Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 2312 Drinking buddies who don’t understand seniority

Since the Brotherhood Bar acquired the adjacent bar, its area has expanded by two-thirds, making it enough to be a small disco.

As soon as we entered the room, everything was full, and now Batu would occasionally show up to gain popularity in the bar.

But because the company is busy, Wang Luodan is in charge most of the time. Although she now has more than a dozen bars under her name, Wang Luodan is used to staying here whenever she has nothing to do in this place where she met Batu.

When Ye Mao walked in and saw the lively scene, he was also happy. After all, it is your own shop, and good business is the key.

Besides, coming out to play is just for fun. Otherwise, if you can sing at home, it’s not like you don’t have equipment.

Ye Mao did not call Batu. Although he knew Wang Luodan, he had no contact information, so he found a seat by himself after coming in.

There were five of them in total, so they naturally had to sit in one seat, but it was so busy that it was hard to find a seat.

At this time, a waiter came over to say hello: "Who are you, sir? There are two more small tables in front of the dance floor."

Ye Mao shook his head: "That one is too small. There are five of us, so let's find a card holder."

The waiter quickly shook his head: "I'm sorry, sir, we don't have that anymore, otherwise you can only wait and call you when someone is free."

Yang Geyong was tall. After looking around for a week, he suddenly found a seat, pointed at it and asked:

"Isn't it vacant there? The location is so good. Did someone book it in advance?"

The waiter looked bitter: "To be honest, someone has reserved that place, but it is a year-round reservation. They may not come, but as long as they come, the seat must be theirs."

Yang Ge's eyebrows rose: "How much did they pay?"

The waiter hesitated for a moment: "I haven't paid. I will only consume when I come. But they are familiar with the boss, which has also formed a rule. That table cannot be given to others without their permission."

Ye Mao interrupted: "If that's the case, let's contact them and ask them if they will come? If they come, we will find another one. If they don't come, we will just sit there."

The waiter finally nodded, then picked up his phone and started dialing. I just called several times and no one answered, so I finally gave up.

Yang Geyong was impatient and waved his hand: "Since the phone call can't be reached, let's sit down first and wait for them to come before giving in."

Hearing what Yang Geyong said, the waiters were overjoyed. They earned commission, so naturally if there were more customers at the table, they would have more income.

He led them over happily, and then asked them what they wanted to drink.

These girls didn't drink alcohol originally, but after the experience with dried fruits, they had already broken the habit.

That's how people are. Once they face life and death, other things won't matter, and there won't be so many taboos. It's not easy to come to the human world, so why bother yourself? Just enjoy what you should enjoy.

Yang Geyong went to bars a lot and knew that people relied on commissions on drinks, so he ordered two bottles of Lafite. Of course, there were no bottles of Lafite in 1982, but there was no big problem in other years.

He himself wanted vodka, which he was used to drinking after living in Russia for so many years. Nature is high.

Ye Mao hadn't drunk too much of this stuff yet, so he took a sip and frowned:

"Uncle Yang, why does this wine have no taste?"

Yang Geyong laughed "Haha": "Foreigners don't know how to make wine. It has no other taste except for the spiciness. Only Chinese people pay attention to things like color, fragrance and so on."

Ye Mao looked disgusted. Although he grew up in the United States, he came back before he was old enough to drink. Naturally, I have never drank the liquor there.

He just saw the military-reclamation sorghum displayed at the bar, so he asked the waiter:

“Is sorghum alcohol for sale?”

The waiter nodded: "To tell you the truth, we are the only bar that sells this wine because the boss is from Junken City."

Yang Geyong was overjoyed: "Then hurry up and get two bottles!"

The waiter looked at the table of wine with a somewhat troubled expression:

"Can you drink all this wine? We don't refund it here, we can only store it."

Yang Geyong smiled: "Go and get it, I have no record of leftover wine in my life."

The waiter was overjoyed. It was open to ordinary customers, and it was enough to open a bottle of wine for a few people. After all, everyone knew that the wine in the bar was expensive.

Unexpectedly, the guests at this table were more generous than the people occupying this table. How could this be polite? Just get the wine.

The drinks were served and a few snacks were ordered. Yang Geyong was afraid that these girls would not be comfortable drinking on an empty stomach. After all, Chinese people have to have food and wine to accompany their drinking.

At this time, a band was singing on the stage. The bar was a stage for street singers to make a living.

In fact, many popular singers became famous because they had the right opportunity and were appreciated and packaged by others, but most singers do not have that luck.

There are five people in this band, and the instruments are guitar, electric bass, drums, and electronic keyboard that are popular in rock bands.

The lead singer has long hair and is holding a trumpet in his hand. He is singing Arabian Nights. Stopping from time to time and playing high-pitched syllables, the atmosphere in the bar was very good.

Young people like this kind of atmosphere. After the three girls drank two glasses of wine, the initial reserve disappeared.

One by one, they began to twist their bodies and sway to the music.

A few people were having fun when suddenly a sharp voice shouted:

"Who are you? Why are you occupying my seat?"

Several people looked for a voice and saw two little girls with heavy makeup standing in front of them, with their hands on their hips and angry looks on their faces.

Ye Mao was furious: "Go away, where do two chickens occupy a seat? If you want to sit here, just wait until grandpa finishes drinking."

Yang Geyong suddenly remembered what the waiter said just now. Could it be that the real owner is really here?

But looking at the looks of these two women that her mother didn't even recognize, she didn't take it seriously. They were having fun, so how could they let others disturb them?

The girl with short hair glared at her dark eyes and cursed:

"You dare to say that I am a chicken? Your whole family is a chicken, and the women you brought here are all chickens!"

Ye Mao slapped him, but Liu Ling hugged him and scolded:

"Men shouldn't hit women."

Then he stood up and said softly to the short-haired woman:

"I didn't let him hit you, should you thank me?"

The short-haired woman looked arrogant and opened her mouth to curse, but unexpectedly, Liu Ling slapped her with a slap, and a slap mark immediately appeared on her otherwise invisible face.

"Fuck, you dare to hit me?"

The girl with short hair reached out and picked up the red wine bottle on the table. The girl with long hair behind her also picked up a bottle from the table next to her and threw them all at Liu Ling fiercely.

Ye Mao jumped up and grabbed their wrists with one hand. The two women struggled desperately and kept raising their legs to kick Ye Mao.

Liu Ling took the opportunity to slap one of them again, and then looked up at them proudly.

Ouyang Xue was a little unhappy. She got up and wanted to add another blow, but Minnie held her back:

"Ye Mao is here, let's not bully them." At this time, several waiters rushed over and quickly broke up the fight. The waiter who just made the decision to let them sit down had a bitter look on his face:

"I'm sorry, this seat belongs to these two ladies. Please give it to me. I agreed before I sat down."

"It was agreed just now, but now I don't want to let it go. If you open your mouth, it will be my mother. If it weren't for the fact that they are women, I would let them crawl out of here today."

Yang Geyong was also angry. He had indeed never bullied a woman, but that didn't mean he could be bullied by a woman?

The reason why he didn't do anything was because these two women were so thin and weak that they couldn't help but beat each other. Otherwise, how could he possibly be used to them?

Seeing that things were frozen, the waiter was helpless. He said to the two women with a look of helplessness:

"If you don't call the police, we won't be able to drive the guests away."

The waiter weighed it up and finally made a choice. One side was just a customer, and the other side was two little witches who were famous in the capital. They were also friends with the boss, so they naturally knew how to form a team.

What's more, the matter was caused by his own greed for money, so he naturally wanted to help solve the matter.

But as soon as he picked up the phone, the short-haired girl opened it:

"Why should I call the police? I'm being bullied here and I have to call the police. I can't afford to lose that person! Wait, isn't it just that I can't beat him? I'll call him too!"

Ye Mao had let go of her at this time. In fact, he felt a little guilty. He had occupied someone else's box, but he scolded someone for dressing up like that. In fact, the reason was just because of this guy's temper.

Now that I have been beaten and scolded, there is no longer any thought to care.

But I didn't expect the short-haired girl to actually pick up the phone and dial:

"Uncle, Yingying and I were bullied. It was here in Batu. They called me a chicken and beat me. Yes, they were two grown men."

There was silence for a while, but he quickly said:

"Just wait, I'll be here right away!"

Nao Nao looked proud, pointed at Ye Mao and said, "Just wait, my uncle will be here in a moment. If I can't beat the shit out of you today, I guess you'll be tight!"

Ye Mao's anger that he had just suppressed suddenly rose again, and he cursed:

"Just call a few more people. How can one of them be enough for me to fight? I'll save you the trouble of calling them all."

Nao Nao looked disdainful: "My uncle is a special forces soldier. Ten or eight people like you are not enough for him to fight with one hand."

Ye Mao stopped paying attention to her and sat down to wait. Yang Geyong put on a playful smile, feeling amused in his heart:

"I specialize in training special forces. I really want to see what the special forces in the capital are like?"

Nao Nao pointed at Liu Ling and cursed: "Wait, you dare to hit me, right? After a while, I will take off your clothes and let you dance on the stage."

At this time, someone from the waiter had secretly called Wang Ludan. Neither party seemed to be on good terms, so they could not resolve the matter.

Twenty minutes later, a man walked in from the door, dressed in plain clothes, not tall and slightly thin, but with bright eyes.

Nao Nao pointed at Ye Mao and said, "Uncle, you are here, he is the one who beat me."

Then he suddenly noticed that the uncle's eyes were stagnant, his mouth was enlarged, but he could no longer speak.

"Brother Shan, how could it be you?"

Ye Mao was naturally surprised and shouted quickly, "This is the second uncle's son, Ye Shan. Didn't he go abroad?" Why are you here?

Ye Shan hugged Ye Mao: "Brother, is it you? I just came back, and I said I would go to school to see you in the past two days. I didn't expect to see you today."

At this time, Ye Shan saw Yang Geyong and shouted quickly:

"Uncle Yang, you are here too, aren't you with my uncle?"

Yang Geyong smiled: "Aren't I afraid that Ye Mao will come out after being angry? He is waiting for someone to hit me right now."

Nao Nao and Yingying looked shocked. If they didn't understand at this time, they would be fools. Is this a family that doesn't know each other?

So Nao Nao patted Ye Mao on the shoulder: "Okay, don't be angry. You were the ones who beat me anyway, so my sister-in-law won't argue with you today."

Ye Mao was confused, why is he sister-in-law? He doesn't believe that Ye Shan can like such a thing? But if it wasn't him, where did this sister-in-law come from?

Ye Shan glared at Nao Nao: "Stop being ridiculous, this is my uncle's second son, and that one is my uncle's brother, why don't you call someone quickly?"

With a smile on his face, he said: "Uncle Yang? I am his wife-to-be, and I am also a drinking buddy with Uncle Ye Yuze. I was wrong just now, so I bow to you."

Nao Nao lowered his head and started to bow, but Ye Mao grabbed him:

"That's about it. Three bows are enough to say goodbye to the body."

Nao Nao smiled awkwardly: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I accidentally didn't stop the car."

Yang Geyong looked confused at this time, pointed at Ye Shan and asked:

"You call him uncle, and you call me Uncle Yang. Isn't that wrong for your generation?"

Ye Shan looked embarrassed: "Uncle Yang, this girl is a bit stupid. She's not very good at ranking seniority."

At this time, Yingying heard an exclamation: "Uncle Yang? The brother of the lover of my dreams? Come on, brothers, we must not get drunk!"

After saying that, Yingying had already rushed over, pulling Yang Geyong to fight for wine.

Yang Geyong has been completely fooled by these two girls, and there is only one question mark in his mind:

"Who am I? Where am I? Who are these two monsters?"

Nao Nao had figured out the situation at this time and waved his hand:

"How can this little wine be enough? Mom, I..., no, girl, I haven't drank for a long time. It's the same old rules. Come to me from all over the world."

In fact, this world was Ye Yuze's invention. Unexpectedly, Nao Nao completely fell in love with it and would have one when he was happy.

Naturally, Yang Geyong and Ye Mao didn't know what this world was? Sit back and wait.

Several waiters rushed away, one brought a big basin, and the others took various kinds of wine, then unscrewed the lids and went into the basin.

More than a dozen kinds of wine were poured into the basin. Some of the different colors began to merge, while others were distinct. It was really beautiful. Yang Geyong's eyes shone, and he looked at Nao Nao with an expression of appreciation.

Yingying hugged Yang Geyong's neck: "Lover, no, lover brother, we must not get drunk and never come back!"

Nao Nao glared at her: "Don't embarrass yourself by showing off your drinking capacity. I'll take care of these two brothers today!"

Ye Mao looked at Yang Geyong and found that he also had a look of despair. He had no choice but to let them meet these two idiots. They just couldn't figure out their seniority.

Nao Nao pointed to the wine that was about to overflow in the big basin:

"Uncle Yang, my brother-in-law, please tell him to drink less. Today we must round up this pot. If there is one mouthful left, none of us can leave this house!" (End of Chapter)

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