Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 24 Emergency Collection

Chapter 24 Emergency Collection

I don't know what time I slept.Ye Yuze was awakened by a loud explosion.

Maybe it was too close, and the glass on the windows of the house was shattered.It crashed down.

Ye Yuze rolled over and got up.He ran out without putting on his shoes.

At this moment.There was a loud rallying call from outside.Accompanied by loud shouts.

"Emergency assembly!"

Where did Ye Yuze suddenly not know what to do after such a situation?

At this time, Dad had rushed out fully armed.Ye Yuze was surprised to find out.Dad turned out to be a double gun.

A pistol suit hangs from his waist with a short gun.And he was holding a rifle.

Carrying luggage behind him.There are also dry food bags slung over his shoulders.

Then my mother followed.Dress the same.Just no pistols.

I saw Ye Yuze standing on the ground with bare feet in his underwear.The mother said with a serious expression.

"Get dressed brother. Bring the dry food bag. Wait for me at home!"

After he finished speaking, he rushed out the door with his father.

Ye Yuze quickly got his ignorant brother up and dressed.Then quietly walked out the door to see what happened.

At this time, the queue in the company has been assembled.Both men and women stood in five rows.

Company commander Ma Quanyi stood in front of the team, waving his arms and shouting:

"Comrades, I just received a notification from the outpost. A small group of enemies crossed the border towards us.

Our task is to find these people quickly.Capture it or destroy it!
The following is in rows, facing northwest and due west.Three southwest directions form a fan search! "

Ye Yuze watched with enthusiasm.Only then did he understand what a military order was like.

Mom always looks at such a delicate person.At this time, it was also heroic!
At this time, the platoon leaders also stood up.Name your class leader.Each led their own class to start moving in a fixed direction.

The team soon disappeared into the dark snow field.

Ye Yuze ran back to the house.At this moment, the house is almost turned into an ice cellar.The glass was basically shattered.The cold wind blew in.Ye Yufan curled up on the bed.She was shivering under the blanket.

This is not possible in the afternoon, although I don't know what the specific situation is?But the kids are sure to freeze like this.

The adults are gone.The rest are children.Ye Yuze was also a little worried for a while.He picked up the quilt.I want to block the window.But found that it can't be fixed at all!
At this time, Wei Yuxiang ran in and saw the situation at Ye Yuze's house and immediately said:
"Come on, go and get the plastic sheeting with me. Cover the windows first!"

Ye Yuze is no nonsense, the situation here.Wei Yuxiang is naturally much clearer than him!

On the way, Ye Yuze asked, "What happened to the explosion just now? Is the enemy coming?"

Wei Yuxiang shook his head. "That's the dynamite bag in the battery. It's for emergency assembly!"

After speaking, he also frowned. "I've never been so close before! The glass is broken."

The two hurried to the yard where Yinhua lived.At this time, the two families in the yard also got up.

I saw Yinhua's mother and the other husband and wife standing at the door of the ammunition depot with guns.

Wei Yuxiang ran over and explained the situation.Mother Yinhua took out the key and opened the door of a warehouse.Get a roll of plastic sheeting and a box of nails.

"You two older kids are in charge of nailing up the windows. We can't leave our posts now!"

Ye Yuze nodded along with Wei Yuxiang.Quickly took the things and ran back.

They came directly to Ye Yuze's house.Wei Yuxiang ran home and found a cardboard box.

"You cut the cardboard boxes into small pieces the size of your fingernails. I cut the plastic sheeting!"

The two quickly got busy together.Soon the plastic sheeting was cut to the size of a window by Wei Yuxiang.

Then the two of them nailed one by one to the windows of the house.

The plastic sheets are all barrel-shaped and double-layered.Booked outside the window.The house immediately began to warm up.

When the two of them finished their work, the sky was already bright.The windows of a row of houses have been nailed down.

Wei Yuxiang said to Ye Yuze again. "Let's go and see if the house above has broken glass!"

The two circled around the company.It was found that the window glass in their row was broken.Nowhere else is fine.

Their row consisted of two older children, Wei Yuxiang and Ye Yuze.The rest are five or six years old.There are even milk eaters.

In fact, Wei Yuxiang was only ten years old, and Ye Yuze was only eight years old.It is not easy to nail this row of houses.

At this time, even the team came back.The whole team assembled again.

Standing in front of the team, Ma Quanyi praised excitedly:
"Even our soldiers are good! We didn't relax our vigilance just because it was New Year's Eve. All the staff assembled in 15 minutes. The exercise was successfully completed! On behalf of all the leaders of the company, I salute you!"

After he finished speaking, he stood at attention and gave a standard military salute to all the commanders!

Ye Yuze petrified in an instant, why is this an exercise?

At this time, Ye Yuze saw his father stand up.He asked with a cold face:
"Who put the explosive pack just now?"

Ma Hongkui also stood up.With provocation in his eyes.

"I let it go, what's wrong?"

Dad pointed at the windows covered with plastic sheets and asked:
"Don't you know how far the safe distance of the explosive pack is?
You blew all the windows.There are some children in the family.Such a cold day.Are you responsible for an accident? "

Ma Hongkui mocked indifferently: "They are the children of the Corps, so naturally they have to receive combat readiness training since childhood!"

"Then why don't you go to your row of houses? Your row is the highest!"

The instructor who had been speaking very little suddenly asked a sentence.Serious expression.

Ma Quanyi quickly interrupted. "He is also in a hurry. I temporarily notified him of an emergency gathering. I guess he made a mistake in his busy schedule!"

At this time, a group of women quit.Mom was the first to stand up.Pick up the gun directly.

"Ma Hongkui, if there is something wrong with the children today. I'll crash you directly!"

From the conversation just now, everyone probably understands what happened!
It's an exercise after all.Leaving a pack of explosives in front of the house and setting it on fire is a no-no.

Who has no children, there is no glass in such a cold day.Which child can take it?
If it's just glass, it's still a small thing.But at such a close distance, an accident occurs.What if the house collapses?
"I propose to suspend the second platoon leader! I will convene a party branch meeting to vote on it later. I will report the results to the regimental headquarters."

"The company's explosive packs are all black powder. How could it blow up the house. Don't make a fuss about everything. They are all revolutionary comrades!"

A mournful voice came.It was the deputy instructor who spoke.

During the new book period, everyone is welcome to collect and recommend.

(End of this chapter)

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