Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 35 Look at the Hydroelectric Plant

Chapter 35 Look at the Hydroelectric Plant

Seeing his father's unkind gaze, Ye Yuze didn't dare to look at him.But the baby is suffering!
It's him who fills us with wine!Anyway, your son gave you a good life and didn't get downed by him.It's fine if you don't praise it, why do you want to mix doubles?

Mom sighed. "What did the instructor say?"

"The instructor didn't say anything. He is a political cadre. For someone as sensitive as Lao Wu, he won't show his attitude easily!"

Dad's expression was a little painful.Seems to be complaining about something.

"Don't get involved in these things too much in the future. You are a hygienist, and you always do it like this. Be careful when people wear small shoes for you!"

Mom looked worried.She has been unable to take her husband's straight temperament.

Dad lit a cigarette and took a deep breath.

"His heart isn't very good. He still has old wounds from the war. I'm afraid he won't be able to last in the water like this every day!"

"Dad, who the hell is he? Why is there still a gunshot wound?"

Ye Yuze finally couldn't help but ask.

"To shut up!"

It's rare for Mom and Dad to unite once, but it's still aimed at him.Even the slogans are shouted so neatly!

Ye Yuze didn't dare to speak anymore, and secretly wondered what the canal was like?Gotta go check it out.

Although my parents were in a bad mood, they didn't eat less food.No way, this snow chicken tastes so good.

Ye Yufan didn't raise his head once during a meal.I have been concentrating on dealing with chicken bones.

After dinner, my mother was busy cleaning the dishes.Noon time is short.Basically, you have to leave after eating.

Now because Ye Yuze is at home, they can rest for a while after eating.

After his parents went out, Ye Yuze also sneaked out.

If he is found by his brother, he will not be able to leave.

He went to Yang Geyong's house to find him and asked him to take him to the canals of the power station to see.

Two men rode their horses to the canal.The rivers in northern Xinjiang are full of mountain springs and snow water.Because it flows down from the top of the mountain.So the water is fast.

It's winter because it's half full of snow.Water flow is cut in half.

Lianli people use this flow rate to dig ditches on the hillside.Direct the water to a higher level.

A large cistern was also ensure the water supply of the power station.

The canal is not wide, about two meters.Both sides are made of stone.very clean.

Yang Geyong took Ye Yuze all the way to the edge of the reservoir.About 30 meters square.

By this time the ice had already been smashed open.The water in the pool is crystal clear.Even the colorful stones below are clearly visible.

Ye Yuze suddenly moved in his heart.The stones in the northern Xinjiang are good things!

But what is that?Ye Yuze stared at the fish inside with wide eyes.

One by one they shook their heads and walked leisurely in the water.The key is big fish!

Ye Yuze looked at Yang Geyong, "Don't even the people here eat fish?"

"Eat! The adults are busy. They also go fishing on Sundays when it's warm."

Ye Yuze nodded, unexpectedly discovering a natural fish pond by accident.

The key point here is that there is no mud in the river at all, just sand and pebbles.What would the fish taste like in such clear water?

Ye Yuze licked his lips and seemed to see a braised fish smiling at him.

The east end of the cistern is the outlet of the sewer.

The water flows down from here to reach the huge turbine of the generating set with a drop of 50 meters.

May be afraid of something getting involved.A large iron fence made of welded steel bars was installed at the entrance of the sewer.

It seems that the more troublesome ice breaking is this reservoir.The two-meter-wide canal is not a problem.

The two were walking around when they heard a sound coming from the canal.

The two walked over and found that Wu Tianming was smashing a large ice cube there.

He was wearing water pants and was standing on a boat made of welded iron plates.Try to swing a pickaxe and smash it down below.

"Bang!" sounded.The ice shattered under the pickaxe.

Seeing Ye Yuze and the others coming, Wu Tianming smiled and waved.

"Two little wine friends, are you coming to drink with me?"

He smiled brightly.But lips and face were indeed blue-purple.

When working in water at such a temperature, pay more attention to the fact that your clothes will inevitably get wet with water.How could it not be cold.

Ye Yuze's nose was a little sour.Ye Yuze felt close to this optimistic guy.

Now, seeing him suffer such a crime with his own eyes, how can he not feel uncomfortable in his heart?

In the past, Quanlian broke the ice once every three days.It is enough to maintain the water consumption of the power station.

But now he is allowed to patrol the icebreaker by himself every day.It's impossible for him to be idle at all.

Because every morning it must be frozen.So for half a day in the morning, he had to smash the canals and cisterns all over again.

Then I didn't dare to go to bed too early at night, and I had to sort out the entire channel.Otherwise, the ice layer is too thick in the morning, and it will not be easy to smash.

But in the face of such a job, this person is still happy.How open-minded?

Ye Yuze also smiled and responded with a smile:
"Don't hurt us, you bastard. You'll be fine after drinking it. We both got home and got a mixed doubles beating. It's still hurting in the butt!"

Wu Tianming was stunned for a moment.Immediately understand the meaning of this mixed doubles.Laugh out loud.

Pointing at Ye Yuze, he scolded, "Does your mother know the word you use for this boy?"

Ye Yuze quickly covered his butt. "Don't tell the truth, or I won't give you a drink in the future."

Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong jumped onto the boat. The boat was very small, about one meter wide and more than two meters long.

No paddles, just a stick.It seems that punting relies on this stick.

Ye Yuze picked up the stick and tried the water depth.About two meters or so.

Looking at the wires above his head, Ye Yuze asked.

"Old Wu, do we have a small motor in our company?"

Wu Tianming seemed to be satisfied with Ye Yuze's title.asked with a smile:

"Xiaoye, there are all kinds of motors in the power station. What do you want to do?"

Ye Yuze coughed. "I'm going to tell you to make an icebreaker for you, do you believe it?"

Wu Tianming shook his head. "I believe you a ghost! You Balangzi, hurry home and catch a cold later."

Ye Yuze didn't argue with him, and called Yang Geyong and walked towards the hydropower station below.

The power station is not big, with only three houses, and one large room is equipped with hydroelectric turbine power generation equipment.The other is the power distribution room.

Connected to the power distribution room is a duty room.There is a bed inside.

A sturdy man with a full beard saw them come in and smiled:

"Ye Yuze, what are you doing here? There is high voltage electricity here, hurry home!"

Ye Yuze naturally knew this person.It was his neighbor, Wei Yuxiang's father, Wei Zhongyi.

Knowing that he works here, Ye Yuze dared to push the door and enter.For someone else, he really had to be cautious.After all, children can't enter this place.

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(End of this chapter)

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