Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 2297 Ye Yuze who popularized marriage law

But this does not mean that Zhang Qianjin is fine. Although Ye Yuze is easy to talk to, he still can't get out of his words when it comes to Ayi Jiang.

Ma Ling naturally understood him, so when she called, her tone was trembling. As her own son, she also knew that even if Ye Yuze dealt with Zhang Qianjin, he would not really completely destroy him.

But as a mother, after all, she didn't want her son to be beaten. She grew up with Ye Yuze, and together with Yang Geyong, the two guys started fighting, more ruthlessly than anyone else. She would rather fight it herself.

Ye Yuze's calmness made her even more uneasy, but she didn't dare to plead for mercy. She knew that if she begged for mercy, the outcome could be worse.

Ye Yuze talked about some things about the Corps in a roundabout way, but Ye Yuze didn't want to listen. He's not a person who likes to worry.

Although he hoped in his heart that the Corps would become rich as soon as possible, he only did what he could and never listened to things that were not under his control.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Yuze didn't think much and continued to devote himself to the lives of ordinary people. Who wouldn't be able to brag?

Because he kept buying things, the carriage was filled with the smell of all kinds of food. It wasn't that Ye Yuze deliberately exaggerated, he didn't have much money to begin with.

Mainly because Ye Yuze discovered that many people in this carriage were reluctant to eat. A few sesame seed cakes and a few boiled eggs were all the food for their journey.

At noon the next day, Ye Yuze simply asked the dining car to give everyone in the car a lunch box, and stated that if there was not enough, he could add more.

This time he left and won another round of praise, but a thin young man with a red face declared:
“I can afford food, I don’t need anyone else to buy it for me!”

Ye Yuze had noticed that this man was very short and his height was definitely not more than 1.6 meters. His arms and legs were thin and there was no flesh, and he looked like he had a big head.

His seat was not far from Ye Yuze, and he didn't say anything along the way, always reading quietly.

Ye Yuze was not angry. It is not a bad thing for young people to have self-esteem.

There was a burst of accusations and curses from all around. Although he didn't mean any harm, in this environment, his inappropriateness immediately became the target of public criticism.

Ye Yuze immediately stopped him: "Don't scold me. Since this little brother has food to eat, it's okay for him to do this. If the food comes later, if there is not enough food, just take his."

At this time, the girl opposite handed him a peeled apple. The girl was very shy and did not dare to look at him when she handed him the apple.

Ye Yuze already knew the situation of the two women opposite.

The little mother's name is Yu Haiou, and she came to the capital to see her husband. She is from Sichuan, and she and her husband used to work in a massage parlor.

Later, the two fell in love, and Yu Haiou married in Guizhou. The husband's family was so poor that they couldn't have enough to eat, but Yu Haiou didn't mind it and resolutely took out the dowry to improve his life.

Now her husband continues to work in the capital, and Yu Haiou takes her parents-in-law to grow medicinal materials at home, and her life is pretty good.

The girl's name was Pan Hongxiu, a native of Libo. This time she came to the capital to find her fiancé, but Pan Hongxiu was tight-lipped and refused to tell her whether he had found her or not.

But seeing how embarrassed Ye Yuze was that she couldn't even bear to eat, he probably didn't find it.

Ye Yuze took the apple and took a bite. It tasted pretty good. Although the ones sold on the train are more expensive, the purchasing channels seem to be fairly strictly controlled.

Pan Hongxiu pursed her lips and smiled when she saw how delicious he was eating. It seems like she bought this apple.

Ye Yuze suddenly discovered that this girl was actually quite good-looking, but because she was too thin, the beauty that a girl should have was covered up.

The girl talks very little and has a strong local accent. This may be the reason why she is unwilling to speak. It sounds like a lot of effort to others.

Ye Yuze finished the apple in several mouthfuls. At this time, Pan Hongxiu stammered and said to Ye Yuze:
"Don't be angry with Pan Hongming, he has been stubborn since he was a child!"

Ye Yuze was confused and asked: "Who is Pan Hongming?"

Pan Hongxiu pointed in the direction of the young man just now: "That's him."

Only then did Ye Yuze realize that the two people knew each other, but he just didn't know why they didn't sit together.
Thinking about the names of the two people again, Ye Yuze suddenly asked in surprise:

"Is he your brother?"

Pan Hongxiu nodded, but quickly shook his head:
"He is my cousin and my fiancé. I went to the capital this time to find him."

Ye Yuze suddenly felt a surge of anger in his heart. What a shame, my brother's fiancé, and the girl are reluctant to buy food. You still claim that you can afford food. Is this self-respect and conscience worthy of you?
But he didn't have an attack. I asked him what was going on.
Pan Hongxiu then told the whole story. It turned out that both of them were from the Shui tribe, and Pan Hongming's father was Pan Hongxiu's uncle, so Pan Hongxiu's mother was naturally Pan Hongming's aunt.

The Shui tribe practices a custom of marrying an uncle to his cousin. That is, the aunt's daughter has to marry her uncle's son as a "return kiss".

If the uncle has no sons or the age is not suitable, an external marriage is allowed, but the uncle must be paid a share of the nephew's marriage assets, also called "nephew money."

As Pan Hongxiu and Pan Hongming were similar in age, the marriage was naturally a matter of course. However, after Pan Hongming worked in the capital for a year, he suddenly said that he no longer wanted Pan Hongxiu.

The family had no choice but to ask her to find her cousin and take him back to get married. Because this has been a tradition of the Shui people for thousands of years, and not following it would be treason.

Pan Hongming was naturally not happy, but the old men on both sides were pushing each other to death, so he had no choice but to come back with his cousin to solve the problem first. The two of them had always been at odds with each other, so that was why it was like this.

Ye Yuze was stunned when he heard this. How could this be done? Seeing the girl's aggrieved look, he didn't know how to explain this to her.

In fact, the customs in some places in China conflict with the law, such as their return kiss.

In fact, in the earliest times, it was also popular among the Han people to refer to cousins, which is called close relatives. But with the development of the times, this custom has long been cancelled.

Because science has proven that when people who are related by blood get married, relatives within three generations cannot get married, and there will be many unexpected genetic diseases.

In addition, the mortality rate of offspring will be relatively high, and dementia, malformations, and genetic diseases will occur. This is because couples who marry close relatives receive too many of the same genes from the same ancestors. Everyone has certain negative genetic diseases. If the blood relationship is too close, the chance of developing genetic diseases is higher.

Therefore, the Marriage Law stipulates that close relatives within three generations are absolutely not allowed to marry.

It’s just that how can the customs that have existed for thousands of years be so easy to change? People in remote areas have little culture and regard customs as more important than laws.

In addition, they did not get a marriage certificate when they got married. It was basically a de facto marriage, so no one knew whether they were close relatives.

Ye Yuze wanted to say it directly, but looking at Pan Hongxiu's almost desperate eyes, he decided not to say it yet, lest the girl would not be able to think about it.

However, little mother Yu Haiou was well-informed and said:
"You are close relatives, and the law stipulates that you cannot get married. If you give birth to a child, you will easily become a fool and a deformed child."

Fan Debiao was impatient. This has been happening here for generations, so why not allow it? Qin Weiyang helped: "That's right, my mother is my aunt. Do you think I'm stupid?"

Yu Haiou's eyes widened: "Why are you doing this? This is stipulated by law!"

Fan Debiao said disdainfully: "We don't have many fools there? It's just that my cousin is too young. Otherwise, if I want to marry my cousin, I will be better than outsiders."

Ye Yuze felt his mouth was dry. He, who was always sharp-tongued, didn't know how to explain this problem.

Mainly because looking at Pan Hongxiu's almost desperate eyes, he really couldn't bear to say anything.

But for such a serious matter, he felt he still had to take responsibility. They don't understand themselves as civilized people. It is your responsibility to explain the truth.

He graduated from a medical school and naturally knew more about these things than outsiders. Not only did he explain to them in detail why close relatives cannot get married, he also explained the specific provisions of the marriage law.

There is no way, no explanation. Not only are Pan Hongxiu and his brother cousins, but Pan Hongxiu's father is also named Pan, which means both parents have the same genes, so the probability of problems is even greater.

Pan Hongxiu was extremely convinced by Ye Yuze. When he heard what he said, he lay on the small table and started sobbing.

Pan Hongming also heard the noise at this time. When he saw his cousin crying, his eyes widened and he shouted to several men:

"Which of you bullied my cousin? Come at me if you can!"

Fan Debiao glanced at him disdainfully: "Go away, I didn't see you coming forward when I bullied her. No one bullies her now, except Brother Ye who said that close relatives cannot get married."

Pan Hongming was stunned, then looked at Ye Yuze's lips trembling for a long time, and suddenly bowed:

"Thank you, Brother Ye. Hongxiu will definitely listen to you. She won't believe it no matter what I say."

Ye Yuze looked at this young man with a complicated expression. This generation has come out. It is estimated that many customs in his hometown will change from them.

After comforting Pan Hongxiu for a while, everyone followed suit, and Pan Hongxiu slowly accepted the reality.

She is not one of those old people in her family who sometimes just accept customs and say nothing else.

But Pan Hongxiu is also educated after all. Although she only graduated from elementary school and dropped out of junior high school before finishing junior high school, she also understands that the law cannot be violated.

Although I still feel uncomfortable, it’s just that I’m not used to it. After all, she has liked her cousin since she was sensible. This man suddenly no longer belongs to her, so naturally she can't adapt to it for a while.

At this time, the lunch boxes were delivered. Since everyone in this carriage had a portion, the salesperson delivered them several times in a row.

Looking at Pan Hongming who was devouring his food, Ye Yuze wanted to ask:
"Don't you, meow, not eat it? Why do you eat it so much better than anyone else?"

Ye Yuze also ate a box lunch, but his portion was a bit larger. It turned out that the chef had specially increased the amount for him after knowing about his affairs.

Not to mention, the chef's skills are really good. Look at this braised pork ribs, the color is attractive and the aroma is fragrant. The greedy little girl is almost drooling.

Good things naturally have to be shared. Ye Yuze is greedy for meat. It's okay to share it with the little girl. Forget it with others. Look at Fan Debiao's behavior. As long as he tells him to eat, Ye Yuze guarantees that nothing will happen to him within 5 minutes.

After another long night, the train finally arrived at the station. At this time, there is no train to Libo, only buses.

Although Libo has become a tourist city now, the traffic here is really not complimentary.

You must know that Guizhou is a place with no three feet of flat ground. Buses like old cows are breathing heavily and emitting black smoke on the mountain roads.

After a while, the front of the car tilted up, and the road ahead could not be seen at all. After a while, the front of the car plunged, and everyone in the car felt like they were lying on the ground.

Even Ye Yuze, who had driven 219 before, felt his heart almost burst out of his chest.

But at this time, the cell phone kept ringing. How could Ye Yuze dare to answer it? It was so scary here.

No, a car suddenly came from the opposite side, and all the people in the car screamed, because the road was too narrow, and there was no room for the two cars to miss each other.

Drivers here have a habit of honking their horns whenever they reach a place out of sight to ask oncoming vehicles to stop where they can miss them.

The cost of road construction here is too high, and the local government does not have that much financial resources, so it can only build one-way roads.

Just leave some parking spaces in some dangerous places for wrong cars.

Originally, the bus had already honked its horn, but the truck driver opposite was obviously an unruly person and grabbed him. As a result, no one could leave now.

Reversing on such a narrow road, especially with such a large curve, is no different than seeking death.

Everyone in the car was cursing and the driver was also furious. When I got out of the car, I pointed at the driver of the big truck and sneered at him.

However, the big truck driver is obviously not someone to be trifled with. He and his companion each carry an iron rod. He walked towards the bus driver.

Although everyone was excited just now, they all shut up at the critical moment. Even Fan Debiao and Qin Fuyang, who were seven and eight dissatisfied, fell silent.

Their dominance is actually limited to acquaintances. The two guys opposite are obviously the type who take life and death lightly and will do anything if they don't accept it, so they are cowed.

Ye Yuze originally didn't want to get out of the car. He was in a foreign land, and a strong dragon could not defeat a local snake. The main reason is that as I get older, I have a lot of scruples about things like fighting and killing.

After all, nowhere is outside the law, and he hasn't reached the point where he doesn't have to be responsible for beating bad guys. So, try to be as low-key as possible.

Moreover, when ordinary people fight, they are noisy and fierce, and they rarely take action. Although they keep shouting that I will kill you, the bastard's punches are not strong enough when they hit him.

After all, ordinary people only need momentum when fighting. Even when gangsters fight, most of the time they are just shaking people. The more they come, the better.

I won't beat you to death, but I won't rule out scaring you to death. This is called subduing someone without fighting.

Otherwise, let alone death, he would be injured. It would be irresponsible and unrealistic.

The two guys held iron bars and walked up to the bus driver who was still talking a lot. The bus driver always traveled this road and was naturally familiar with everything here, including the police station. So he regards this road as his home and is fearless. (End of chapter)

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