Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 2309 Ye Xin is lost

Ye Mao is actually a good boy now. He basically doesn't have all the bad habits of the second generation. Although he was pampered by his mother and grandmother.

The only confusion he faces is that he doesn't know how to position himself?

At first he wanted to be a designer, then Junkencheng High-speed Railway Station was born, then he liked reading books, and then a movie became a hit.

As for the matters in Myanmar, he just happened to meet them and had no real intention. What's more, Uncle Yang was always helping.

So what should I do in the future? He was a little confused. Are you really going to take over your father's footsteps and manage the family property in the country step by step?

To be honest, he is unwilling, and he understands that he is really not as good as his elder brother in terms of business.

He has experimented with everything his eldest brother has done over the years, and the final conclusion is that he cannot achieve the same results as his eldest brother.

Then join politics like my aunt and uncle? He had been in the system since graduation, and he felt that he couldn't stand the constraints.

After all, people within the system are restricted not only at work, but also have many taboos in life. Because what they represent is an image in itself.

He doesn't want to get involved in business or politics. He really doesn't know what he should do.

In fact, he understood that his mother and grandmother wanted him to inherit the entire Ye family business. Because they all have a traditional concept in their minds, that is, he is the eldest son.

Although the eldest brother is the eldest, his background is somewhat shady. After all, the only woman my father is marrying is my mother.

But Ye Mao has no intention of competing with his eldest brother. It's not because of how good his relationship is with his eldest brother, but because of his ability.

And he also understands that the only person who has the decision-making power about inheriting the family business is his father. If he does not perform well, his father will not let him do it even if he hands the company over to the trust company.

The eldest brother was recognized by his father because he showed outstanding business talent since he was a child. If you look at Big Brother’s current industry, most of it was built by himself.

Although my father also helped me a little, all in all, it was the eldest brother who was doing the hard work himself.

In fact, he had also considered developing in film and television, but it quickly died down. That kind of industry only looks beautiful, but is actually very monotonous and boring.

Ye Mao followed his father in one thing, that is, don't think about things you don't understand. Just do what you can.

For example, in a situation like Guokang's right now, it's okay to do some things and stabilize things as soon as possible.

There are few people there and the place is not big. Once a few mines are opened, most people's lives will not be a problem.

As for stability, this is actually easier to handle. It is nothing more than weapons. Whether it is a big country or a small gang, the only way to avoid being bullied is to be strong in force.

In such a small place, it is definitely unrealistic to compete with others for cutting-edge weapons. It is just that some conventional weapons are easier to use and the soldiers are more effective, so no one dares to bully them easily.

After staying there for more than a month, Ye Mao's deepest impression was that the people who suffered the most in war-torn areas were always the people at the lowest level.

The lives of the family and senior officials are basically unaffected, and they can even make war fortunes. Because the resources are in their hands, and they have guns and people.

Ye Mao hated these people deeply, so he reached out to help Liu Ling, because Liu Ling was also such a person.

As for Liu Ling's father Peng Jinsheng, Ye Mao is not very good at evaluating him. Although this person is good and has a sense of justice, he does not have the concept of equality for everyone.

Although this world cannot achieve equality for everyone and the privileged class will always exist, Ye Mao feels that at least a gesture should be made in the system.

Therefore, Ye Mao felt that the situation should be stabilized first and then talk about other things. After all, Peng Jinsheng is already so old. How many more years can he continue to work?

In fact, the best candidate to succeed Peng Jinsheng is Liu Ling. She can use her father's reputation to gain the support of the people, and she also has Heizi and his young army.

However, Ye Mao did not want Liu Ling to take risks, so he asked her to take the postgraduate entrance examination. He hoped that his woman could live leisurely in a peaceful environment and should not fight and kill.

Today, Liu Ling is also very obedient, just like a little woman, living according to the route prescribed by Ye Mao.

At this moment, he was holding a thick philosophy book and chewing on it, with an extremely focused expression.

In fact, Liu Ling is not a person who loves learning much, otherwise he would not be the propaganda minister of the student union. It's because she prefers a lively and passionate life.

But she did whatever Ye Mao asked her to do. So what if you like it or not? Just like it if your man likes it.

As for Ouyang Xue, Ye Mao didn't have to worry about it at all. His future had already been worked out and he could become a professor as soon as he graduated.

In fact, you don’t have to graduate, but no one wants to give up the Huaqing University diploma.

Talent is something that cannot be envied. There are no less than 100 million piano players in the world.

But there are only a few people who can win the Chopin Music Prize. And Ouyang Xue is just one of these people.

In fact, she didn't work very hard and was in a daze all day, but that's it. Whether it's piano or academics, this girl is very good. Don't you think it's annoying?

In fact, Ouyang Xue and Ye Mao are the same age, but Ye Mao is used to treating her like a little sister.

The main reason is that this girl's thinking is too simple. Every time he is with her, he will think of the big bad wolf and the little white rabbit.

Now that the relationship between the two has made a breakthrough, Ouyang Xue has completely settled down. She will do whatever Ye Mao asks her to do? If you are not allowed to do something, don’t do it.

It's not that this girl has no opinions, but that she doesn't like to use her brain by nature. How good would it be to have someone else control her? I won’t be tired anymore.

Because there is no postgraduate entrance examination, there is no need to gnaw at books like Liu Ling. Ouyang Xue followed Ye Mao like a little tail.

The grass was now lush and green, and the yellow willow branches were dancing in the wind, which made her particularly fond of it.

She ran under the weeping willow, entangled a few willow branches with her long hair, and asked Ye Mao to take a picture of her. Ye Mao naturally followed the instructions quickly.

Seeing that the little girl liked willow branches, Ye Mao easily broke off one, slapped it on the tree a few times, then took out his knife and lightly cut a circle on the branch.

The little girl doesn’t know what he is doing? He looked at it without blinking, very curious.

I saw Ye Mao twisting it a few more times, and using a knife to cut off the bark below. After the willow branch shed its green skin, its pure white body was exposed.

Ouyang Xue exclaimed, quickly took the branch, and asked with some pity:

"It won't hurt, right?"

Ye Mao was too lazy to pay attention to her. This girl was born with a lolita quality, which made it easy for people to bully her.

Ye Mao peeled off the outer green skin of the intact willow bark root, leaving a small section of light green inner membrane, then held it in his mouth and blew out a pleasant sound.

Ouyang Xue looked at him with surprise and admiration in her eyes:

"Ye Mao, blow it for me quickly."

Ye Mao just wanted to make another one for her, but the girl took the willow flute directly from his mouth, put it in her own mouth and started blowing.

You can't help but be convinced by his damn talent. Ye Mao could only play one syllable for a long time, but Ouyang Xue was able to play a simple melody in just a few minutes. Although it is not accurate, this willow flute has a special tone, so it sounds very nice. The little girl herself looked intoxicated.

Yuanfang and Ye Xin were taking a walk on the beach. Ye Xin was very well-behaved. My sister-in-law is pregnant, but she still knows how to stay with her slowly and not run forward.

There were not many people at this time. There were only a few elderly people playing the erhu in a pavilion in the distance and singing.

This is called fandom, and many people in Beijing like to play this way. They used to play in teahouses, but later on, teahouses gradually declined, and they played everywhere.

The gentle wind blew over, full of warm breath, and the weeping willows swayed their branches by the lake. The grass has grown strong, making the land that has been bleak all winter lush.

Seeing the desire in Ye Xin's eyes, Yuanfang smiled:

"Go play, don't run too far, buy yourself an ice cream cone."

Yuanfang noticed that Ye Xin was looking directly at the children flying kites, so she said, children always like to be busy.

Ye Xin agreed and ran forward. After only running a few steps, she stopped again and glanced at Yuanfang worriedly:

"Sister-in-law, I don't want to play anymore, why don't I stay with you?"

Yuanfang's heart was filled with emotion. This little girl was so sensible, so sensible that it made her feel bad. The key is that she is only four years old?

So he took out the money and handed it to her: "There is a candied haws seller over there. Go buy it. Don't forget to buy yourself an ice cream."

After all, she was a child, and nothing attracted her more strongly than anything else, so she happily agreed, took the money and ran away.

Yuanfang was not worried that she would go far away, and followed her slowly, not letting her figure out of his sight.

"Sister, please give me some money, I haven't eaten for a day."

Yuanfang's legs were hugged, and Yuanfang subconsciously wanted to throw them away, but when she saw the person under her clearly, she stopped.

It turned out that the person hugging her was a little girl, with clear features and beautiful features, but there were patches of dirt on her face, and the original color of her skin could no longer be seen clearly.

He looks about the same age as Ye Xin, and his eyes are full of hope at this moment.

Yuanfang squatted down, looked at the little girl and asked:

"What's your name? Where are you from? Where are your parents?"

The little girl was a little confused, then shook her head: "I don't know where I come from. I don't have a mother. My father is waiting for me over there."

At this point, the little girl stretched out her hand and suddenly found that her father was missing.

But there was no panic in her eyes. This happened often, but she knew that her father would definitely come to see her again.

Yuanfang felt a little sad when she heard that, and quickly took out a hundred-dollar bill and handed it to her:

"You can take it to buy food, my aunt and sister still have something to do."

The little girl nodded vigorously, said sweetly: "Thank you, sister." Then she ran away.

Yuanfang raised her head and looked forward, only to find that Ye Xin, who was in front just now, was gone.

Feeling a little anxious, Yuanfang quickened his pace. When he reached the man selling candied haws, Yuanfang asked him if the little girl in red had come to buy candied haws.

This man's business was not doing well at the moment, and there were not many people around him. Although there were a few children around him, he had no money to buy, so he remembered Ye Xin's appearance very clearly.

He pointed to the alley next to him and said that a man just said he would take her to buy cotton candy.

Yuanfang's heart tightened and she felt something was wrong, so she quickly asked:

"What does that man look like?"

The vendor selling candied haws on a stick is not from Beijing. He is a bit naive. He scratches his head and seems to not know how to describe that man?

So Yuanfang didn't ask any more questions, but chased in the direction he pointed.

This alley is very remote, with only a few large houses. Generally, no one walks around in such an alley. Unlike a large courtyard, there are people everywhere.

The alley is not long, and it soon comes to the end. There is a road over there, with a bustling flow of people and cars. Where is the trace of Ye Xin?

Yuanfang was frightened and quickly took out her mobile phone and dialed Ye Yuze's number:

"Dad, Ye Xin is missing."

Ye Yuze's voice was calm: "Where are you?"

A few minutes later, Ye Yuze appeared next to Yuanfang, asked about the situation, and decisively called the police. He understood that things were not that simple anymore.

Ye Yuze called the police, and the police naturally rushed over quickly. After asking about the situation, they began to issue notices throughout the city, with Ye Xin's photo on them.

Yang Geyong, the others, and Ye Mao all rushed back after asking for information. They just haven't informed Lili yet because they were afraid that she would be anxious.

Until I got off work in the evening, there was no feedback at all. There were no cameras at that time, so walking out of the alley and entering the main road was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Lili didn't see Ye Xin and thought she was asleep. She put down the dishes and started cooking.

At this time, Yuanfang couldn't bear it anymore, grabbed her hand, and burst into tears:

"Aunt Lili, I'm sorry for you!"

Lili was shocked and quickly comforted her: "Silly girl, what can you do to apologize to me? You have a baby in your belly, so you can't be anxious."

These words made Yuan Fang's heart twist even more: "Ye Xin is lost."

Lili swayed twice and sat down on the ground. Although she was Ye Yuze's woman, Ye Yuze spent very little time in the capital after all. Her mother had died a few years ago, leaving her and her daughter to depend on each other. If her daughter disappeared, , she doesn’t even know if she can survive?

At this time, Ye Yuze and the others all went out to look for Ye Xin. Only Yuanfang was left at home. Yuanfang hurriedly stretched out his hand to pull Lili, but how could he pull her back?

Just at this time, Ye Yuze and others hurried in. Seeing this scene, they quickly helped Lili up.

Lili threw herself into Ye Yuze's arms and burst into tears, but Ye Yuze had no intention of comforting her. His heart felt like it was on fire. How could he not be anxious about his own daughter?

The public security department has already intervened, especially places like bus stations and train stations, which have been notified. As long as Ye Xin's figure appears, feedback will come back immediately.

However, Ye Yuze understood that things were not safe. Although they acted quickly, there was a time difference after all. What if Ye Xin also left the city? What if it’s a private car? At this moment, he was extremely anxious.

Now he just has to judge whether it was an accident or deliberate.

If it was a premeditated plan, Ye Yuze would feel more at ease. After all, it was just for money, and he didn't care about money.

But accidents don't work. Seeing Ye Xin's beauty, she made a sudden move. This kind of thing is full of uncertainty, and there is no trace at all.

After walking around the yard for a few times, Ye Yuze suddenly said to Yuanfang:

"Stop crying first and tell me the situation in detail."

When Yuanfang talked about the little beggar, Ye Yuze's expression changed.

mighty! salute

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