Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 2540 Ye Family

The person who was most affected by this incident was Ye Yuhe. He had already realized that his abilities were limited, and at least he had big problems in judging people.

After much consideration, I decided to hire a manager, mainly because of my two children, who I haven’t seen any talent at the moment?

If I am not as good as him, I might as well hand over the company as soon as possible. At least, there will be more long-term development.

Nurjiang gave him an idea, he might as well ask Ye Feng to be the manager and give him a portion of the shares.

Ye Yuhe didn't have any objection to this matter. Ye Feng, whose business talent surpassed Ye Yuze's, was currently the number one in the Ye family.

At this time Ye Feng also noticed the news about Marseille. Although Ye Yuze was mentioned in the news every day, those three Chinese made him feel something was wrong.

I called Yang Da directly and found out what happened, and he stopped talking.

Then he used his connections to find out the whereabouts of Meng Yunlong's two sons.

Actually in Pennsylvania, Ye Feng grinned.

Two days later, news appeared in the media that two Marseille students drove their car into the sea and died.

But it was only a flash in the pan and didn't generate any heat at all...

When Ye Feng received the call from his second uncle, he did not refuse. In this respect, he was very much like his father and cared about his family and people he could call friends.

However, he did not want the shares. After all, he looked down on such a company. Now the sister company has become an aircraft carrier.

However, his aunt called him and persuaded him earnestly, and actually gave him 30% of the shares at once, leaving him with no choice.

In this case, the only option is to expand the business. Ye Feng has a problem, that is, no matter what company he runs, he will obtain absolute empty shares. Otherwise, he would rather not do it.

Ye Feng’s layout is very simple, which is to set up branches in ports along the African coastline.

He won't do it if he doesn't want to. Once he does it, he will form a monopoly. There's nothing you can do about it. That's just his mind.

The huge investment quickly diluted Ye’s shares, and finally Ye Yuhe’s shares were reduced to only 30%.

He looked miserable and complained to Nurjiang: "Look at the idea you came up with. From now on, the company will not belong to me."

Nurjiang tapped his forehead and said, "Why don't you calculate how much profit you will get from this 30% stake?"

Ye Yuhe was silent.

Nurjiang shook his head: "Before, you were just a local rich man of a Marseille company, but from now on, you will be a major shareholder of a multinational enterprise."

Ye Yuhe was still unhappy: "But nothing I say counts."

Nurjiang rolled his eyes at him and said, "Does it mean the company will grow so fast if you decide? Let's go fishing and have a drink, and let Ye Feng do his work freely."

After being depressed for a few days, Ye Yuhe finally thought it over. His wife was right. Since his ability was limited, he might as well hand it over to others and grow and develop rapidly.

It doesn’t matter whether you have the final say or not. What matters is that the company develops.

In the end, Ye Yuhe decided to return to his hometown to retire, even though it was much more comfortable here and the scenery was much more beautiful than his hometown.

But he still likes the small village in the heart of the Central Plains because there is a strong local accent, his parents, and ancestral graves.

Nurjiang couldn't leave, of course, as her work was very heavy. Although she was reluctant to let her husband leave, she had no choice.

  But before leaving, Nurjiang hesitated for a while, then gritted his teeth and said:

"Husband, if there is a suitable woman over there, you can find one. The children here can't go back to their hometown. You can leave a boy and a girl to take care of your parents, and it will also comfort them." Ye Yuhe nodded subconsciously, and then looked at her with horror.

"Honey, I really don't mean that. I'm not into women anymore, really."

Nurjiang rolled his eyes at him and said, "You are not interested in women only with me. All men are like this, they get tired of the old and love the new. I asked you to do this, don't be afraid."

Ye Yuhe held his wife's hand: "But I can't bear to leave you. You are the only woman I have ever loved in this world."

Nurjiang nodded: "Okay, then I'll book you a flight for tonight."

Ye Yuhe stood up subconsciously: "Then I'll go pack my clothes."

Nurjiang kicked him and said, "If you can't pay the public grain successfully once, you will never leave in this life. I mean what I say!"

  Ye Yuhe had a bitter look on his face, then he washed up silently, and suddenly found the little blue pill in his pocket. That was it!

The next morning, the radiant Nurjiang sent the depressed Ye Yuhe to the airport. It was a scene that was hard to part with...

Ye Yuze did not comment on his brother's decision. Perhaps this was the best arrangement.

The plane went directly to Beijing, and then after a two-hour drive, we finally returned to the village.

Today, Xu Zhuang can no longer be called a village. It is even larger than a county town.

Meat processing plants have now become the dominant force in the domestic industry, which has led to the rapid development of countless derivative industries.

Originally, Ye Lishuan had given all the domestic companies to his second brother Ye Tieshuan. However, due to his lack of ability, some management mistakes occurred. After Ye Lishuan returned to China, he took over the business again.

In fact, it’s not Ye Tieshuan’s problem. It’s that his two sons behaved a little bit unruly and he couldn’t control them because his wife spoiled them.

Later, his wife passed away and Ye Lishuan returned to China. His two sons lost control of the company and became shareholders.

Now they have moved to the county town and have been living a comfortable life. There is no other way, living well is not as good as having a good life, who made them descendants of the Ye family?

Nowadays, every household in Xu Zhuang lives in a small villa. This is the difference between them and the outsiders. Other people who develop here, no matter how rich they are, can only live in buildings. There is no other way because land is too scarce.

However, the buildings in Xuzhuang are also quite shocking, all conceptualized residences, which are the four-generation residences advocated on the Internet.

It's just that those on the Internet are all hype, and the one in Xuzhuang is a real four-generation residence. But the price is also quite amazing.

The Ye family has three villas, but after grandma died, her villa has been uninhabited for a long time. It was left to her eldest son's family.

But Ye Wancheng will definitely not come back. Even after a hundred years, he can only be buried in the back mountain of the military reclamation city.

Everyone has his own mission, and people like Ye Wancheng are destined not to belong to a family...

Ye Tieshuan now lives alone in his own villa. His two sons have many children, but no one is willing to look after him.

He is an honest man and has been honest all his life. When he was young, he was bullied by his wife and when he was old, he was bullied by his son. Only now can he be his own master.

Now he is seventy years old, but he still has no problem moving around. He doesn't want a nanny even if Ye Lishuan finds him one. He cooks his own meals every day and strolls around the village when he has nothing to do.

When Ye Yuhe came back, he naturally went to see his second uncle. Ye Tieshuan was cooking at that time, making small fish pancakes.

The small fish were just caught from the river. Here they are called wheat ears. They are so small that they cannot be gutted, so they are eaten whole.

Stewed with homemade sauce and a row of corn tortillas on the side of the pot. The taste is simply amazing. (End of this chapter)

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