Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 2535 Fishing Port

Chapter 2535 Fishing Port

There will naturally be resistance. In fact, no matter what you do, there will always be resistance. But so what?

As long as you are determined, there is nothing you cannot accomplish, provided that you are upright!

Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong are the kind of people who will do things to the end, so they have never stopped.

  For this reason, Yang Da had been trying to equip them with security personnel, but Yang Geyong firmly refused. In his words:

"If I still have to be followed by others in this country, what hope is there for the world?"

The reason for saying this is naturally the photos in people’s homes and their admiration for them.

Oucha is a fishing port in Marseille. It was originally just a small fishing village. After all, due to poverty, the fishing technology was extremely backward.

The main reason is that they cannot afford large fishing boats, so they naturally do not have large trawl nets or other fishing tools. They rely on small sampans and wooden boats to fish in the coastal waters.

With the rapid economic development, more and more businessmen have begun to invest here. This industry is not allowed to be monopolized by businessmen.

Therefore, businessmen who invest in the business all adopt the approach of cooperating with local fishermen.

Meng Yunlong is one of the investors here. Like other businessmen, he started out with a deep-sea fishing boat.

But because of his business acumen, he soon left everyone else far behind.

He is also from Xu Zhuang, because Xu Zhuang itself has two major families with the surname Xu and Meng.

When I first came here with Ye Lishuan, even the travel expenses were paid by Ye Lishuan.

He was grateful to Ye Lishuan from the bottom of his heart, because without him, he would not be where he is today.

Today, 80% of the fishing boats in this fishing port belong to him. Although they are all in the name of partnership, in fact, those partners hardly hold any shares.

The only right they have is to be able to serve on the ship as sailors, and without special circumstances, Meng Yunlong is not allowed to fire them.

When he first came, he worked in Ye's Company for five years. Because he was capable, his salary was very high, so he used the money to buy a large fishing boat.

Because of the astonishing annual demand of Ye’s Seafood Company, he decided to start his own business.

The development to this day is naturally inseparable from the support of the Ye family and my own efforts.

Today, he has more than a hundred ships, and in Wuqia Port, he basically has the final say.

He is not like other businessmen who buy houses in the Ye Group because of their good relationship with the Ye family. He has been staying here since he bought his first ship.

His old boss Ye Lishuan has retired, and he has a pretty good relationship with his young boss Ye Yuhe. At the very least, if Ye's needs anything, all he needs is a call from Ye Yuhe, and he will definitely do his best.

Now he no longer goes out to sea, and his daily pleasure is to come to the dock every morning to check on the fish.

It was quite spectacular to see more than a hundred ships entering the port. The cars of Ye’s Seafood Company were waiting here early, waiting for the food to be cooked.

The price Ye gave was not high, especially for some rare seafood. Like other fishermen, they would basically sell them to fresh goods dealers. After all, the price difference was quite large.

Only those items that are difficult to sell will be handed over to Ye’s Company, which is also a routine operation.

Everyone would greet Meng Yunlong respectfully when they saw him. There was no other way. If you offended him, you might not be able to come here to work tomorrow, even if it was someone else's fishing boat. In fact, there are people like Meng Yunlong everywhere. You can say he is highly respected or has a domineering personality. Anyway, most people can only be respectful to him.

The purchasing manager of Ye’s Company is called Sam, a white Maasai. In fact, there are many white people in Africa.

In addition to those white countries, we have to mention South Africa.

Unlike our impression of African countries, this country once had considerable strength. It was once listed as a middle-income developing country and became a BRICS country in 2011. These descriptions show that the country has developed well in the past.

However, once we arrived in this country, we found that many cities had slums, and the residents of these places were the self-righteous white "upper class".

How did an African country overcome its national inertia and achieve today’s progress? By examining South Africa’s development history, we will find that this period of history is full of blood. It can be said that South Africa’s development was at the cost of countless sacrifices.

Friends who are familiar with history should know what means a modern capitalist country will use when accumulating capital.

The country of South Africa was invaded by Britain in the 19th century. Before that it was a colony of the Netherlands. It can be said that South Africa’s colonial history lasted for about three centuries.

Don't mention the historical period, even now, the conflicts between different races are still a big problem. Especially those white people who call themselves "superior races" not only plundered the property of the locals after arriving in South Africa, but also regarded them as inferior people and assigned them many dangerous jobs.

With the establishment of the Union of South Africa in Africa by Britain, racial discrimination reached its peak. The white people, who made up a very small minority of the total population, occupied most of the social resources, leaving only a few remnants for the native South Africans.

But behind this glory, black people suffer from racial discrimination, oppression and injustice.

In the second half of the 20th century, a great black man, Mandela, was born in South Africa.

The black rights movement led by Mandela officially kicked off. After unremitting struggle, Mandela and his followers finally ushered in the dawn of light.

In 1994, Mandela was elected president, becoming the first black president in South African history. Mandela was called the "Father of South Africa."

Mandela fought for the abolition of apartheid throughout his life. Mandela's coming to power officially announced the end of apartheid in South Africa.

After the abolition of the apartheid system in South Africa, jobs in all aspects of society tended to favor blacks, and a large number of preferential policies for blacks were introduced, increasing their employment rate and economic enjoyment rate.

However, it led to a large number of white people without many skills becoming unemployed. These white people could not afford their mortgages and lost their homes.

Even skilled white people are excluded and discriminated against at work, leading to unemployment.

A white man said that some black people can get government jobs without even knowing how to start a computer.

White people were driven out of government departments, and more and more black people entered the government, and there was no one to help us white people. And these black people could only kick the ball and dance before.

But so what? Racial discrimination has always existed. And what the white people are today is what the black people of South Africa were yesterday.

Some things always have consequences, and if this situation continues, the original situation will be completely overturned.

As the situation became more and more serious, coupled with the continued killings by some extremists, white people began to flee.


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