Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 348 Rent a Factory

Chapter 348 Rent a Factory

If he still talked about affection for Ye Yuze, then for Gao Shan, he was purely business.Therefore, I don't have to worry about how much money he earns.According to the expansion speed of Ye Yuze and the others, Tangcheng will soon have to open more than a dozen video halls.He has another steady income.

If he stopped now, the money in his hand would be enough to go back to his hometown to repair a better house and marry another wife.Live your own life.

Erhong's clothing store has become more and more popular recently, and vendors have begun to come to her to buy goods.Because Erhong has always set prices for clothes, people who come to her to buy clothes seldom bargain.

In this way, when street vendors come to buy goods, it is enough to be lower than the price.As the market became active, some merchants in the county area also came here to ask for purchases, and Erhong's small shop began to be insufficient.After discussing with Ye Yuze, they decided to rent a warehouse.

Erhong remembered that there was a machinery processing factory over there that had been relocated.The factory buildings and warehouses are all empty, and I don't know if they can be rented.So she decided to go back and have a look after closing the door, and Ye Yuze asked her to go to the second aunt's house to have a look.See how the second aunt is doing recently?

Ye Yuze recently paid homage to his master, the young man who practiced Sanda.Because of the strength of Ye Yuze's punches, he suddenly became interested in Ye Yuze.This time the second elder Yao became his senior brother.Practice for more than an hour every morning and evening.

The master's surname is Jiang, and the single name has the word "Hao".He is a deputy captain of the criminal police detachment of Lunan District Public Security Bureau.The reason why he can rise all the way up.But there is no nepotism at all, it is all about solving crimes and making meritorious service.There is no gangster in the entire Lunan District who does not know the name Jiang Hao.

Although the second elder Yao has been with the master for five years, compared to Ye Yuze's cuteness and understanding, Jiang Hao soon liked Ye Yuze more.Aiming at Ye Yuze's background in traditional martial arts, Jiang Hao specially designed a set of training methods for him.That's playing.

Tie some small balls to the rubber bands and let Ye Yuze hit them continuously.You must know that the rebound speed of the rubber band is very fast, and Jiang Hao's requirement is that Ye Yuze hit three punches in a row before the rebound, which is not so difficult.Ye Yuze practiced continuously for a week, but he couldn't even do the second punch.

In fact, Jiang Hao asked Ye Yuze to train mainly on speed. Compared with the current fighting, the disadvantage of traditional martial arts is that the speed is not fast enough, and they are too rigid in routines.Some so-called masters in later generations can be easily killed by a Sanda practitioner. In fact, it is not traditional martial arts but just a show.It's that martial arts were ruined by them.

We must know that in the era of cold weapons of the Chinese nation, which one did not rely on martial arts to attack cities and conquer territories?If it is really useless, China has stood in the world for thousands of years, is it only because of culture?

Ye Yuze was convinced by his master who saw through his shortcomings at a glance, so he practiced very hard.Every day, I don’t need to be urged by Master to come here to polish myself when I have time.

Sweating all over, Ye Yuze went back to the shop.Master didn't come today, Master is very busy and often disappears for a few days.Ye Yuze is used to this.Every day, I obediently finish my exercises and go back to take a shower and sleep.

Not long after, Erhong also came back.She also went out after dinner tonight.Seeing Ye Yuze, her face was a little troubled.Seeing her hesitant to speak, Ye Yuze asked, "Is that house okay?"

Erhong nodded and shook her head: "There are two Everbright workshops in that factory. Plus warehouses, offices and dormitories. There are a lot of houses. If they want to rent, they will rent together. Otherwise, forget it."

Ye Yuze knew this place, it was next to his second aunt's house.Although the factory building is also a simple house, it is a factory after all, and the house is built from bricks to the roof.Much better than ordinary residential quality.There is also a big yard.

"How much do they want?" Seeing Erhong's expression, she was obviously conflicted about the price.Ye Yuze asked a question.

"Three hundred, three hundred a month. If you pay a one-time payment of three thousand for the whole year, you can get a two-month discount." After a period of business, Erhong is not ignorant of money.Three hundred is considered small money for her.But it was a little bit reluctant to take out three thousand at once.

Ye Yuze laughed: "Rent, why don't you rent such a big place for three thousand a year? It can be used as a warehouse or a video studio! Second sister, your layout is bigger! By the way, how is my second aunt? ?”

Ye Yuze still has deep feelings for Second Aunt.Besides grandma and grandpa, the second aunt is one of the best people to him here.It's just that I can't go to see her. If she finds out that she is still in Tang City, she will go straight to the school and take him home.But Ye Yuze really can't drag her down anymore.

Erhong shook her head: "Second aunt has moved, I haven't seen her, but she has another family living in her house, and there are a few children. I don't know where it is, I'm afraid my mother will bother me again , I didn’t go home and ask.”

Ye Yuze nodded, and didn't care. It is estimated that the second aunt moved out and sold the house.The two agreed to rent the entire factory tomorrow.The people in the factory have already moved out, leaving only an old housekeeper and a secretary who is about to retire staying behind every day.In fact, things have been emptied long ago, and I don’t know what to stay there to see?
Ye Yuze seldom goes to the video hall, unless there is something to do or the money is divided.I have worked with my brother-in-law for a long time, and both of them trust each other very much.Although my brother-in-law is a bit pissed, it is also caused by life, but he is not a bad person.

Today, Ye Yuze went directly there to ask for someone.He needs someone to clean up the factory.It must be known that the workshop of the machinery processing factory must have the most oil, and the floor is full of engine oil, which is very troublesome to clean up.

A dozen people were called together, and they came to the factory in a mighty way.First pay the money and sign the contract. In fact, there is no contract. The factory issued a payment receipt.However, Ye Yuze was still a little worried, so he asked the secretary to write a three-year lease agreement, and then the rent would be paid once a year.And let them stamp the official seal.

The finance and accounting staff from the factory also came today, and they had the official seal. They wished that Ye Yuze could keep renting it forever, and directly opened a ten-year lease agreement.This gave Ye Yuze a pleasant surprise.

The little brother-in-law didn't say anything, and the kid did a lot of things without consulting him.It's useless to discuss, because I can't keep up with my own thinking.However, he always had a belief in his heart, that he was right to listen to Ye Yuze.

After paying the money, Ye Yuze and his group went to see the factory building, and it was exactly as he expected, with oil stains all over the floor, and many pits left by the dismantled equipment. Seeing this, Ye Yuze simply didn't clean it up, and just rebuilt the factory. Just make the ground and wall, and the whole covering is much easier than cleaning.

(End of this chapter)

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