Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 2520: The Conflict of Old Comrades

Chapter 2520: The Conflict of Old Comrades

Cao'er sat up and rubbed her eyes. Only then did Ye Wancheng realize that the people in this village were different from most people in Suo Country, mainly because they were not that dark.

But there were many races here, so he didn't care. Cao'er drank some water and ate some food, and he felt much better.

People outside exclaimed in amazement, saying it was truly a miracle. A dead person was brought back to life, and it was two lives for one corpse.

Now, another person who was on the verge of death was brought back to life. If this isn’t a god, then what is it? Their patriarch would kill people at any time, but they still worship him, let alone this kind of person who can heal people.

Seeing them kneeling down one after another, Ye Wancheng and Liu Xiangdong felt a little uncomfortable, but they couldn't pull them up, so they just let them kowtow a few times, and everything would be fine after that.

Sure enough, after they kowtowed a few times and muttered something, they got up.

Then, a bonfire was lit on a larger platform. A group of people helped Ye Wancheng and Liu Xiangdong sit in the middle, and then they began to sing and dance.

The enthusiasm of the natives was genuine. They roasted some food, such as fish and shrimp, and drank some unknown meat over the fire.

Although this method is crude, it is true that the meat will emit a fragrant aroma when it comes into contact with fire, which makes people hungry.

However, the two looked around and didn't see Old John, so Ye Wancheng asked curiously.

The translator replied somewhat helplessly: "He is still with the mother, teaching her parenting knowledge."

Thinking of the dirty appearance of the woman in labor, Ye Wancheng couldn't help but shudder. This old John had too strong a taste.

Liu Xiangdong didn't know what he was thinking of. His face turned red. And it was getting redder and redder.

Of course there must be wine when there is barbecue. The villagers drink their own homemade fruit wine, which is turbid and has impurities, but tastes sweet and sour.

This degree can be ignored. Although both of them are doctors, they are accustomed to all kinds of harsh environments.

At most, you'll have a stomachache, so just take some drugs. There's nothing to be afraid of about a doctor, just don't do any poison testing.

However, looking at the roasted black stuff, I still feel a little nervous. What’s the difference between this and testing poison?

People in northern Xinjiang also like to barbecue, but is that true grilling, not burning? Here they grill by putting the food directly on the fire.

Ye Wancheng tried to correct them several times, but was stopped every time and continued drinking.

But who knows that even a low-proof wine is still wine? Ye Wancheng is still better, but Liu Xiangdong can't handle it? Before it got dark, he was helped into the house.

Ye Wancheng managed to hold on until dark, but he could not bear it any longer. He was confused and had to be helped to rest.

The soldiers who were guarding him were all on the boat and were not with him, and the translator who was with him was also drunk.

Seeing Ye Wancheng being carried into the house by two girls, Huaer and Caoer stopped them firmly.

"This person saved my sister, he must live in my house!"

Because her parents died young, Hua'er had always been a weak person in the village. She rarely spoke up when she was bullied, but at this moment she burst out with courage she had never had before.

  The two girls naturally wouldn't let her go, and one of them pushed her away:

"Why? He is the village's benefactor and a god. Why should we give him to you? We want to keep him. Do you know how to keep a man?"

Hua'er's face turned slightly red, but she still stood firmly in front:

"I know, my mom taught me!"

The girl sneered: "When your mother left, you were only five years old. Would she teach you these?"

Hua'er's face turned redder and redder, but her attitude remained firm:

"She just taught me, I know everything!"

  The other girl became impatient and pushed her away:

"Get out of here. You have no right to speak here. How can an ominous person serve God?"

These words made Hua'er lose all her courage. She was an unlucky person and her parents died young because of her. This was what the clan leader had said.

At this time, the drunken Ye Wancheng suddenly opened his eyes, turned his head and saw that Hua'er was the only one he recognized. He subconsciously broke away from the two girls and walked towards Hua'er.

But he drank too much, and fell forward before he even reached the flowers.

Hua'er rushed forward and hugged him, Cao'er supported Ye Wancheng's other side obediently, and Hua'er took the opportunity to turn around, bent her knees, carried Ye Wancheng on her back, and walked towards her home.

Old John made a cup of milk powder and handed it to the woman:

"Drink it, it's good for you and the fetus!"

The woman drank it obediently. In the afternoon, Old John helped her clean her body. After the dirt on her body and face was removed, she was not beautiful, but she was definitely not ugly.

The only thing that interested Old John was the plump body of this new mother, every part of which was filled with the scent of youth and hormones.

There is no man who is not lustful, but Old John is really not lustful at this moment. He just wants this woman to suffer less harm and recover as soon as possible.

Because the woman didn't know whose child it was, the child had no father. This tribe was a bit chaotic in some ways, and women had no status.

So, she had no one to take care of the child after giving birth, including her parents. Because she had a difficult delivery, her body was very weak, so old John was unwilling to leave.

After the woman finished her milk powder, old John also sat there and drank a glass of milk powder and ate two biscuits.

He was a little anxious. Women need nutrition, but there was nothing here. Even the meat was dried in the sun. The key point was that he didn't know what kind of meat it was.

When I walked out of the house, I suddenly saw a man walking by carrying a few fish, so I shouted.

  When the man saw it was Old John, he immediately smiled humbly and waited there. I wonder what he was going to do?

Old John walked over, pointed at the fish in his hand, and took out money to indicate that he wanted to buy the fish.

The man readily unhooked the two fish, put them into old John's hands, and left without asking for his money.

Old John took the fish home, but found that he didn't know how to cook it.

He was an American and didn't know how to cook. After living in the military reclamation city for decades, he had already gotten used to the Chinese diet.

He knew that stewing this fish into soup was the best for pregnant women, but he had no idea how to make this soup.

Liu Xiangdong would not go out to look for Ye Wancheng. That guy was even dumber than him. He just walked around and found Ye Wancheng sleeping soundly. The flowers and grass were guarding him on either side and also fell asleep.

Old John cursed in his heart: "The old pervert is back. Looks like I can only rely on myself."

Seeing him at a loss as to what to do with the two fish, the woman burst out laughing. She pointed to the fire pit on the ground and asked him to roast them and eat them.

Old John shook his head and pointed to the clay pot, indicating that he wanted to make soup. The woman then pointed to several small pots nearby, indicating that there were seasonings in them.

Old John thought for a long time and remembered that the internal organs of the fish needed to be removed, as they could not be eaten, so he began to gut the fish.

After throwing away all the internal organs, the fish was thrown into the pot. However, it was difficult to light the fire, so the pot was hung on the beam and a fire was lit from below.

Old John is a famous expert, Nobel Prize winner, and well-known in the medical field, but he really has no ability to live a good life.

For example, if you light a fire, after trying for a long time, there is nothing but smoke in the room, and the fire won't light at all.

Then, not only the mother but also the baby started coughing.

The woman in labor had no choice but to force herself to get out of bed and help him light the fire. Old John added some salt to the pot, and the woman added some seasonings that Old John didn't recognize.

The woman in labor had very poor physical strength. After doing all these things, she was sweating profusely and could not even stand steadily. Old John quickly helped her lie down and sat there to continue making a fire.

This time I had experience, and the fire was lit very well. After a while, the water boiled, making a "gurgling" sound, and then a faint fragrance wafted out.

Old John enjoyed the smell and sound very much. He leisurely lit his pipe and took a deep puff.

Turning his head to look at the baby boy who was sleeping soundly, and his mother who was looking at him with tender eyes, old John suddenly felt very satisfied.

Just like when he was young, his wife who had just given birth looked at him in the same way, but his wife had long gone to heaven, and he had forgotten what she looked like.

Old John didn't know what it meant to be cooked, so he could only use a wooden spoon to taste the fish over and over again. Finally, he dug out a piece of fish meat, put it in his mouth, and it was ready to eat.

  The fish meat was fishy and tasteless. Old John was a little embarrassed, wondering if the woman could eat it.

After all, this stuff was hard for him to swallow.

As if seeing his embarrassment, the woman in labor smiled gently and indicated that she wanted to drink.

Old John looked around and finally found some coconut shells. It seemed that the woman had been using them as bowls to eat.

He carefully filled a bowl and brought it to the woman. The woman blew on it and took a sip impatiently, with a look of satisfaction on her face.

Old John watched the woman drink the fish soup in big gulps. The fish meat went into her mouth and the fish bones came out from the other side.

After all the trouble, Old John was hungry, so he served himself a bowl and started drinking. The food that was originally difficult to swallow tasted better as the woman swallowed sweetly.

When Liu Xiangdong woke up, he felt two soft and warm things on his chest. He reached out and touched them, and then quickly woke up.

It turned out that the girl who had been drinking with him last night was lying naked next to him.

He was used to the fact that people in this village did not wear clothes, but he was still not used to sleeping in a woman's arms like this.

The most surprising thing is that he himself was also naked and had no worries. This was really surprising.

Liu Xiangdong wanted to jump up suddenly, but found that he couldn't get up at all because the woman's strong arms were holding him tightly.

He couldn't tell the age of the women here; they generally looked old, but definitely no more than twenty years old.

  Liu Xiangdong was very confused, mainly because he couldn't figure out what happened last night. If nothing happened, where did the clothes go?

There is another important question: at this age, single for so many years, and with all his energy focused on research, can he actually do that?

When he thought of this, a leg was placed on his body, and then, some indescribable part of his body was surprisingly elastic.

Liu Xiangdong suddenly became weak. It wasn't the indescribable way, but his whole body became weak.

  He is a very traditional man and has been a teacher for so many years. Now he is doing this to a little girl. How can he explain it?

No, he had to get up. Liu Xiangdong's face was full of regret. He was a man, a man who was highly respected in front of others. If such a thing was known by others, how could he face people?

Maybe his movements were a little too big and he woke up the girl next to him. Seeing him looking for clothes, the girl shook her head and hugged him, not letting him leave.

Liu Xiangdong had no way of explaining to her how he felt at the moment, so he could only keep gesturing.

The girl misunderstood and thought he was in a hurry to pee, so she lifted a board and let him relieve himself there.

  Liu Xiangdong looked like he had lost all hope in life. This toilet is really damn convenient, but I have to leave, okay?

After a lot of struggling, the girl finally took out Liu Xiangdong's clothes. It turned out that the girl was afraid that Liu Xiangdong would run away, so she hid his clothes.

Liu Xiangdong put on his clothes and hurried to find Ye Wancheng, his face red as a monkey's butt. It was so damn embarrassing.

But where is Ye Wancheng? He really doesn't know because he got drunk early yesterday.

After all, the village was not big, and the houses were not obstructed. He could see everything when he walked outside. He had only walked a few houses when he saw Ye Wancheng sleeping soundly like a sandwich.

But she was more well-dressed than him, after all, she still had a pair of underwear on. The flowers and grass sandwiched him in the middle, and none of the three woke up.

Liu Xiangdong suddenly felt that he no longer had any guilt feelings. So everyone was like this?

But after thinking about it, I still felt guilty. Old Ye had a criminal record and had two wives. I couldn't be like him.

After thinking about it, I realized that Old John seemed to be still taking care of the woman who had just given birth, so I decided to go and check it out.

When he turned around, he saw the girl following him closely, as if she was afraid that he would run away.

Liu Xiangdong didn't know whether to laugh or cry. There was no way he could cure such a stubborn child. However, when he thought about what he had done, he was too embarrassed to interact with others, so he walked towards the woman's home.

Old John was cooking breakfast. He was already very familiar with cooking fires. He had just bought a pheasant and was stewing it in the pot.

  Seeing Liu Xiangdong, he immediately shouted happily:

"Lao Liu, you came just in time. I have learned how to make chicken soup. Let me show you my cooking skills later."

The mother was sitting on the bed, breastfeeding her baby, and her eyes were full of tenderness when she looked at old John. No matter how you look at it, this is a warm family of three.

Although the man is a little older, he loves his wife very much. Isn't the reason why women look for men to rely on?

It was only then that Old John noticed the woman behind Liu Xiangdong. He compared herself with her and found that she was obviously prettier than the woman who had just given birth, but her figure was not as sexy.

He quickly asked her to sit down with him. The girl was very obedient. She went to the bedside to check on the child and teased him for a while. Then the two women chatted for a long time.

Liu Xiangdong and Old John naturally didn't understand, so Liu Xiangdong confessed to Old John what happened last night, and was confused about what he had done last night?

The second to last day, don’t save your monthly pass

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