Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 2315 One Night Carnival

Later, Ye Mao performed his best imitation of Jackson while drinking, and the bar went crazy.

Batu had not sung for a long time, so he went up and sang three songs in a row. The atmosphere reached a climax all at once.

Ye Yuze quietly walked to the bar, wanting to tell the cashier that he would pay for all the drinks today. After so many years, there have been few such happy moments.

The older you get, the fewer things you can be moved by. In fact, today he was not happy because Nao Nao stood up for him, but he was simply excited because of everyone's excitement.

To him, the so-called Secretary Liu was actually an ant and posed no threat at all. It was just that he wanted to get drunk tonight, and he couldn't remember how long it had been since he got drunk.

Unexpectedly, Wang Ludan was standing at the bar, looking affectionately at Batu on the stage, with tears flashing in his eyes.

This man is so famous that no matter where he holds a concert throughout Asia, it is always packed.

But he rarely does these things to make money, let alone other business activities.

He lived a pure life, just like an ordinary man, working during the day and occasionally coming to the bar at night to take care of her business.

The rest of the time is spent with her and the children. This is really rare in the entire entertainment industry.

Suddenly seeing Ye Yuze coming, Wang Luodan wiped his tears:

"Uncle Ye, what do you want? Why don't you ask the waiter to get it for you?"

Ye Yuze didn't know what to say for a moment. If he was a cashier, he could give him whatever he wanted, but it would be a bit difficult for his niece-in-law. The key is that people may not listen to him.

But he still wanted to give it a try, so he said:

"I will pay for all the customers in the bar today. You can't refuse."

Wang Luodan smiled: "Uncle, do you look down on your niece-in-law? Can I collect money tonight?"

Ye Yuze was a little helpless, it was better not to say this.

Yingying looked at Ye Mao who was wiping his sweat like a nymphomaniac, and said to Nao Nao with some embarrassment:

"I seem to have fallen in love with Ye Mao, is that okay with Uncle Ye? What do you think I should choose?"

Nao Nao slapped her on the butt: "I treat you as my best friend. You actually want to be my aunt?"

Yingying pouted: "Isn't there nothing we can do? Why are the men of the Ye family more attractive than the other?"

Nao Nao let out a long sigh: "It's better to fight for Ye Shan with peace of mind. Although he is the most boring person in the Ye family, at least he is safe!"

Yingying's eyes moved wildly, and she seemed to be able to hear her words.

Nao Nao grabbed her ears: "If you don't obey me, do you believe that I will really let your father's company go bankrupt? Be good to Ye Shan, or I will do what I say."

Yingying's face suddenly fell, but she still gave in. She had no choice but to offend her. For the sake of my father and brother, I have no choice but to sacrifice myself.

When Wang Luodan came on stage and announced that today's drinks are all free of charge. There was a sudden strong protest in the bar.

"Why? We are attending a concert, what qualifications do you have for free of charge?"

"That's right, it's like my brother is short of money. No, I'll pay for it today!"

For a moment, there was a mountain of people at the bar, all paying the bill.

The cashier is completely confused. The key is to only give money and not take anything away. He just lets others take it as they please. How to calculate this account?

Suddenly I remembered what the landlady said just now, and I felt relieved. Just give it, as if no one dared to accept it. Today's performance was so exciting that no one dared to sing without seeing the band? I only dare to accompany you.

Therefore, the cashier accepted everyone who came, and as for drinks, naturally everyone wanted to be given, and more. Anyway, the money collected was enough to sell the drinks in the store several times.

Ye Mao was carried up by everyone several times. After all, Jackson's rebirth was something that was difficult to replicate. His singing and dancing, even if Jackson was reincarnated, would be nothing more than that.

The only shortcoming is the voice. Ye Mao's voice is not that sharp, and there is a kind of baritone mix in the high pitch, which sounds unique.

Wang Ludan, a mother, has been stable for a long time, but she can't help but get wild on the dance floor.

Nao Nao and Ying Ying were like two gorillas, shaking their arms desperately. This was a natural disaster. They really wanted to dance well, but they couldn't dance well.

The same goes for the three girls Ouyang Xue. They were originally elegant women, but under the stimulation of music and alcohol, they also twisted their bodies desperately, as if they wanted to release the emotions that had been suppressed for a long time.

The only people sitting in the audience were Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong. Yang Geyong learned everything quickly, but he just had no sense of music and couldn't dance to death.

Ye Yuze is actually quite good at dancing, especially Jackson's music. However, they are all young people, and there are also his son's classmates and girlfriend, so he can't let go.

Yingying danced her arms, showing off her nymphomaniac look:

"It's no longer possible to make trouble. I want to marry Ye Mao. It doesn't matter if we are young. He is too dashing."

Nao Nao was about to hit her when he suddenly noticed the only two people still sitting in the bar.

So he raised his chin and said, "Okay, you can get your father-in-law to dance a song first, and then I will decide not to let you give birth to Ye Shan."

In fact, Nao Nao wanted to dig a hole for her best friend, because although she was always fearless, she was always involuntarily timid when facing Ye Yuze.

Unexpectedly, when Yingying, who was stimulated by alcohol, heard this, she rushed towards Ye Yuze with a loud "ouch". Before Ye Yuze could react, she was already pulled onto the dance floor.

In fact, Ye Yuze had wanted to come here for a long time, but his age and status forced him to pretend. I have no choice but to be an old man. How can I not be reserved in front of the younger generation?

After just twisting his body a few times, Ye Yuze's heart began to throb. He couldn't help it, but Yingying would rub her body against him from time to time. Who could bear this?

But there was really nothing he could do in public, so Ye Yuze simply diverted his attention. Isn't it just a disco? Isn't it just a moonwalk? I'll know how to do it when I'm a teenager.

The completely erupted Ye Yuze was like a motor, taking on all kinds of strange postures and dance steps on the dance floor, rivaling Ye Mao on the stage.

Seeing what happened to his father, Ye Mao couldn't help but gain fighting spirit and work harder.


"What a miracle! It really is a brothers bar!"

"Wow, this uncle is so handsome, I want to give birth to a monkey for you!"

A circle of people quickly gathered around Ye Yuze, and those scumbag girls kept showing off their arrogance and started to scratch.

Yingying tried her best to protect Ye Yuze and shouted:

"Noisy, protect my man!"

Nao Nao rushed in without hesitation, two people, one on each side, pressed closely against Ye Yuze. It's just that their dancing postures are really beyond flattering, like two monsters guarding an elf. Minnie looked at Ye Yuze, then at Yang Geyong who was sitting there alone, and rushed over without hesitation to pull Yang Geyong onto the dance floor.

This time Nao Nao and Ying Ying were finally not lonely anymore. If they were orangutans, then Yang Geyong would be a bear. He couldn't even move his arms and could only twist his heavy body up and down.

A crazy woman rushed onto the stage, ripped off her coat, and made various provocative poses towards Ye Mao.

I have to say that this woman dances very well, especially the pair of proud car headlights, which beat so hard that your heart trembles.

Ye Mao had an opponent, and all kinds of sliding moves appeared one after another, making the people in the audience completely crazy.

At this time, a group of people came to the Capital Hotel, all with serious faces. The leader's face was as gloomy as ice:

Secretary Liu behind him lowered his head and said nothing as if in mourning.

After watching the video recorded by the waiter, the man threw his phone to the ground with a wave of his hand. He casually ordered Secretary Liu to hand a dozen dollars to the waiter.

When the angry waiter saw the money, he immediately smiled.

Guo Yang was dragged over like a dead dog, and the middle-aged man ordered him to be sent abroad overnight to minimize the impact.

The entourage nodded, and Guo Yang was carried away. When the boy opened his eyes, he should have reached the other side of the ocean.

Secretary Liu saw the middle-aged man looking at him with cold eyes, his face turned ashen.

The middle-aged man pondered for a moment: "You and I have been together for so many years, and you have made great contributions, but you have also done a lot of things you shouldn't have done. Go back to your hometown, and you can still have a relatively stable life."

Secretary Liu's lips twitched, but he didn't dare to say anything, so he left the capital with his family overnight.

It was already late at night, and the middle-aged man was looking at a thick stack of information, frowning:

"Check carefully. Is this fraternal group as clean as it appears?"

The young man on the side nodded vigorously and then asked:

"Do you want to investigate that warrior group?"

The middle-aged man's face turned cold: "Don't seek death. No one is allowed to touch that kind of enterprise. The main business of our brother's company is real estate, and the legal person is not Ye Yuze. There is no problem in the investigation."

The young man understood, nodded and went out.

The middle-aged man flipped through the information again and murmured to himself: "Ye Yuze, it's not that I want to get in trouble with you, it's just that you are too arrogant and should be taught a lesson."

The noise in the dance hall finally dissipated in the early morning. In addition to their looks, Ye Yuze and Ye Mao finally had one more thing in common, that is, there were countless lipstick marks on their faces and clothes.

Two cars took them back to the small courtyard. Lili and Han Xiaojing who were in the house came out to open the door for them. They couldn't help but be surprised to see them like this.

After hearing what happened, he couldn't help but burst out laughing. The two of them helped Ye Yuze back to the house and "served" him carefully until they drained the last bit of his strength.

Yang Geyong and Minnie helped each other into the house. Minnie looked around, and Minnie felt warm in her heart.

Before meeting Yang Geyong, she had always been someone else's child, simple and motivated. It's the kind of white paper without any flaws.

If she continues like this, she will definitely graduate successfully, return to her hometown, get a job with a good salary, get married and have children, and live her life happily and peacefully.

But all this changed completely overnight, just because of meeting this man.

Yang Geyong is older than her father. Normally, the two would not have any intersection at all, but fate is so twisted that not only did the two meet, but they were tightly tied together.

Yang Geyong was very tired after dancing the bear dance all night. This thing was even more tiring than doing hard work. If someone else asked him to do this, he wouldn't be able to do it even if he was beaten to death, and neither would Ye Yuze.

But Minnie asked him to dance, and he danced without hesitation. Even though he looked like a clown on the dance floor, the smile on Minnie's face was enough to make him happy.

Getting into bed, the room was still a little cold in the early spring weather. Minnie curled up tightly into Yang Geyong's body.

Minnie could naturally feel Yang Geyong's reaction. She was very pleased that no matter what reaction this old man had, he could control himself and not touch her. Isn't this a kind of love?

Minnie is also 21 years old this year. Although she is still a child who has not grown up due to the pampering of her native family, her IQ is there.

You should know nothing less than others, and even some things you should know more than others.

A night of dancing did not completely release her energy, and even at this moment, it was like a small beast was locked up in her heart, ready to move.

Running her hands up and down Yang Geyong's strong muscles, she could feel the man's heartbeat getting faster and faster.

In the past, every time this happened, she would stop immediately, snuggle into his arms and fall asleep sweetly, but she didn't want to sleep today.

The hand continued to move down, this familiar body exuded the smell of male hormones, which made Minnie very intoxicated.

But today she was going to challenge like a gladiator.

It seems very comfortable in such weather, and I can feel that the temperature is getting higher and higher.

Minnie was a little happy about it. But Yang Geyong was panting like a mad bull in the bullring.

Minnie instantly became a lamb to be slaughtered, muttering:

"You really can't play with fire!"

When the sun rose, Minnie lay paralyzed in the quilt like water, unable to even move her fingers.

Yang Geyong looked at her as if she were dumbfounded, his eyes full of pity.

"sorry Sorry."

Yang Geyong, who has low emotional intelligence to begin with, kept repeating these three words.

Minnie finally smiled: "I will be your woman from now on, right?"

Yang Geyong nodded firmly: "I will be the only one."

Minnie stretched out her hand to block his mouth: "Don't promise something you can't do, otherwise you will be very tired. Just remember that I am your woman."

Yang Geyong nodded heavily and stopped talking nonsense. In fact, he didn't talk much to begin with. At the moment he has a lot of food in his hands.

From poached eggs to fried steamed buns, there are more than a dozen of them.

Minnie couldn't help but burst into laughter:

"Do you think I'm a pig? Are you feeding me like this?"

Han Xiaojing cursed at the door of the house angrily:

"Finally grown up and know how to love women. It is better to wait until they are older to meet women."

What's going on, brothers? Can't do it anymore? Monthly tickets, people immediately surpassed them, the charge horn sounded!

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