Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 2294 Lonely Ye Yuze

Chapter 2294 Lonely Ye Yuze
Ye Feng was still proudly showing off his ability to know people well and take care of them. Suddenly, I felt that the pair of phoenix eyes in front of me that were so tender just now suddenly turned into a tiger. A female tiger was about to choose someone to devour.

Just as he was about to get up and run away, his ears hurt and he couldn't move. Yuanfang gritted his teeth:
"Tell me, did Uncle Ye teach you that you have such a heavy taste?"

Ye Feng was about to cry but had no tears. He was so proud that he got carried away. Even though he was one of his own, there were some things that he really couldn't confess. No wonder, as the saying goes:

Be strict if you confess, be lenient if you resist, refuse to admit it and go home for the New Year.

They had fun for a while, with small punishments and big warnings. Ye Feng said he would never do it again, and Yuanfang never stopped doing it.

Being in the shopping mall, she naturally understands better than anyone else what's going on in the world now? If you really want to lose this man, you can do whatever you want.

Once a person's realm reaches a certain level, he actually doesn't care about these things. In fact, most of the cheating between people comes from desire.

And you can't stop those who are really together because of feelings. Unless you plan to quit on your own.

But how can you let go of a relationship that has lasted for many years? So sometimes, a wise person will pretend not to know, and just spend it like this. When his enthusiasm is exhausted, he will return to his family.

Ye Feng admired these two people very much. Although his association with them was accidental, he did not expect that they gave him a big surprise.

Mainly because without them, where would Ye Feng have the time to spend his honeymoon with his woman? Looking at Yuanfang's shy look, Ye Feng felt that a certain part of himself was ready to move.

This woman is so beautiful. Although she has a strong personality, she is still gentle and considerate in front of him. If he has a daughter with her, Ye Feng feels that he will definitely be able to catch up with his aunt Ye Yuji. Among the daughters of the Ye family, she is the most beautiful. The presence.

Don’t say anything, just work hard. There is no land that does not grow food, only seeds that do not live up to expectations.

Ye Yuze has often been thinking recently, what is the meaning of life? He was a little confused.

In fact, he is not strictly a literate person. The so-called culture is actually philosophy. It has a rich background and thinking, resulting in an own point of view.

Since he was a teenager, he has been forced to run faster and faster on the road to making money. Now that he has more money than he can spend in a lifetime, he doesn't know what to do anymore?

Sometimes, he admits that he is not as good as Yang Geyong or Laorou.

Because people live a simple life, it is easy to be attracted by something and enjoy it endlessly. In fact, that is happiness, but it is difficult for me to have that kind of happiness.

Although books and the media have always advocated some noble things, Ye Yuze knew that he could not be such a person.

The main thing is that he is not that noble or selfless. Be willing to do those things for free.

In Ye Yuze's opinion, in this era of rapid development, if you are still poor, there is only one reason, and that is laziness.

At the very least, you can come out and do something you can do. There is a shortage of people everywhere nowadays. Making money by physical strength is something that anyone can do.

He doesn't like this method of guarding your poor home, telling you how pitiful you are, and relying on relief and charity to improve your life.

Therefore, it is not that he does not do charity work, but he does it selectively, such as helping those living alone and orphans. Apart from this, he rarely participates.

In fact, when people live, the pattern is the same. They work hard to make money. Once they earn a certain amount of money, they should improve their quality of life.

The so-called improvement is nothing more than enjoyment, eating things that others have never eaten, wearing things that others have not worn, and playing with things that others have never played.

And Ye Yuze is a layman, and he will not use the elegance heaped up with money to despise those who are not elegant, so he suddenly found that he had lost the fun.

Food and sex are the same, this is what the sages said, and it is actually the truth. As a human being, no matter whether you have money or not, this is the most basic thing that people pursue.

Just like the poor go to whoring and the rich take care of celebrities. In fact, this is a kind of pursuit, but at a different level.

Ye Yuze didn't have the habit of chasing stars, let alone whoring, so he suddenly felt that he had lost his fun.

In the bar, Xiaoxiao and Tiantian were boxing with Yang Geyong and had a great time. These girls have several dances to perform every day, and after that they have to drink with them. Naturally, the wine is not free, and a tip is required.

Adrian Smith and Yang Geyong are regular visitors here and come here every day to get drunk.

Adrian Smith has been fascinated by Tiantian and has been obsessed with her all day long. However, although Tiantian is very kind to Adrian Smith, she has been unwilling to take the last step.

Yang Geyong and Xiaoxiao were actually like this. It wasn't that Xiaoxiao was reserved, but that Yang Geyong controlled it.

This made Ye Yuze admire this brother very much. He was originally a stallion, and he only wanted to find women for that kind of thing, without any nonsense.

Unexpectedly, I suddenly became a person who enjoys the process but does not accept the results, no matter how beautiful she is.

Ye Yuze has never had a regular playmate, mainly because Lili and Han Xiaojing watch closely. Although no one restricts his freedom, the phone keeps ringing after he comes home a little late, making him have no interest in playing. .

I originally discussed with Yang Geyong to go out for a walk, but Yang Geyong sternly refused. The reason was that the construction of the world's first building was at a tense moment, so how could he have time to play?
Ye Yuze couldn't help but smile bitterly as he looked at his brother who was laughing and laughing at the slutty behavior they were drinking. This girl was a bad example and knew how to use noble reasons to cover up her dirty hobbies.

Ye Yuze is a person who doesn't like to be restrained, but in recent years, because of a bunch of children, he has been forced to become the king of children. Now that I have finally come out, why would I be willing to go back easily?

However, Yang Geyong refused to leave, so Ye Yuze decided to go shopping by himself. It was already March. Although it was still cold in the north, spring was already blooming in the south.

After saying hello to Lili, he went to the train station and bought a ticket going south. Because there is no clear goal, ticket purchasing is also random.

The reason why he didn't fly was actually because he wanted to experience the life of ordinary people. Although the hard seats were a little crowded, he could fully observe the joys, sorrows and joys of those people.

The bus from Beijing to Guiyang is very slow and stops at every station, so the journey takes almost 40 hours.

Ye Yuze had not experienced such a long journey for a long time. What he could recall in his memory was the train from Tangcheng to the provincial capital of Northern Xinjiang when he was a child. It also takes more than 40 hours.

The carriage was very crowded. Even though it was past the Spring Festival travel season, there were already many people, but not so much that I couldn't even put my feet in.

For example, Ye Yuze's small suitcase couldn't be put on the luggage rack at this time because it was filled with large and small odd-shaped luggage. Many large woven bags also exude a strange smell.

Ye Yuze's ticket was for the middle seat of the three-person seat, but it was obvious that he could no longer sit in his seat, because there were two mothers and daughters sitting inside. The daughter was three or four years old. Although she was not beautiful, she was chubby. Very cute.

As soon as Ye Yuze got on the bus, the baby-faced mother kept explaining to Ye Yuze that she knew what was going on. She bought a ticket for her daughter, but the tickets for the two of them were separated. That is to say, according to the ticket, she will be on either side of her daughter, with Ye Yuze in between.

Ye Yuze naturally wouldn't take things like this seriously. He sat down outside and smiled at his little mother who kept explaining to him.

This mother looks very distinctive, focusing on a round shape. She has a round face and round body, not pretty, but very cheerful and voluptuous.

In fact, most middle-aged men will like this one. In fact, this is the most real feeling that can be obtained through the accumulation of life.

Unlike those boys, who are young and don’t know the taste of meat, blindly pursue skinny texture, and completely unable to enjoy the true connotation of the word round and round.

Opposite them were two men and one woman. The one by the window was a man with the head of a deer and the eyes of a rat. The girl in the middle looked very young, maybe seventeen or eighteen years old. Probably malnourished, not growing at all, still looking like a child.

Next to him was a burly man, who took up almost half of the seat. The girl could only lean forward pitifully, with half of her butt resting on the seat, looking a little hard.

Because it was the first train, most people had seats. Those who had standing tickets were all crowded at the connection between the carriages, so there were no people in the aisle looking at you eagerly, so there was no pressure to sit.

The daughter was very lively and kept asking her mother various questions along the way. However, the mother's knowledge was obviously a bit limited, but she still tried her best to answer her daughter's questions.

But when my daughter asked: "Mom, why is the train so long? When the car is so short? My mother obviously couldn't answer, blinking her eyes at a loss."

Ye Yuze had no choice but to answer helpfully: "Look, there are long rails under the train. It takes very little effort for the train to run on it, so one locomotive can carry a long string of carriages."

The youngest daughter said "Oh" in a half-understanding manner. She was not familiar with Ye Yuze yet, so she was a little cautious.

Ye Yuze didn't like to bring food with him when he went out, so he happened to catch up with the salesman pushing a trolley over, so he bought some fruits and snacks.

Then he gave some to the little girl. The little girl looked at her mother timidly and found that her mother had no objection, so she happily accepted it and picked up the leftover half apple on the table to exchange with Ye Yuze.

Ye Yuze was very happy in his heart. Such a child would be great when he grows up. He knows how to exchange and doesn't feel comfortable asking for other people's things.

In fact, a person's personality can be revealed at a very early age. This is also a kind of nature. Although I was greatly influenced by my parents when I was growing up, nature is still the main reason.

The advantage of a green car is that you can smoke. Ye Yuze would go to the connection to smoke from time to time, usually while going to the toilet.

As we age, some problems begin to appear, such as frequent urination. However, it is also a pleasure to puff away at the connection and listen to people from all over the world bragging.

When I came back from smoking, I found that the girl opposite also went to the toilet, but when she came back, the seat was gone.

It wasn't that someone occupied her seat, but that the space was occupied by men on both sides. If the girl wanted to sit down, she had to sit on two people's laps.

Seeing the girl's troubled expression, the little mother was unhappy and said:
"You all move over to the side, otherwise where will a girl sit?"

The burly man remained unmoved, as if he hadn't heard anything. The man with a deer-headed and rat-like eyes grinned obscenely, revealing his yellow teeth.

"I've already dedicated my legs, so why can't I lie down and let her sit on my belly?"

The little mother's face turned red with anger, but she didn't know what to say? He pouted and sulked to himself. Obviously there is no experience dealing with this kind of person.

When the little girl saw her mother angry, she pouted dissatisfiedly and tried to reason with the man:

"That's my sister's seat, you can't sit there!"

The deer-headed and rat-eyed man didn't take it seriously at all: "How about I switch with you? You sit here and I sit with your mother?"

Ye Yuze originally didn't want to meddle in other people's business. Human beings are also animals, and it is natural for the weak to eat the strong.

Although many laws and regulations have been derived with evolution, in real life, people like deer-headed men with rat eyes and burly men are everywhere, and there is no way to restrain them.

But looking at the helpless expression on the girl's face, Ye Yuze's chivalrous heart arose spontaneously. He had no choice but to roar when he saw injustice on the road. It was up to him to decide whether the earth would shake or not.

Ye Yuze waved to the girl: "Come on, let's change seats. I don't like sitting in the opposite direction."

Because Ye Yuze's seat was opposite to the direction of the train, he was indeed a little uncomfortable.

The girl hesitated and looked at Ye Yuze, but Ye Yuze didn't give her a chance to think about it and pulled her to her position. He went to the opposite side.

Seeing him coming, the man with the deer head and rat eyes had no intention of giving in. He still sat there with his legs widely spread.

The burly man's eyes were still closed, his legs were close to those of the deer-headed and rat-eyed man, and he seemed to be sleeping soundly.

Since he was drawing his sword to help, Ye Yuze naturally didn't have to think so much. He walked between the two people and sat down without even looking at the provocative gaze of the deer-headed and rat-eyed man.

When he sat down, he didn't just keep doing it, but he used a technique like a thousand-jin fall. If they see the opportunity and run away, nothing will happen.

As a result, they didn't take him seriously at all and were still as steady as an old dog, so Ye Yuze naturally didn't need to be polite.

"Boom! Boom!"

Two crisp sounds came from his legs. Ye Yuze sat firmly, but the two people screamed like slaughtering pigs.

In fact, Ye Yuze still saved his strength, otherwise their legs would be broken.

No matter what the two people called, Ye Yuze remained motionless and seemed to be sitting very comfortably. None of this has anything to do with him.

Everyone in the carriage stood up and looked in this direction, and then looked confused. They didn't know why a man wanted to sit on the lap of two other men? Isn't this scientific?

 Thank you for your vote, thank you. It’s so cool.

(End of this chapter)

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