Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 2551 Things that need to be changed

Chapter 2551 Things that need to be changed

After all, the little girl is young and a member of the Ye family, so necessary protection measures are still taken.

The reason why a country is backward is certainly related to its leadership, but it has more to do with the level of civilization of its people.

For example, the few women who were quarreling at the moment not only arrived late, but also brought their children with them, and did not take Ye Di seriously at all.

Especially the woman named Sam, who had two babies following her and one in her arms.

As soon as he heard that Ye Di was going to deduct money, he was jumping up and down and cursing!

To be honest, Ye Di felt very sympathetic towards her, even though he didn't know what her family situation was like. But with so many children, they definitely couldn't be rich.

However, the factory naturally has its own disciplines. If it loses its principles because of sympathy, then the factory will have only one option left, which is bankruptcy.

Seeing Sam like this, Ye Di decisively fired her, announced that she was no longer an employee here, and went to the finance department to settle her salary.

Sam, who was howling just now, suddenly felt as if his spine was pulled out and sat on the ground crying loudly.

Several female workers looked at her sympathetically, but no one dared to say anything. They were so aggressive just now, and they were not afraid of anyone.

Ye Di ignored Sam on the ground and asked the others with a stern face:

"Will you be late again? If you can't come to work on time, then I'll just quit today!"

A group of people quickly nodded and promised not to be late, then turned around and went back to work.

Sam was tired of crying and seeing that no one cared, he had no choice but to go to the finance department to get his salary.

She worked for more than half a month, earning 800 shillings a day, and was given 450. With this money, she took her children and left.

Ye Di drove secretly behind her, wanting to see how this woman lived.

Sam led the children through the streets and alleys and finally stopped at a place near the outskirts of the city.

Ye Di was shocked. This woman had no place to live and just built a shed on the side of the road. The shed was in tatters and could collapse at any time.

At least this shed was built with the help of a pavilion. If it rains, the pavilion can ensure that the whole family will not get wet.

She had no property, even the clothes she wore were all wrapped around her. Her only possessions were a bucket and a clay pot for cooking.

Ye Di was a little tearful, wondering how this woman survived.

At present, the mutual aid association’s fund is not abundant as it has just been established, and Meihua and her friends’ money has basically been invested in the factory.

Therefore, the mutual aid association in Somalia is currently just a shell.

Compared with Marseille, the situation in Somalia is much worse than that of Marseille in the past. After all, Marseille has not experienced such a long-term war.

The current situation in Somalia is a lack of population, especially men. Years of war and piracy have caused serious losses to the men of this country.

There are many cases like Sam's, and no one can do anything about it. The relatives are struggling to survive themselves, so who would be willing to take in such a large family at once? Their own family would starve to death.

Ye Di was depressed, but she didn't know what to do. She could give her some money, but what would that solve?

At most, it would allow her and the children to suffer less hunger for a few days, but the rest of the days would still be a period of hunger.

Ye Di left with a heavy heart. These days, her whole life has been turned upside down.

She is just a country girl. Although her life is not rich, she is definitely not poor.

The family runs a small shop, which makes them rich. Her only dream is to study abroad. In fact, the purpose of studying abroad is not to have a good future, but just to go out and see the world.

Originally, this goal was basically impossible to achieve, but I didn't expect that I would end up getting married without any reason.

But this relative was from a very wealthy family. With the wisdom and cunning of a little girl, she entangled Ye Feng, and then her wish came true.

When she was overjoyed, things took a big turn. She went to Africa again without knowing what was going on, and saw people who were ten thousand times more miserable than she was.

  At first she was very confused and couldn't understand why these grandparents should spend money to help these people?

After all, they have nothing to do with each other and are so far away? Is it worth spending all this money?

However, as time went by, she gradually realized that the reason was not that noble, but just came from kindness.

To put it bluntly, these grandparents have suffered and endured hardships. Now that their lives are better, they want to help those who are still in trouble.

  As for the meaning, not only does she not know, even these grandparents themselves don’t know, because they have never thought about getting any reward?

This feeling slowly moved her, perhaps this is the meaning of life.

Living in this world is not about how well you live, but about how to make more people live better.

However, these people have never had any lofty ideals or ambitions as portrayed in the media.

They are just ordinary people, doing what they want to do out of kindness and peace of mind.

Human nature is selfish. If he were in the village, Ye Di would not see such people because they only want to live a good life in this life.

  As for other people, what does it have to do with them? If someone's family is not good, at most they will say:


Even if they express their best intentions, some people will still dig up the other person's ancestors and criticize them.

What did so-and-so do? What is so-and-so's human nature like? This is called "evil will be punished with evil".

In fact, many of the so-called bad things he did were actually done by himself.

But this group of people was different. Ye Di didn't know them, including the old father and mother he had just recognized. But why were they different? Ye Di didn't know.

Ye Di drove back to the factory, feeling depressed. Ye Mei came over to inspect, and when she saw the little girl like this, she asked curiously.

Ye Mei was silent for a long time, and finally shook her head:

"Don't talk about you. I don't understand it either. Grandpa and grandma are different from everyone else."

"Other people just want to live their own lives well, but they have been telling us since they were young that we must live our lives well."

Don't think about things you don't understand. Ye Mei always does this. Then she scratched the little girl's nose:

"Shall we go get some money to help Sam?"

Ye Di nodded, and the two of them set off. They were raising money to help Sam live independently, not just to give him money.

Ye Mei naturally went to look for her mother. As a queen, she had no private money. The country of Suo was too poor, and the little money she had had wasted long ago.

When Erhong heard that her daughter wanted money, she gave her a card with 10 million US dollars in it without even asking the reason.

It’s not that she doesn’t love her daughter. How could she not love her only flesh and blood?

It’s just that traditional concepts are at work, and the Ye family’s assets cannot be passed on to people of the opposite sex.

It’s the last day of this month, so vote as much as you can, don’t waste it! Thank you to all the comrades who voted, salute!

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