Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 2514: Re-wedding

Chapter 2514: Re-wedding

Ye Mei and Ye Rou sat on either side of the old empress, and several mothers also sat together. The scene was warm and sad.

The old queen couldn't help but ask, "Are you really not allowed to return to Junken City in the future?"

Ye Mei quickly shook her head: "Grandma, what are you talking about? We will establish diplomatic relations with China as soon as possible, and it will be very convenient to go back in the future."

The old queen mother was skeptical. As she grew older, her thinking was not as sharp as before, and she could not understand many things.

Seeing her grandmother's unconvincing look, Ye Mei quickly took out some documents to prove that she was doing just that.

In fact, Marseilles had established diplomatic relations with China a long time ago, and Marseilles and Junken City were friendly cities. It was just that Somalia had just become a sovereign state, and the establishment of diplomatic relations still required some procedures.

The only regret is that the two countries are not adjacent to each other and the journey requires more than 10,000 kilometers, so it is actually very troublesome to travel back and forth.

Especially for elderly people like Meihua, it is basically impossible to complete this task. Therefore, this trip can be said to be the last time for the old comrades to come to this country.

Meihua had already expressed her purpose very clearly, but unexpectedly Ye Mei and Ye Rou did not agree.

Ye Mei hugged her grandmother's neck and said coquettishly: "Grandma, we have already held a wedding here. If you want to hold a Chinese wedding for us, then we can go to Junken City!"

  Meihua's face immediately fell. Didn't they come all this way just for this ceremony?

The old lady's thinking is very simple. She doesn't care what the Yang family thinks. But her granddaughter is a pure Chinese, so only by holding the wedding according to the etiquette of the Chinese people can the wedding be considered complete.

  Seeing that grandma's expression was not right, Ye Rou also came over:

"Grandma, our identities are different now, so we have to be careful about the impact. After all, this is in Marseille, and I am their queen."

"The environment over there in Ye Mei is even worse than here, so we need to be more careful."

  When things got to this point, the old queen mother naturally understood, but she just felt very upset. It was her own granddaughter, so how could she not even have the right to host the wedding?

She had originally wanted to give these two granddaughters a generous dowry and then marry them off in style, but she didn't expect that they would secretly marry her off without her knowledge and without any relatives present.

  But the old lady was prepared, so she took out two checks and put one in each person's hand:

"One hundred million dollars for each of you. This is what grandma prepared for you a long time ago. I don't know if I will be able to see you in the future. Don't use this money for anything else. This is your own money. If you really need help in the future, take it out and use it for emergency."

They didn't know how much private money the old empress had, but the amount was definitely not small.

After all, she only ran two businesses, clothing and supermarket, and the supermarket was transferred to Erhong and others halfway.

Ye Mei stuffed the check back into her grandmother's hand and said, "Grandma, keep this for when we get back to Junken City for the wedding!"

Ye Rou followed suit: "Grandma, we must hold the wedding. I'll let you decide when we return to Junken City. You can do whatever you want. I swear!"

  Seeing the tears in the two girls' eyes, Meihua finally gave up and sighed and complained:

"You've grown up and don't listen to your grandma anymore. Your dad was like this, and you guys are still like this."

Ye Yuze was helpless: "Mom, when did I disobey you?"

Meihua glared at him and said, "If you were obedient, would you have so many wives and children? Let me just think about it, I don't know how many places it has been divided into?"

Ye Yuze's old face flushed red. He really couldn't refute this. However, the second brother often disobeyed the eldest brother. What else could he do?

The key is, which member of the Ye family can control himself?

But suddenly Ye Yufan's always stern face flashed in his mind, so he laughed.

"Mom, our second son is honest, why don't you like him?"

  Meihua's mind flashed with the expressionless face of her second son, and she suddenly cursed:

"That is a fatherless and motherless, inhuman thing!"

Ye Yuze quickly smiled flatteringly: "See, you still like us who are dishonest."

Meihua shook her head awkwardly: "People's hearts will never be right. If your father dared to do this, I would kill him, but why do I like my son being like this?"

Yu'e, who just felt relieved, felt depressed again. It seemed that no one would support her in this life.

I can only secretly comfort myself: "I chose it, I chose it, I deserve it!"

Actually, is there any woman in the world who would be so generous? Especially for something like this?

The so-called magnanimity is actually a helpless compromise, because she loves this man and cannot live without him.

Since I can't leave him, I can only choose to accept everything about him, even his women.

At least Ye Yuze still maintained a bottom line, which was that he would not hold a wedding with any other woman except her.

In other words, in this world, she is Ye Yuze's only legal wife.

In fact, according to Ye Yuze's status, he could have held the wedding in a different country, but he didn't. This was already the greatest respect for Yu'e.

  Erhong and Dasha didn't have the same thoughts as Yu'e. From the day they decided to follow Ye Yuze, they had no intention of fighting for anything.

From this perspective, Ye Yuze's other women are actually more pure in their emotions than Yu'e.

It's just because of Yu'e's personality and character that she is suitable to be a wife. This is the unanimous opinion of Grandma and the Queen Mother.

Otherwise, Ye Yuze might not marry her. So, marriage is something that may not necessarily go according to one's wishes.

But there is one truth: "The woman chosen by your elders is definitely more reliable than the one you choose yourself."

After all, you were too young at that time, and you couldn't see many things except love. When you reach the age where you can see, many tragedies may have already happened.

After all, marriage is different from love. It can even be said that these are two completely unrelated things.

Why in the past, marriages with three matchmakers and six certificates were more stable than marriages today where people are free to fall in love? In fact, this illustrates a truth.

Young people are too blind in choosing their own marriages, and they often cannot tell the difference between desire and love.

It is not until they get married that they will miss someone they once met and remember his good points, but by then it is too late.

Meihua saw that her two granddaughters were so determined and what they said made a lot of sense, so she compromised.

But she stared at Ye Mei and said, "I want to see your kingdom. Please arrange the itinerary!"

This scared Ye Yuze. How is Suoguo? Even if others don't know, doesn't he know it? If something unexpected happens, he will be guilty for the rest of his life.

  Ye Mei also hurried to comfort her. She really didn't dare. Although they had completely controlled the Gulf of Aden, who knew where a few pirates would appear from?

This is just like no matter how well a society is governed, there will still be crimes, there are too many accidents. Unless there is a warship escort.

But they all knew the old queen's temper. If that happened, she would drag Ye Mei away no matter what. I won't be the queen anymore, and no one can say anything. But Ye Mei's pleading was useless this time, so she could only look at Ye Yuze for help.

  Ye Yuze wanted to escape at this moment, but if he ran away, the old lady would be helpless. He couldn't just drive the boat by himself, right?

Just at this time, Ye Wancheng and his old comrades heard the words of the old empress dowager and were ready to take action.

The old queen wanted to go and take a look at the environment over there and whether there was any danger.

Ye Wancheng and the others were preparing to break through. In other words, they had all read a lot of rumors about the country of Suo in the news and wanted to go on an adventure.

This involves a cognitive issue. The old ladies are concerned about household chores related to food, clothing, housing and transportation.

Before the old comrades closed their eyes, they would care about national affairs and the international situation, but Meihua knew nothing about this country before Ye Mei got married.

So, the purpose of their going there is really two different things.

If persuasion is not possible, then we can only take safety measures. Yang San will definitely accompany Ye Mei and everyone along the way, so other measures can only be completed by Tiechui.

Who knew that an accident would happen before departure. Tiechui had not shown up at first. After all, the situation in Suo Country had been unstable and he was needed to stay in charge.

However, since the old comrades wanted to go for a visit, Yang San transferred him over, and he naturally wanted to meet these grandparents.

Then he couldn't leave. After all, he was the grandson of Lin the blacksmith and the son of Zhou Guihua. Naturally, they treated him as their own child and insisted that he accompany them.

Then the guards outside were gone all of a sudden. There was no one leading them.

Later, Yang Sanye gritted her teeth and said, "Then don't have to provide escorts. Ask the helicopter fleet to be on standby at all times. She doesn't believe that a few pirates can do anything to her."

Although this group of old comrades have a sanatorium in Donghai City, the sea there is still different from the sea here.

  Especially when they boarded the tall cruise ship, their excitement was beyond words. Ye Wancheng even made the first request:

"Give us the guns. If something happens, we can defend ourselves!"

These words really hit the mark for Yang San. Although he was not afraid of anything, he would never dare to put these ancestors in danger.

Ye Mei’s incident had already made him feel remorseful, but if he brought weapons with him, it would be a completely different situation.

The cruise ship weighed anchor and left the port with the whistle. Although many of the old comrades were not good at landlubbers, it didn't matter because the cruise ship was as stable as land.

You should know that seasickness is caused by shaking. A truly stable ship generally won't cause seasickness.

Because the environment is not polluted, Africa's coastline is always so beautiful, the sea and the sky are one color, azure blue without a trace of other colors.

Liu Qinghua couldn't help but sigh: "Is there such a beautiful place in this world?"

Ye Wancheng couldn't help laughing: "You are a person who only knows policies and regulations, but I didn't expect you to have a romantic side."

Liu Qinghua glared at him unhappily: "You sound like you understand romance."

Ma Quanyi interrupted: "I don't know if Old Ye understands romance, but he has two wives. You don't have one."

The people around couldn't help but burst into laughter. Liu Qinghua's old face turned red, but he had no way to refute because he really had no hobbies except work.

He divorced very early, but never looked for another woman. It's not that there were no women who took the initiative to express their love, but he just didn't have the heart to do so.

You should know that he has been holding important positions since the establishment of the Military Reclamation City. He continued to work until his retirement and worried a lot about the Military Reclamation City.

It was not until Liu Junken and his generation came to power that he completely stopped caring about it. In fact, it was not that he didn't care, but that the ideas and cognitions were different, so he could no longer make any suggestions.

He always believed that what the Corps people valued was dedication, and there shouldn't be any requirements at all.

However, Liu Junken and his colleagues implemented material rewards, with the principle of more work, more pay. Although this was the case when the Junken City was established, by the time of Liu Junken and his generation, they had completely put material rewards first.

He couldn't stand it, but he could do nothing about it. He could just do the same as Lao Zhao and lead his old comrades to do voluntary labor when building the high-speed railway.

But according to the current level of technology, if they get involved, they will only cause more trouble.

Because aging is not only about the body, but also about cognition. The development of the times will always discard some things, even though those things are very important to human beings.

So he just lay in the sanatorium all day, not even doing any exercise, just reading newspapers to kill time. He aged very quickly.

This time, he was pulled out by Ye Ling, otherwise he would still be sleeping there all day.

Because it was a sunny day, Yang San and Ye Mei prepared some drinks and placed them on the deck, and called the old comrades out for a drink.

In fact, they were not used to drinking like this, but they just followed the local customs. The old ladies also came out, and everyone sat on the deck, enjoying the scenery.

Seagulls were circling above them one after another. These birds were used to snatching things from people's hands.

Fishermen are always generous to them and will throw some fish to feed them regardless of their catch.

They are used to following people and boats, and they always get something. It is much easier than fishing by themselves.

When Ye Mei saw this, she ordered someone to bring out some bread and taught the old comrades how to feed the seagulls.

All you have to do is tear the bread into small pieces and throw them up, and a seagull will catch them accurately, fly into the air and eat them, then circle again and reappear above people's heads.

The old comrades had a lot of fun, and soon some of them were brave enough to put bread in their hands. The seagulls were still afraid of people and did not dare to approach them at first.

But the bread was too tempting for them, and finally a brave one swooped down and snatched the piece of bread from Liu Qinghua's hand.

Then other birds followed suit and began pecking food from people's hands, and later even the old ladies joined in.

Ye Mei and a few others were busy taking pictures. The old ladies were particularly keen for Ye Mei to capture the moment when the seagulls pecked at food from their hands.

This whole process lasted until the evening. The group of people were still not satisfied, but they were also tired, after all, their age was a factor.

For dinner, Ye Mei asked everyone to go to the restaurant for dinner. The wind was already getting a little cold.

(End of this chapter)

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