Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 2517: Ambition Never Dies

Chapter 2517: Ambition Never Dies

Everyone stood up to greet each other. Ye Yuze looked around and suddenly asked:

"Where are my parents?"

At this time, Ye Mei and Yang San had just walked out of the cabin. When they saw Ye Yuze, they quickly called him dad.

Ye Yuze didn't want to pay attention to them and continued looking. Ye Mei then recounted what had just happened.

Without saying a word, Ye Yuze walked up to the two pirates, picked them up and threw them back into the sea, which made Ye Mei and Yang San feel excited.

This is a real father. He clearly distinguishes between gratitude and resentment. Why should he treat the prisoners well? Why should he treat them well? The only way to intimidate them is to kill them and beat them to death.

This time, Liu Qinghua and Ma Quanyi were silent. Even though they dared to educate Ye Mei, no one really lectured Ye Yuze, mainly because they couldn't compete.

After finding his parents and seeing that the old couple were fine, Ye Yuze finally breathed a sigh of relief.

They had a narrow escape on the helicopter just now. Flying a plane in this kind of weather is already a life-threatening task. If they didn't care about the elderly, they wouldn't risk their lives to do this.

As soon as Ye Yuze entered the cabin, Ma Quanyi and Liu Qinghua started to rescue people again. None of them was good at swimming, so they could only let down the rope.

Both pirates were scared. Although they didn't want to be drowned, they were more afraid of being beaten to death.

They were not afraid of those old men and women. They talked for a long time, saying something like changing their ways and starting a new life.

Although his expression is stern, he will give you whatever you want. But it’s not the same for young people, they will really beat you!

Especially the two neither old nor young ones who came at the end, it was already a blessing from the gods that we didn’t kill them.

Liu Qinghua and the others were helpless as they watched the pirates who kept shaking their heads below. Even though Ye Wancheng dared to jump down, they really didn't dare.

Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong entered Meihua's cabin and were relieved to see that the two people were fine.

At this time, Ye Wancheng instructed: "Don't kill those two pirates. Although we are all retired, we are always soldiers and must abide by military discipline!"

Ye Yuze took a deep breath, nodded and walked out the door. No matter what he thought, his father was right. Their generation had their own persistence.

Walking to the side of the ship, Ye Yuze saw the two pirates soaking in the water and refusing to come out. He picked up the gun and pointed it at them and shouted:

"I'll count to three. If you don't come up, you don't have to come up!"

Then Ye Yuze started counting: "Two..."

Shit! The two pirates swam desperately towards the rope, yelling, "You didn't count to one!"

After pulling the two pirates up, Ye Yuze asked them, "Who are you? Why did you hijack this ship?"

The two pirates hesitated for a moment, and Yang Geyong picked up one and was about to throw it into the sea.

"I'll tell you, I'll tell you!" The pirate struggled desperately. He was really scared.

After asking, they found out that these pirates were actually from the Tuva tribe. In fact, there were basically no pirates in this tribe.

However, not everyone agrees with Sieve's surrender to Marseille, after all, some people's interests will be affected.

After all, Tuva is a tribal country with a huge gap between the rich and the poor, and the Maasai have strict control over land. Land must be publicly owned, and only enterprises and businesses are allowed to be privately owned.

This system will seriously affect the interests of some powerful people in the tribe.

It's just that Lion has too much influence in the tribe, so they dare not oppose it openly. It was only after knowing that these Chinese people had a special identity that they deliberately hijacked the ship.

Even if they fail, they have to kill a few of them to create conflicts and get the newly merged tribe kicked out by Marseille.

Yang Ge courageously pulled out his gun and killed one of them. He was so damn vicious. Why keep such a person alive?

However, Liu Qinghua insisted on leaving one behind, so Ye Yuze persuaded Yang Geyong to stop. The main reason was that Yang Yulin was also trying desperately to stop his son. The pirate was lucky.

Ye Yuze called Lion directly. Although after the merger, Lion was no longer the chief of the Tuva tribe, but became the police chief of Marseille.

The reason why he was appointed to this position is that he has always been fair in his work and is suitable for this position.

As for the tribal structure, the Maasai had broken it up long ago. Oftentimes, tribes or ethnic groups can be easily exploited by others and become the cause of unrest.

The more backward a place is, the easier it is for the people to be misled, and some small things can easily become the fuse.

Therefore, since its founding, Marseille has been committed to eliminating these structures. A country is a country where everyone is equal and no small groups are allowed under any pretext.

Lion was also filled with indignation after answering the phone call. In fact, the person who was instigating the incident was his cousin, who was also a prestigious person in Tuva.

The lion acted decisively and swiftly. He did not care about his face at all and brought his men to behead his brother.

He did not take legal action on this matter. Although he is the police chief, what this guy did was intended to cause division, so he should be dealt with by the family.

This matter did not spread widely, the lion only announced it within the family.

This group of people were also trembling with fear. They didn't expect that the lion would be so cruel and ruthless.

But it’s better this way, at least no one dares to act recklessly, because the lion’s actions have made its attitude clear.

No matter who it is, even his own father, if they dare to do such a thing, there will be only one result, and that is death!

After the matter was settled, Shizi told Yang Geyong the result. Ye Yuze nodded. This was a good idea. He should not tell the people in Marseille’s upper echelons, otherwise it would easily cause some unnecessary trouble.

In fact, Marseille now also has a problem, and Lighter has always adopted a tolerant attitude towards this problem.

They are Chinese businessmen. Because many industries are monopolized by them, they use this as capital to suppress their peers and even unite to put pressure on the government.

Regarding this matter, Yang Da has not taken any measures since he took over, but Ye Rou is a little uncomfortable with it.

After all, she grew up in the United States and was not close to Chinese people. In her opinion, everyone should be equal.

Lighter and Yang Da were grateful, after all, these people had made great contributions to the development of Marseille.

  It is precisely because of their attitude that these people have become arrogant and extravagant, thinking themselves superior to others. Ye Yuze has not figured out what to do yet?

Of course, we can't just deal with these people in a simple and rough way. They have their faults, but they also have their good points. We must think of a way to have the best of both worlds.

But for now, the focus is on Somalia. The country has just stabilized and there is a lot of work to be done. This is the focus, and the problems in Marseille are actually trivial matters.

  Ye Yuze didn't want to get involved in these things at first, but when his parents were in danger, he couldn't help but care. He was actually the kind of person who took things as they came, and he rarely forced anything on himself, not to mention his children.

For example, he was actually unwilling to make the choice of his two daughters. But so what? After coming to Africa and being seriously injured, it was a question whether he could save his life at that time.

As a result, not only did he survive, but he also found love. He really didn't care whether she was a queen or not. His greatest hope was that they could be happy.

His parents are old, and he cannot fulfill all their wishes. At least he cannot do what his mother wants, such as having the whole family reunited.

There are so many children, from different mothers, but in fact, there are only a few children, and he just acts as a tool.

Sometimes he also regretted his absurdity, but so what? A man is a young man until he dies. As long as the little brother does not give up, he will always make the mistakes he should make.

Today, this family is considered a wealthy family no matter where it is placed. Especially in terms of its development and layout in the United States, it has already had a strong influence.

He also admitted that this was not his credit, like Lao Si and Ye Feng. In fact, he did not contribute much.

Rather than saying that he made them successful, it is better to say that they made themselves successful. If it weren't for Lao Si and Ye Feng, many products under Warrior would have been restricted by many countries long ago.

He is not an ambitious person, but he became the spokesperson for a world-renowned brand.

Now that his parents are getting old, he wonders how long they can stay with him. If he can decide, he hopes it will be forever.

But how is this possible? Birth, aging, illness and death are the laws of nature. Even if he is as rich as a country, he cannot live forever. How can he do what even the emperor cannot do?

Therefore, he could only spend as much time with them as possible during his lifetime.

However, he couldn't even do this because he didn't like being bound by constraints. For example, when he and Yang Geyong strolled around everywhere, was there really anything going on?

If he really thought about it, he would stay in Junken City to accompany his parents and manage the company.

But he couldn't do any of them. After all, he just didn't want to be constrained.

At this age, money and beauty no longer have any appeal to him. He just wants to live a more casual life.

The cruise ship continued to move forward. He and Yang Geyong couldn't sleep, so they lay on the deck drinking and smoking. The wind and waves were still strong, but it had no effect on a cruise ship of this tonnage.

Moreover, they always sail close to the coastline and can call for rescue at any time if anything happens.

Maybe because they had been together for too long, he and Yang Geyong had nothing to talk about as they knew each other too well.

I just drank glass after glass of wine in silence. The wine was red wine, not intoxicating. I didn't know where the seagulls had hidden at night. There was no other sound except the sound of the waves.

At some point, Liu Qinghua and Ma Quanyi came to them, each poured a glass of wine and started drinking with them.

Then there are Yang Yulin, Xi Dehe, and Ye Wancheng.

The old people slept little, especially when they were on the boat. Maybe it was the first time in their lives they were on such a big boat, so they really couldn’t sleep.

Looking at the aging faces, Ye Yuze could still vaguely find the shadows of their youth.

To be honest, Ye Yuze had only been in the infrastructure company for a short time, so he was not very familiar with them. He only knew their names mostly.

This group of people had little education and no lofty ambitions. They were almost all from rural areas. They served as soldiers for various reasons and then gathered in this small mountain valley in the northwestern border.

If we use accurate words to describe their lives, then the word "ordinary" would be the most accurate.

But each of them has their shining points, such as following the old leader to eat coarse food, saving clothes every year, eating less food, not receiving allowances, and using the remaining money to build the northern border.

Without them, Northern Xinjiang would not be what it is today.

So, what is a hero? In fact, they are all heroes. They are the ones who, in their ordinary days, use their most ordinary work to change the world.

  Think about when the military reclamation city was first established, it was also them who built it brick by brick.

And those companies also go wherever they are needed, do the most tiring work and get the least money.

Just because in one word, it is our own business and we just need to wait until it is done.

It is precisely because of these that they now enjoy the best treatment in the military reclamation city. When they retire, they not only receive a pension, but also dividends from shares.

The annual income of everyone on this ship will not be less than one million. It can be said that if they live one more year, they can earn more than seven-digit income for their children.

This is not an honor, but the reward they deserve. In fact, many people are not convinced by this.

Including people from the original regiment and division, but whether it was Ye Yuze or Ye Wancheng, they all answered with one sentence.

"That's just what they deserve. You don't deserve it."

This statement may sound hurtful, but it is the truth. So far, the only people who have been treated the same as them are Liu Xiangdong and Old John.

However, Liu Xiangdong and Old John did not receive any dividends from their shares, at least not from the Junkencheng Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Company.

  Seeing the expressions of the old comrades who were hesitant to speak, Ye Yuze had to ask:

"Uncles, just say whatever you want to say. Why are you being so shy?"

The old comrades poked me one by one, and it seemed that none of them were too embarrassed to speak.

Finally, it was Ye Wancheng who spoke. He looked at his son a little embarrassedly:

"Yuze, can we stay on the boat for a few more days?"

Ye Yuze was stunned, thinking, is this person addicted to the game?

I nodded quickly: "Sure, the boat is ours, we can play as long as we want and we can drive it back home."

Ye Wancheng quickly shook his head: "That's not how we play. Where are the pirates? Can we go there to play?"

Yang Geyong burst into laughter, and Ye Yuze was also confused. It turned out that the old comrades were not satisfied with fighting pirates and wanted to fight again.

He shook his head helplessly: "Dad, the pirates have been eliminated. Today was just an accident. If you hadn't come, there wouldn't be any pirates today."

Ye Wancheng was obviously a little disappointed. He lowered his head and kept silent. The old comrades also looked disappointed.

Ye Yuze was helpless. He couldn't help them with this matter. Even if he could, he wouldn't help. They were already in their seventies or eighties, and still had such ambitions. He didn't dare to encourage their arrogance.

But Meihua, who came out later, shouted, "No, wait until I finish seeing my granddaughter's country!"

   It's the end of the month, you know, hurry up

  (End of this chapter)

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