Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 335 Yang Geyong's Work

Chapter 335 Yang Geyong's Work
Ma Rong's eyes lit up, and she nodded: "Okay, let's go now, let's talk to my dad now, and borrow two horses by the way."

The two girls were rather decisive. They immediately put on their coats and went to the platoon leader to ask for leave, and then rode their horses towards Erlian.It's almost April, but this place in northern Xinjiang is still snowing heavily.However, there is still a road between the companies. Although it is simple, it is still no problem to ride a horse.

Already 14 years old, adults are no longer so strict on them.So they often go to other companies to play during holidays.But because Erlian was far away, they had never been there, and Yang Geyong hadn't come back from work, so they hadn't met each other.

After riding for more than three hours, the two arrived at Erlian, but after asking, they found out that Yang Geyong was still raising pigs a few kilometers away.The two had no choice but to mount their horses again to find him.

This section of the road is not easy to walk, or to be precise, there should be no road.The two had no choice but to follow the direction pointed out by others. As for what was under their feet, they didn't care about it. Anyway, even if there was a river, it would have been frozen long ago.

When they arrived at Wei Quanyou's house, the two girls were almost frozen to death.Aunt Liu Hao heard that it was the infrastructure company who came to look for Yang Geyong, so she quickly let them into the house and served hot water.

"Yang Geyong and your Uncle Wei went on patrol, and they won't be back until lunch." Liu Hao explained to them.

Ma Rong was a little curious: "Isn't he raising pigs here? Why did he go on patrol?"

Liu Hao smiled: "This is the habit of my old Wei. When there is no snow, he drives pigs and cows to stroll along the border every day. When there is snow, the cows and pigs go out and have nothing to eat, so he goes for a walk by himself. Patrols take more care than raising pigs."

At this time, Wei Quanyou and Yang Geyong were very nervous because they found two lines of footprints leading to the border.Old Wei took off the gun on his back and took it in his hand, and started to accelerate in the direction of the footprints.

Yang Geyong also took the gun in his hand, and followed Uncle Wei with some excitement to quicken his pace.Did you really meet a spy?This is Yang Geyong's dream since he was a child, to catch a secret agent for fun.

The snow was very deep and I couldn't walk fast.But because Wei Quanyou was familiar with the roads, he chose places with shallow snow and took a shortcut.Finally, two figures appeared in front of them, trudging forward in the snow.

Wei Quanyou didn't speak, but gestured to Yang Geyong, and the two separated, starting to outflank the two from both sides.Soon, they appeared in front of them.

Seeing two soldiers with live ammunition appearing in front of them, the two looked panicked, and one of them drew out a knife and shouted something loudly.Old Wei didn't understand, so he looked at Yang Geyong.

Yang Geyong also yelled a few words and said to Lao Wei: "They said they are from Kazakhstan, and they came here when they got lost."

Wei Quanyou frowned: "Don't listen to their nonsense, take them to the border guard station. Then they will tell the truth."

Yang Geyong repeated what Old Wei had said to the two people, and the two were obviously reluctant, lingering and refusing to move, and Old Wei directly raised the muzzle of his gun to open the safety.If two people dared to run, he would really shoot.

Yang Geyong also imitated the old Wei, opened the insurance and shouted righteously: "Follow us quickly and accept the inspection, or we will treat you as spies."

The two hesitated for a while, but in the end they were still afraid of the muzzle of the black hole, and were pressed by Yang Geyong and the others to the outpost.There are several soldiers on duty there.

When I came to the outpost, there was a soldier who was a Kazakh.Under his interrogation, the two told the truth.It turned out that they were really people across the street, but they also belonged to the common people. One of them had relatives here and came here with a mission to instigate rebellion.If he can complete the task, he can get a bonus.

This kind of matter must be handled by the superiors, and the two soldiers directly pressed them to the border station.The platoon leader on duty gave Wei Deyou a standard military salute:

"Thank you, veteran, for helping us catch the spy again. On behalf of all my comrades, I salute you!"

Several soldiers also saluted, not only to Wei Quanyou, but also to Yang Geyong.Yang Geyong was full of pride in his heart at this time, and he returned the gift in a dignified manner.

When the two were walking back, Yang Geyong asked, "Uncle Wei, do you often catch spies?"

Wei Quanyou smiled: "Where do so many spies come from? But it is true that we meet people on the border every year. Some herdsmen will cross the border by careless herding sheep. This must be stopped, otherwise once they are discovered by the other party, They will shoot."

"Then have you ever met a spy with a gun? How do you deal with it?" Yang Geyong was still full of curiosity. Today's events were a little exciting, which made him excited.

Wei Quanyou nodded: "I must have encountered it before. The border guards patrol at intervals, and some spies will also lurk on the border, waiting for them to cross the border."

Yang Geyong nodded, until now he didn't understand why Uncle Wei patrolled like this without hindrance, and suddenly he no longer rejected this profession in his heart.

Back home, I was also very happy to see Ma Rong and Yu Lan Yang Geyong.Uncle Wei's children all go to school at the regiment headquarters. Only the youngest son is in the company but doesn't come back often. It's no wonder that Yang Geyong is not alone.

Aunt Liu Hao was also very enthusiastic and started cooking before they came back.Today's dishes are a bit rich, not only beef stew with potatoes, but also chicken stew with mushrooms.These mushrooms were all picked up by Uncle Wei on the grass when he was on patrol in summer. They were dried in the sun, and stewed meat is a delicacy.

It's getting late after several people have finished their meal.Uncle Wei thought for a while and said to Yang Geyong: "You can send them back, and go home by the way, you have never been back since you went to work, your mother doesn't want you?"

Having said that, he went to another room to get some dried mushrooms. "You give some of this to your family, and the rest to Ye Wancheng. It's been a long time since I saw him. I really miss him."

Yang Geyong nodded. The past few months of life have made his personality much calmer. He, who never knew he was homesick, began to miss his family.

In fact, his work is relatively freer than those in Lianli.If you have something to say, you can just tell Uncle Wei, and you don't need to go to the company to ask for leave, but he has never been back home except for one time during the New Year.

On the way back, Ma Rong asked Yang Geyong: "Have you and Zhao Linger gone to find Ye Yuze? Is he over there?"

Yang Geyong felt a little complicated when he mentioned this, what his brother did was beyond his imagination.What clothes, what foreign exchange certificates, he still doesn't figure it out.But he is clear about one thing, Ye Yuze is a person who does great things, and this is something he will never be able to compare.

(End of this chapter)

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