Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 273 The sturdy women's basketball team

Chapter 273 The sturdy women's basketball team

But the key point is that Hu Yajie not only has a beautiful face, but also has a curvaceous figure.Ye Yuze observed for a long time, but he couldn't find out where this girl's explosive power came from?

I used to watch people play basketball in the company and regiment headquarters.I tried it myself, but quickly gave up.

No way, height is flawed.He was blocked every time he shot, and he couldn't afford to be hurt. He hasn't touched basketball since then.

Watching Hu Yajie and the others play now, the feeling is completely different. People from the Corps play in a purely wild way.Relying on a strong force.And these girls play not only ruthlessly, but also with more skills in it.

In any case, Ye Yuze was cast into the ground, even though he decided to be an ordinary person.But a little cult of personality can’t be considered a violation, can it?
Ye Yuze didn't feel much about being an athlete.As a professional athlete, what you eat is youth food.And the sports career is very short.Once the golden career is over, it is nothing, not even an ordinary person.

Because athletes want to achieve results, they must train hard.The consequence of hard work is pain.Once such a person retires, it will be difficult to find a suitable job.

Be a coach?You think too much, so many athletes retire every year, where do so many coaching positions come from?To put it bluntly, it is to exchange half of my life's health for instant glory!

Ye Yuze asked himself that he couldn't be that kind of person, it wasn't a matter of realm but a lack of ambition!

The food in Tangcheng was a bit dull, after all, in that era, all kinds of material things were not rich.Although the second aunt's house is not short of food and non-staple food, but there is no meat!
Eating meat once a week counts as Chinese New Year. For Ye Yuze, who has become a carnivore, this is the most painful thing.

Athletes need to do morning exercises, that is, they come to run an hour earlier every day.This Ye Yuze didn't make complaints about it, he had to exercise every day.

The second aunt's house couldn't get up so early, so she gave Ye Yuze [-] cents and [-] taels of food stamps every day.

This one can buy a fried pancake and a bowl of soy milk, which is enough for Ye Yuze to eat.

Ye Yuze refused several times, saying that he was rich, and the second aunt was a little impatient.

"You are at my house, and you still spend your own money. Who are you hitting in the face?"

Ye Yuze had no choice but to accept it.

Within a few days of going to school, tuition fees began to be collected.Ye Yuze has never done this job.It seems that I never paid tuition fees when I went to school in northern Xinjiang.

Of course, it may also be handed over by the family.However, the Tuanbu Middle School probably didn't pay it, or Aunt Gan paid in advance, he really didn't know.

Chen Xiumei and Hu Yajie stood on the podium, one collecting money and the other recording their names.Ye Yuze didn't ask for the money from his second aunt, but he really had it.

Forty students' names were called out, only one named Bai Lang never came up.Hu Yajie asked unceremoniously:
"Bai Lang, why didn't you hand it in?"

Bai Lang's face was flushed, but he was a little angry:
"I won't pay! No money!"

"What school do you go to if you don't have money? Go home, how can there be a student who doesn't pay tuition?"

Chen Xiumei said something directly.Maybe it's because they are all sports students, they seem to speak so directly!
Bai Lang is someone in Ye Yuze's class who is more familiar with other students.He is also on the track and field team, a sprinter, and people keep calling him "Little Boss!"

Ye Yuze didn't quite understand this title.Whether it is "Little Bozi" or "Little Baizi!" He has never been sure.

The young man is of medium build and doesn't talk much, but there is always a look of sternness in his eyes.Even the most powerful bear in the class didn't dare to provoke him.

But Ye Yuze has always been curious about him, because he is a bit like Yang Geyong in some respects.Ye Yuze looked at the other tablemate, and asked in a low voice:

"Why doesn't he pay the tuition?"

The tablemate was obviously afraid of my brother-in-law, so he said in an inaudible voice:
"His parents were killed by the earthquake! He lives with his grandma, the family has no money, and he still smokes!"

Ye Yuze already understood, stood up and took out six yuan and handed it to Hu Yajie.

"I'll lend him the tuition first, and let him pay me back later!"

Hu Yajie accepted the money without saying a word.

Chen Xiumei kindly reminded:
"Then you have to keep an eye on him, or he will smoke if he has some money!"

Ye Yuze smiled and said nothing, the tuition fee was collected, and Hu Yajie and Hu Yajie went to the office with the money.

The little uncle came from behind with a complicated expression on his face.He seemed to want to say something, but he didn't say it after all.Ye Yuze felt at ease, this person can definitely date.

It's unreliable to change those people who say thank you words with gaudy hype after you help him.

Ye Yuze just smiled at him, then waved.Signal him to go back and sit down, without saying anything.

The little uncle gave him a deep look, and then walked back to his seat.After Hu Yajie came back, he wrote a note and handed it to Ye Yuze.

"Aren't you afraid that he won't pay you back?"

Ye Yuze smiled again, tore up the note and remained silent.Hu Yajie was a little annoyed, this guy never talked to himself.Isn't my sister beautiful?

But the other boys in the class are all around him like bees. Does this new kid have special hobbies?

Thinking of this, Hu Yajie turned to look at Dong Yueying beside him.It was the girl who looked like a stone roller.

When school was over at noon, my brother-in-law hugged Ye Yuze who was about to go home.

"I treat you to something good to eat."

Ye Yuze was a little curious, what good food could this guy who didn't even have money to pay for his tuition treat himself to?

My brother-in-law led Ye Yuze to the back gate of the school. Because Ye Yuze's house was relatively close to the main gate of the school, he kept walking through the main gate.In fact, he didn't even know that the school had this back door.

As soon as he went out the back door, Ye Yuze smelled a fragrance, it was really fragrant!Ye Yuze couldn't help swallowing.

It turned out that the back door was a stewed meat processing workshop, which was also state-owned.But this place is not open to the public, they belong to wholesale, and they are sent to various supply and marketing cooperatives for sale.

Xiao Bozi's mother used to be an employee here, so he can buy it here.After all, no one inside would care about such a trivial matter.Anyway, it’s all about buying, and it’s a lot of money.The uncle took out a dime and handed it to a woman who was loading a plate.

"Auntie, I'll buy a pig's trotter!"

The woman glanced at him with a smile.Then he rummaged through the plates and picked the biggest one for him.

"How is grandma?"

The little uncle seemed unwilling to talk about such things in front of Ye Yuze, so he just nodded and said nothing.Auntie didn't ask any more.

The uncle handed the trotters to Ye Yuze.Without saying a word again, he turned his head and left.Ye Yuze quickly stopped him and asked the woman, "Auntie, can we buy more?"

The aunt glanced at him and asked, "You and Bai Lang are classmates? Why are you so young?"

Ye Yuze smiled helplessly: "I'm short!"

Ask for collections, recommendations, monthly passes and investments.

(End of this chapter)

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