteous, and he was indeed the right person.

Ye Feng suddenly thought of a question: "Why did he divorce you? His wife who had divorced him for decades shouldn't have come to an end so quickly, right?"

Deng Wenjing looked indifferent: "He said that Blair and I had an affair."

"Wow!" Ye Feng was startled, although he didn't think that Blair was any better than others? But the status is special.

"Then are you okay?" Although the man doesn't gossip, he is always curious, especially for such a big guy.

Deng Wenjing shook her head: "How is it possible? People will destroy everything for a woman like me?"

Ye Feng believed it instantly. It was true. For men, there are always more important things to do than women.

Deng Wenjing regained some strength and reached out to rub Ye Feng's cheek:
"If I said that apart from Mercado, you are the only man I have ever touched in my life, would you believe it?"

Ye Feng nodded with a sincere expression: "I believe it if you tell me."

In fact, Deng Wenjing didn't expect Thaksin to believe him. She just had to speak out and give herself an explanation. Although she won't control herself, she will never be wanton.

After cleaning the battlefield, Ye Feng went to do his business. A group of men are still waiting for him. The negotiations were extremely difficult, and every inch of ground had to be fought for, and people on both sides were exhausted.

The shopping mall is actually a battlefield, sometimes even more cruel than the battlefield. It's just that the weapons are different, but it's still bloody.

They are different from Ye Feng. Ye Feng clearly knows what he wants? And you can use various tricks to do this.

But they are different. They can only be like soldiers, fighting for every inch of territory and not daring to be careless or slack.

Ye Feng's subordinates are all young people, and his bosses of every age group like to hire people of similar age to him.

If his subordinates were all old men and women, he would be embarrassed to drive them. In the past two years, he has basically traveled to various branches of the investment bank and made a major change.

It's not that he discriminates against the elderly, but that when people reach a certain age, their motivation is gone and it is normal to be content with the status quo.

His company should be as energetic and enterprising as him, otherwise how can it develop?
At present, the business of all branches is booming, but his head office is stuck in Fox's business and is stagnant. Naturally, it is under great pressure.

The leader of the negotiation team is a young man named Wang Shouye. When he first heard this name, Ye Feng almost checked him off the list.

The key point is that just by looking at this name, he should be about the same age as his grandfather. How can any young person be called this?

But at the last moment, Ye Feng decided to investigate again. Sometimes first impressions can be misleading.

It turned out to be a misjudgment when they met. This Wang Shouye was in his thirties. Although he looked ordinary, his eyes were particularly bright.

Originally, he joined the team as an ordinary negotiator. After Ye Feng learned about his resume, he directly accepted his appointment as the team leader.

Speaking of which, Wang Shouye's life can be considered a cheat. He has been a top student since he was a child and has made great progress all the way.

After graduating from a domestic university, he was admitted to Yale University with a full scholarship. Doctoral students graduate directly there.

I stayed in school for the first two years and resigned resolutely after obtaining the title of professor. I went to several companies in succession, but retired after achieving outstanding results.

For this reason, Ye Feng had a special conversation with him: "Why are you so unsettled? Every position you hold is beyond the reach of most people."

Wang Shouye licked his lips honestly: "I like challenges, and those professions are not my favorite. I just want to try to see if I can do it."

Ye Feng didn't talk nonsense: "Okay, the leader of this negotiation team is yours. Even if you resign, you have to finish the negotiation. This is my request. Can you agree?"

Wang Shouye nodded affirmatively: "I have completed every task very well, you can rest assured."

Seeing Ye Feng come in, Wang Shouye did not stand up to greet him like others, he just nodded and continued to work on his own.

Ye Feng walked up to him and asked, "Is there any progress?"

Wang Shouye shook his head: "It seems that we are making progress little by little, but even if we acquire Fox Entertainment, I don't think it is a victory."

Ye Feng looked at him in surprise: "How do you say this?"

Wang Shouye pointed to all the data he had: "Fox Entertainment has been losing money, and none of the brother companies' industries are related to this industry." "I don't know what you want to do, Mr. Ye? But according to my observation , you definitely don’t have this ambition.”

Ye Feng smiled. Sure enough, every academic master's IQ is not given in vain. People who study hard cannot be so wise.

The negotiating team came before the task was to acquire Fox Entertainment at the minimum cost. Didn't talk about anything else.

At this moment, it is not just the brother companies that want to acquire Fox Entertainment. The biggest rival is Disney, which started its career in animation.

Initially, Murdoch favored Disney. After all, they are peers, and many of Fox Entertainment’s resources can be perfectly taken over by Disney to maximize profits.

It's just that this brother company doesn't know what's wrong with it, it's that it's going head-to-head with Disney. The key point is that they know nothing about the film and television industry?

However, Mercado is a businessman. Since he plans to package and sell, the one with the highest price will naturally get it, and in this regard, the brother company will naturally win.

According to Mercado, laymen generally say that people with too much money are stupid, and the assessment of insiders will only give you a half discount.

The reason why Murdoch is spending money is because he wants to use Disney, a powerful rival, to squeeze more profits from his brother companies.

In fact, there is no one from Disney here permanently. They just have dedicated people to contact us by phone and will only come once when there is progress.

Ye Feng looked at Wang Shouye with interest: "What do you think I want to do?"

Wang Shouye just pondered for a moment, then pointed decisively at Fox Newspaper Group and said:
"You want news channels and newspapers, because by mastering these, brother companies will reach a higher level."

Ye Feng did not comment, just patted him on the shoulder:

"Just do what you want. If you have any requests, just tell me."

Wang Shouye's eyes narrowed: "Boss, during the war, the success of every negotiation was actually a change in the war situation. Otherwise, what would you use to negotiate?"

Ye Feng was stunned and looked at Wang Shouye sharply:
"You mean the truth is always within the range of a cannon?"

Wang Shouye nodded firmly.

Ye Feng also nodded: "I'll call the financial director. You can contact me directly on what to do."

Wang Shouye's mature and steady face finally showed a touch of excitement, as if this was what he really wanted to do.

Yuanfang arrived in New York, and Ye Feng was very happy. Ask her what she wants to do? Yuanfang said she wanted to visit the west coast, and Ye Feng readily agreed.

Now that Ye Feng has reached his status, special planes and yachts are already the means of transportation. Traveling with beautiful women is naturally a way to relax.

Fox shareholders have been contacted by strangers one after another. People are willing to pay double the price for the shares in their hands.

At the same time, Fox Entertainment's stock began to plummet. Mainly because there have been reports in various media about their serious losses.

Everyone pushed against the wall, and investors began to panic sell, but there were not many people to take over, which caused the stock price to fall all the way.

While Murdoch was raising funds to buy stocks, he was urging the negotiation to speed up. This old fox who had been waiting for a price finally couldn't sit still.

That's what public companies are like, since you can raise a lot of money through going public. But you also need to bear risks from the stock market.

Some companies have performed very well, but have collapsed inexplicably. This has a lot to do with the stock market.

We all know that a company has three statements. The balance sheet is the financial system and the foundation of the company. The income statement is the report card and the face of the company. The cash flow statement is the blood system of the company and the real face of the company.

If a company burns cash for expansion for five consecutive years, it will accumulate a large amount of accounts receivable and bad debts.

Relying on bank loans to support store opening and purchase of goods will eventually lead to inability to repay the loans and lead to bankruptcy.

In fact, every big company has this phenomenon, including Fox. It is because of this that we can go public and raise funds.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be better to make your money properly? Isn’t it unhealthy to have to use part of the profits as dividends?
You must know that the company's expansion period is the most cost-intensive. The kind of behavior that relies on a belief and throws money out like paper regardless of the cost is considered crazy by outsiders.

But it is often such lunatics who are able to achieve results that attract the world's attention. Normal people really don't have the guts.

Of course, these investors cannot see it. They can only see the series of numbers, especially the income statement.

Now that Fox Entertainment has suddenly exploded, and some people are selling in a panic, the tolerance of stock investors is the worst. Immediately people started to follow suit.

At the beginning, the funds raised by Merck really supported this trend.

But as more and more people joined the selling trend, the capital chain began to break, even affecting the entire company.

There's no way around it, the company is inherently a whole, whether it's entertainment or news, it all belongs to Fox.

You must know that there is a fact in this world that everyone knows but does not want to believe.

That is, it is always the poor who save money. They use their balances of hundreds or thousands to support the entire financial system. Let them pool this money to support the rich. Let them make more money.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with this, because this is the law and the law of the market. Only when money flows can there be higher profits.

Don’t poor people save money for profit? Otherwise, if you keep your money at home, it will have nothing to do with anyone.

The cash flow was cut off, and Fox was instantly in danger. Currently, it can still borrow a lot of things on credit based on its reputation and credit, but how long can it last? Who can know?

Wang Shouye is very busy. Although stock market matters are directly handled by his brother investment bank, many things need to be communicated with him and adjusted according to the actual situation.

And he and Deng Wenjing go to meet Fox shareholders every day. Have cordial and friendly conversations.

In fact, it was not like this at first. Those people were so arrogant that they didn't even care about him. For a wage earner like him, being able to show him the most basic courtesy was considered as enough face.

But as the stock value evaporates, these people's attitudes change day by day, and they can't wait to sell their stocks.

At this time, Wang Shouye was no longer in a hurry. He looked indifferent and resigned.

In the end, it was Deng Wenjing, a fellow villager, who came forward to save those shareholders. Naturally, the stock cannot command a premium, after all, it has already fallen to this level.

It has to be said that Deng Wenjing was very loyal and insisted that Wang Shouye purchase according to the current market value, but did not agree with his 50% discount price.

You must know that the stock has been cut in half in the past few days, and such an acquisition will cost lives. (End of chapter)

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