Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 2524 Opening a Clinic

Chapter 2524 Opening a Clinic

Running a clinic is a very simple job for them, and they don’t need any large equipment or instruments. At their age, their dependence on machines is low.

They prefer to trust their own eyes and experience. Instruments may be able to observe the lesions more intuitively.

But if a doctor cannot treat patients without instruments, what kind of doctor is he?

As a traditional Chinese medicine expert said: "Strictly speaking, modern Western doctors are not doctors. They are just repairmen because they can't do anything without instruments. I only use three fingers to diagnose patients!"

Although this statement is somewhat absolute, you can't deny that it makes sense. If a doctor is too instrumental, then the most basic diagnostic techniques will be lost, and the cost of seeing a doctor will undoubtedly increase.

Just like when you go to the doctor, the doctor will ask about your symptoms and then basically prescribe medicine. This will undoubtedly increase efficiency a lot.

However, as hospitals started to generate revenue, they would arrange many tests for a cold, a disease that can be cured with medicines costing only ten or eight yuan.

As a result, the inspection fees cost you hundreds or thousands of dollars, and in worse cases, it can cost you several thousand dollars. This kind of situation is common.

This in itself is a step backward, and Ye Wancheng and others strongly oppose it.

Therefore, the three old men opened a clinic not far from where they lived. Because Chinese medicine was not easy to transport, Liu Xiangdong mainly used acupuncture, while Ye Wancheng and Old John used Western medicine.

The key is that they don't charge for medical treatment and give away medicine for free, which is amazing. Because of poverty, people here would just get sick if they can, otherwise they would die. Now that it's free, they immediately line up like old ladies getting eggs.

Liu Xiangdong has been feeling refreshed recently. Decades of single life have made him completely lose the concept of home.

  But now he suddenly has a woman, a young and obedient woman at that, how could he not be happy physically and mentally?

Let’s not talk about the back pain for now. After all, he is an old Chinese doctor. There should be no problem with adjusting the condition and giving myself a couple of injections.

However, because there were so many people, they were so busy as soon as the clinic opened that they didn't even have time to eat.

Ye Mei saw that this was not going to work, so she simply sent the police to maintain order and refused to allow business during meal times.

Otherwise, given the diligence of the three old men, they would dare to work around the clock without eating, drinking or sleeping.

Even so, they still suffer from back pain and leg cramps when they return home every day. There is nothing they can do because there are too many people and they don't have a moment to rest as long as they are at work.

Ye Wancheng was ultimately unable to go to the palace to rest, and Huaer and Yeer became his babysitters.

The two girls were very hardworking, but unfortunately they didn't know a single word. Ye Wancheng simply sent them to a nearby school, as being illiterate in this era meant no future.

What's more, Ye'er is still so young, she can't live her whole life in a daze like this.

Old John and Liu Xiangdong followed suit and sent their two women to study. As for the baby, they just hired a nanny to look after it.

In fact, many of the illnesses people have here are minor, but because of the lack of medical care and medicine, they just drag their feet.

Therefore, after the clinic opened, the conditions of most patients improved quickly.

However, as more and more patients were cured, more and more new patients arrived, so instead of relaxing, they became more and more tired.

However, the three old comrades are the kind of people who are happy even when they are tired, and work can make them happy both physically and mentally.

Liu Xiangdong and Old John had to work overtime when they got home at night. Ye Wancheng was always worried about their health, but was ridiculed by them instead.

"If you are envious, just say it directly. Don't be sarcastic. If you don't fill up the gas at night, how can you have power during the day?" Ye Wancheng was speechless. These two old hooligans had completely defeated him.

In fact, he felt more uncomfortable than anyone else. The two girls liked to stay with him when they slept, although they no longer hugged each of them like before.

But they didn't sleep in separate beds, they just kept a slight distance apart.

Ye Wancheng understood that it was not because the girl liked him, but because she felt insecure. After all, she was in an unfamiliar environment and had to rely on him for food, drink, and toilet. If she was abandoned, she would probably end up on the streets.

He also didn't know how to give them a sense of security? After all, there was a language barrier. Although the two girls were working hard to learn Chinese, they were currently limited to simple communication.

He could only follow his own ideas and provide them with the guarantee of independent living before leaving.

This kind of guarantee does not mean that they need to be supported by someone, but that they have the means to make a living on their own. As for what to let them do? Ye Wancheng has naturally thought about it.

He has had many apprentices in Northern Xinjiang. Now, after classes, the two girls help him in the clinic. They will learn something if they do it more often.

In fact, it is the same in any industry. There is nothing mysterious about it. It just comes with practice. You will get it if you do it more.

For example, injections and infusions are no problem for both girls.

Old John and Liu Xiangdong didn't dare to let their women go, saying that it would interfere with their work. Whenever they saw them, they always felt restless.

Ye Wancheng understood that people become more coquettish as they get older, let alone a newlywed. He would probably be like this too.

The two girls are very well-behaved and hardworking. This may be because they have no parents since childhood, so they can only rely on hard work to survive.

Hua'er is older now. Not only does she work diligently at school and the clinic, she also tries to cook Chinese food.

Northerners eat simply, with not many dishes, mainly staple foods, such as noodles, dumplings, and steamed buns, which are actually not complicated.

Huaer has now gotten pretty good at making rice and noodles, but she still needs practice making dumplings and steamed buns.

Although making dough looks simple, it is still somewhat difficult to operate.

Meihua and Ye Ling would occasionally come to teach her, but every time they came, Ye Wancheng became uneasy, and even Old John and Liu Xiangdong became nervous.

However, Meihua acted as if nothing had happened, and not only brought them food, but also asked about their well-being.

Huaer and Caoer have basically no concept of monogamy, because no man in the tribe has more than one wife.

So when they face plum blossoms, they are never afraid, but just obey and flatter.

They would try their best to learn what Meihua and Ye Ling taught them, probably because they were afraid of being beaten.

Ye Wancheng never understood what his wife meant. He could only rely on hard work and keeping himself clean to restrain himself. There was no other way, his wife was fierce.

  Until one day he couldn't hold it in any longer, so when no one was around he called Meihua and asked:

"What do you mean? Either divorce me or let me go home? You're cutting my flesh with a soft knife. Sooner or later I'll be scared to death by you!"

Meihua smiled sweetly: "You have nothing to fear. How can I eat you? Why don't you ask Sister Ye Ling if I want you to?"

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