Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 2355 Chapter Chapter Island Country

Chapter 2355 Return to the island country

Yang Geyong looked at Henglu Jing's luck. He had always been competitive. The reason why he failed to fight in the last competition was because the overall situation was more important. If he saw him again today, it would be another matter.

Can't he see how powerful this guy can be?

So as soon as he put down his luggage, he went downstairs, pulled Henglu Jingji and asked him to spar, but how could Henglu Jingji dare to fight with him? Just waving his hands.

But how could Yang Geyong let him go? Seeing that he refused to fight, he kicked him directly. Henglu Keiji flew out immediately.

Yang Geyong looked at him quietly, waiting for this guy to become angry, but at this time, Henglu Jingji was more submissive to Ye Yuze than to Lao Honda, like a completely tamed dog.

Although Yang Geyong is not the master, he is not a fool. He can see how good Ye Yuze is to this brother, so naturally he will not fight back or scold him.

Seeing how cowardly this guy was, Yang Geyong naturally lost the desire to fight with him. You can fight with a ferocious beast, but what's the point of beating a dog?

Li Lindong opened his eyes, and found the fragrant kitten curled up in his arms. His fair and smooth skin was not covered with hair, rubbing against Li Lindong's soft chest.

The gentleness of the island woman was completely beyond Li Lindong's knowledge. Even when the two of them were most excited, she remained submissive, like a servant.

A man's love for a woman is never caused by the woman. The woman who makes people feel bad is always the kind of timid, obedient, and submissive little woman.

Those so-called female men always talk about how miserable they are, how tired they are, and how no one loves or helps them. But if you don’t think about it, who dares to love you or help you?

He reached out and pulled out a cigarette, and with a "click" sound, the lighter in his white hand was lit. Li Lindong stepped forward and lit the cigarette.

She was obviously still asleep when she was getting the cigarette, but when Li Lindong moved, Youxiang always cooperated in such a timely manner.

Li Lindong has become accustomed to all this, just like eating and drinking. In fact, habit is a terrible thing, and it is easy to become dependent until it is completely inseparable.

"Stop smoking, you're coughing again!"

Youxiang learned Chinese very quickly, so fast that Li Lindong couldn't believe it. She obviously didn't know a word when they first met, but in a short period of time, she was able to have a simple conversation with herself. You are truly worthy of being admitted to the University of Tokyo.

Originally, Li Lindong wouldn't let her work, so he could just pay for the tuition. With Li Lindong's strength, it would be effortless to support twenty or thirty students like her.

But this girl is stubborn. Not only does she not want a penny from him, but she often buys him things. Such as clothes and food.

This made Li Lindong very helpless, but no matter how he scolded her, this girl was extremely stubborn on this issue.

Now Youxiang has moved to the villa, but Li Lindong has to go to his grandma's shop to pick her up every day.

Li Lindong tried to discuss with his grandma and close the shop. After all, he was in his seventies and it was difficult to do anything. At most, he can just pay some child support.

But grandma also has her own persistence and is not willing to lie at home eating and waiting to die, and she is reluctant to let go of her old customers, some of whom have been eating at her place for decades.

Li Lindong had no choice, and he couldn't give Youxiang a status, so he could only give her some financial subsidies. But she didn't want her, so Li Lindong naturally felt moved and only felt guilty.

On the other hand, Tian Qing is more chic, and Miezi comes to stay for a night from time to time. The two of them are typical sex friends, and there is no involvement in other aspects.

Li Lindong didn't quite understand their relationship, and Youxiang didn't understand it even more. But Mieko made it very clear that she was a lustful man who was obsessed with Tian Qing.

Yang Geyong and Ye Yuze paid a surprise visit. When they arrived, Li Lindong and the four of them were having a meal. The meal was cooked by Tian Qing.

Youxiang loves to eat. This girl seems to be born to be a Chinese wife. But Mieko didn't like it very much. She thought the Chinese food was too strong and oily.

Just as Youxiang peeled off a shrimp and put it into Li Lindong's mouth, two people looked at him. Yang Geyong couldn't help but cursed:

"Okay, Lao Li, you can't even take care of yourself anymore."

Li Lindong was stunned for a moment, and then his face turned red. In front of outsiders, he had always looked mature and solemn. He had been like this since he was young. However, when he was caught in this scene, he had no place to put his face. Especially in front of the boss Ye Yuze.

However, Ye Yuze didn't react at all, but looked at Youxiang with interest.

To be honest, Youxiang is not the particularly outstanding-looking type among women, she can only be considered petite and cute.

But the charm of being able to control this general under him to the point where the iron tree blooms is evident.

Li Lindong and Tian Qing quickly stood up and called Ye Dong together.

The relationship between them and Ye Yuze was that of superiors, subordinates, and friends.

Moreover, Ye Yuze never interferes with any of their work. Only when there are major events, two people have to report to Ye Yuze, and then Ye Yuze will express his opinions.

However, the two of them still respect Ye Yuze very much. Along the way until today, through ups and downs, Ye Yuze always made the most correct choice at every important node, which shocked the two bosses to Ye Yuze.

As the leader of a company, you may not understand technology or business, but there are two things you must do.

First, you must be good at employing people and recruiting talents.

Second, that is to grasp the market demand.

With these two points, you can lie down and sleep. And Ye Yuze is undoubtedly the leader in this area.

The two people asked Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong to sit down. Youxiang was a little nervous after knowing their identities. However, Miezi talked and laughed happily and was proficient in Chinese, so she chatted with Yang Geyong more congenially.

The nanny brought back from Junken City has already gone to the company canteen. The main reason is that the Chinese employees who come for rotation training cannot eat Japanese food, so there must be a Chinese restaurant.

Currently, when the two of us eat, we go to grandma’s small noodle shop most of the time.

In fact, you get used to it after eating too much. The Japanese food is relatively light but tastes good, especially the side dishes for drinking. They are clean and the two of them have begun to adapt.

The reason for cooking today was that Youxiang brought back some ingredients. She learned some things from the Chinese restaurant and wanted to try her skills.

When Ye Yuze and the others came, there wouldn't be enough food. Island people cook in smaller portions, and would rather not have enough food than have any leftovers.

However, there were few ingredients and there was no way to cook it. Li Lindong decided to take them directly to grandma's shop to eat.

It's not that he is stingy, but that he feels it is necessary for the two rich men to taste the most authentic delicacies of the island country.

Tian Qing has a crush on Yang Geyong. He is 100% sure that Wang Lina's child belongs to Yang Geyong.

In fact, men and women all have an exclusive mentality. Even if they don’t want it, they won’t give it to others. Even though he was the one who cheated first.

But because of the relationship between Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong, he really didn't dare to say anything? In fact, without Yang Geyong, just relying on the personal relationship between Wang Lina and Ye Yuze, he could lose everything he has now in an instant. It's just that Ye Yuze didn't do that, and Wang Lina didn't target him. He was already very grateful, but he still couldn't resolve the man's inner hatred for Yang Geyong.

At the critical moment, Mieko was still fighting with Yang Geyong passionately, making him want to tear Yang Geyong apart. Why did his women like this man?

In fact, what he didn't know was that the incident between Wang Lina and Yang Geyong was purely an accident.

Originally, Wang Lina was looking for Ye Yuze, but she was rejected by Ye Yuze. After all, Ye Yuze had to consider his feelings.

It's just that Yang Geyong doesn't have so many worries. Wang Lina makes him angry. Who is afraid of whom? That's when this child was born.

There were six people in two cars, Li Lindong, Youxiang, and Tian Qing in one car, while Miezi took Yang Geyong to the other car.

In fact, Youxiang was afraid that Yang Geyong didn't know the place, but Tian Qing's eyes were about to burst into flames. He kept saying this again and again, and the third time, he couldn't guarantee what would happen to him?

Miezi made a few phone calls on the way, which Yang Geyong couldn't understand, but when they arrived at Youxiang Grandma's Tavern, there were already two beautiful women waiting at the door. When he saw them getting off the bus, he came up to them.

Grandma's noodle shop is very busy right now, and it's full of people. Youxiang is a little helpless. We can't kick all the guests out. Can they eat here?

It was Mieko who said a few words to him and led a group of people to a larger sushi restaurant not far away.

The islanders’ obsession with sushi has reached a state of obsession. In fact, it is nothing more than seaweed rolls with some rice and some other things inside. No matter how many tricks there are, there are only a few ingredients.

The store they came to was a sushi restaurant. Miezi introduced that the owner of this store is a famous sushi master in the island country.

However, several men from Junken City felt nothing after eating it. It's not as satisfying as holding a leg of lamb and chewing it.

It's just that Mieko is treating her today, and she specially selected her Chinese quintessence shop, so she still has to give her face. So several people nodded frequently.

Whether it tastes good or not, the posture must be high. This is the behavior of a great country and a great man.

After finishing the meal, Mieko took everyone to Kabukicho and took them to watch the traditional song and dance performance of the island nation.

I just don’t know why? Although the dancers inside are wearing kimonos and their faces are so rouged that their true colors cannot be seen, they all look no longer young.

Yang Geyong was curious and asked Miezi: "Why don't young girls be used in this kind of dance?"

Mieko explained helplessly: "Little girls don't like this kind of traditional folk dance. They would rather go to a modern dance hall to dance disco."

After looking at the guests, there were still young people, all in suits and leather shoes, sitting upright, but the light in their eyes was not as serious as their expressions.

Even when the geisha was feeding him wine, he saw a young man's hand pinching in a place that shouldn't be there.

Yang Geyong clicked his tongue, this young man has really strong taste, he looks like he is only in his twenties.

The two women Miezi called were with Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong. Very attentive. From time to time, they would also feed some fruits into their mouths.

When the geishas saw that they were all accompanied, they joined in knowingly, because any one of these women was much better than them.

Ye Yuze is a little unaccustomed to this. He is a person who advocates feelings. Although he has more feelings, he will not have sex with a singing girl.

On the other hand, Yang Geyong was very cold-blooded and never knew how to refuse women who came to his door. He actually restrained himself for a while in the capital, but now that he has come to this country, he feels that if he falls in love again, it will be a kind of defilement.

The woman who accompanied him had a plump figure. This may have been chosen on her own initiative when she saw Yang Geyong was tall during the assignment.

The one next to Ye Yuze is similar to Youxiang, small and exquisite.

The geisha's performance left several men uninterested. After drinking a few bottles of wine, they all returned to their residences.

Because Ye Yuze and the others arrived suddenly without notifying Li Lindong and the others, the villa was not fully equipped and they had to stay with Li Lindong and the others tonight.

Looking at Yang Geyong and Tian Qing, Ye Yuze decided to live upstairs with Li Lindong and let the two animals live downstairs. They were all drunk. Who knows what will happen in a while?

Li Lindong was shy, and after lying down, he was like an old monk in meditation. Youxiang thought that the man's big boss was next door, and did not take the initiative to flirt with Li Lindong.

In fact, girls at this age have not yet been developed and have not fully appreciated the joy of male love and female love.

The reason why Youxiang takes the initiative is entirely because she wants to please Li Lindong, which is also a woman's instinct.

The woman who accompanied Ye Yuze also came back, but Ye Yuze had no intention of touching her. The main reason was that Ye Yuze had never had anything to do with a strange woman? I want to try it out.

Isn't that what life is like? How do you know if anything is good if you don't try it? Practice is the only criterion for testing truth.

The woman has always been shy, so she went into the bathroom without taking off her coat when washing up.

But when I came out, my style suddenly changed, and I was only wearing a bath towel. However, there is one advantage for women wearing a bath towel, that is, it cannot fall off.

Seeing the woman lying next to him, Ye Yuze was still a little nervous. The key is that this is my first time doing something like this. As a junior brother, I still feel shy.

Although the woman was shy when lying down, a bath towel was thrown out after getting into bed.

What did she mutter to Ye Yuze? Ye Yuze didn't understand. The amount of island language he knew was from watching movies.

The woman moved her body cautiously, touching Ye Yuze's skin. Ye Yuze moved involuntarily and dodged away.

He really didn't do this on purpose, it was completely a conditioned reflex.

The woman made a "puff" sound, seeming to be amused by Ye Yuze's timidity. She has never met a man as timid as Ye Yuze.

 Dear friends, it’s the penultimate day of this month, why are there so few tickets? We are "comrades in arms"!



(End of this chapter)

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