Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 302 Bicycle Tickets

Chapter 302 Bicycle Tickets
"Is this what you call industrial prosperity?" the old man asked.Ye Yuze nodded hurriedly, "The old man is wise."

The old man pointed at Ye Yuze and said, "Wang Huzi, don't underestimate this little kid, he has a lot of ideas. This world will be theirs after all."
At this time Wu Tianming left today, and saw the two people stunned for a moment.Wang Honghua called out "Dad".Ye Yuze was about to call Old Wu, but looking at the two old people on the sofa, he honestly called "Uncle Wu."

Wu Tianming agreed, and then Grandpa Wang waved them out.They still have business to discuss.The old man seemed to be very impressed with Ye Yuze, so he asked Wu Tianming about Ye Yuze.

Wu Tianming then told him everything he knew, even the wagon.The old man picked up a pen and paper, and wrote down the words Ye Yuze.hang out

This inspection is mainly about the question of whether the Corps will be restored.The last time the investigation team had truthfully reflected the situation, this time the two old people came to see for themselves, after all, it is a fine tradition to seek truth from facts.

But things are naturally not that simple, there are always some different voices inside, and these also need to be coordinated.

Ye Yuze and Wang Honghua went straight out of the guest house and started wandering on the street.However, because it is a city built by the Corps, the various buildings are not much different from those in the mainland.The two of them were very interested in those big companies.In front of the brand of each enterprise are the two big characters "August [-]".

It may be because of these two words that Ye Yuze and Wang Honghua have a sense of belonging. This is their own factory, our factory.

Two days later, Grandpa Wang will return, and his work is relatively heavy.The elderly went to Gansu for investigation.Ye Yuze and Wang Honghua followed Grandpa Wang back to the capital.

Wang Honghua went to class the next day, and Ye Yuze wandered around the street when he had nothing to do. His favorite place was Pigeon Market, where everything was sold.At this time, he still had more than 1000 yuan that his brother-in-law had stuffed into him, so he basically didn't spend much on this trip back.

When he left, he probably took a look around, and he became very interested in those various tickets.At that time, it was still the era of planned economy, and the common people asked for tickets to buy all kinds of things.

Food stamps, cloth tickets, non-staple food tickets, bicycle tickets, and even match tickets.Ye Yuze squatted in front of a booth full of tickets and watched with great interest.

The owner of the stall is a young man with long hair, which was permed into the shape of a chicken coop. It was more popular at that time, and it was called "explosive style." He was wearing a nylon shirt of three colors on his upper body and a brown trumpet Pants, the trouser legs are a foot wide.

His business is not good, maybe it's his attire that makes people in the market stay away.Seeing a child squatting in front of the stall, looking but not buying, the young man was a little impatient.

"Are you going to buy it or not? If you don't buy it, don't touch it. If you touch it, you won't be able to afford it!"

Ye Yuze didn't say a word, took out a dozen of money, shook it in front of the young man's eyes, and pretended again.The young man's eyes lit up, he also squatted down, and asked patiently: "Child, what do you want to buy?"

Ye Yuze pointed to a TV ticket: "If I buy yours, can I buy a TV? Where can I buy it?"

"Wangfujing Building! As long as you have this ticket, you can buy it in line." The young man vowed, patted his chest and promised.

Ye Yuze naturally heard the flaws in the young man's words, and asked a question. : "How long does it take to queue?"

The young man's expression was stagnant, but he recovered quickly: "You go there at three o'clock in the middle of the night. There are about 100 TVs in the building every day. If you go late, you won't be able to buy them even if you line up."

Ye Yuze pointed at the bicycle ticket again: "Is this okay too?"

The young man cheered up immediately: "You don't have to get up so early for this, and there are many shops in the capital. Since you are young, I will give you 20 yuan."

Having said that, the young man looked around, leaned into Ye Yuze's ear and said, "If you buy me a meal before the stall closes, I'll take you to buy it without queuing."

Ye Yuze didn't talk nonsense, and directly took out 20 yuan and gave it to him.Mainly because he wanted to buy one for Wang Honghua.This is just needed.

The young man was very happy and finally opened today.In fact, he received the ticket for 18 yuan, and he made a net profit of [-] yuan. This was a big deal for him. At that time, the purchase value of [-] yuan was still very considerable.

The young man just packed the money, and then his expression changed.The cloth placed on the ground was quickly rolled up, and various tickets were also rolled up inside.

He stuffed his things into the satchel on his chest, quickly pushed up the bicycle next to him, and said to Ye Yuze: "Get in the car." Then he got on the car and headed into the alley.

Ye Yuze was a little dazed, jumped on the back seat of the bicycle, and was taken away by the young man.However, before they had gone far, Ye Yuze saw a group of people with red armbands starting to come in, and the small vendors started running with their things.

Only then did he realize that it was the people in comprehensive management who started to enforce the law. After all, this kind of market was not allowed at the time.This is a matter of policy.

Ye Yuze was a little puzzled: "Can't they see such a big market? It won't be long before we let it go?"

The young man smiled: "Ordinary people have to live, don't they? Many things are turned a blind eye. If it is so serious, some people will go hungry now. Just be smart when setting up stalls."

Ye Yuze finally understood that although some things are not allowed, they are just needed in reality.For example, rice, noodles, grains and oils, some families have a large population and many children, and the rations are not enough to eat, while some families have too many elderly people who cannot eat.This kind of thing is deployed in the market, and everyone gets what they need.

Such matters will not be taken care of deliberately, but once this kind of market is formed, there will be a group of people who take advantage of it, and this will definitely be cracked down.Therefore, management agencies will conduct raids from time to time.Of course, if there is a search, the entire market will not be legal.

"Are there many markets like this in the capital?" The young man counted them in his head and nodded: "There are more than a dozen of them, big and small. But ours is a relatively large one."

The young man took Ye Yuze directly to a fly restaurant.What is sold here are Beijing snacks, sautéed pancakes and fried liver.About [-] cents per person can eat enough, and no food stamps are required.

Ye Yuze asked about the price, and waved his hand generously: "Eat as hard as you can, I don't care how much you eat!"

 For Youfang Taoist, Chen Fengqi, Sand Sculpture II, 20210301106505131478 and 20200221125436928, thank you for those who have been subscribing and voting.It is everyone's credit that this book can have such achievements.

  In addition, because of Yinhua's misfortune, some people left, I am very sorry, in fact, I am more sad than you.It's just that life is like this, and we will not grow without experiencing suffering.

(End of this chapter)

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