Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 371 Sisters and Brothers in Mutual Pit 2

Chapter 371
"Could it be that your Tangcheng doesn't belong to China? As a Chinese citizen, I can't even say a word?" How could Sun Lanyu let him?Straight back.

"You!" Deputy Director Li choked on these words and almost lost his breath. The hat was a bit too big, which made him lose his temper all of a sudden. "Arrest him together. These two outsiders have no leader and can do whatever they want. We must strictly investigate their identities!"

Before he finished speaking, a lazy voice came: "Deputy Director Li? You are indeed the pride of us Tangcheng people. You are always so domineering."

Everyone looked up and saw a sleepy young man walking over.The walking posture is as if those two legs are dragging on the ground. "Liu, Secretary Liu, why are you here?"

Deputy Director Li's face changed suddenly, and he looked in the direction Secretary Liu had come from, and saw the old man again.His body shook, and he ran a few steps to the old man's side: "Mayor Ye, why are you here?"

Ye Zhengzhi's face was calm, and he just nodded his head: "I heard that this street factory is doing well, so come and have a look. What is Director Li doing with such a mobilization of people? Could it be that this factory has violated laws and regulations?"

Deputy Director Li's face changed suddenly. There is a taboo in the officialdom, that is, no one will call the word "deputy".This will make the owner uncomfortable. After all, the difference between the director and the deputy director is completely different.

But this kind of taboo is only among subordinates or colleagues.If the superior called you that, the meaning would be completely different.Although Sun Zhengzhi said a few words without any fireworks, how could Deputy Director Li not be able to hear the alienation in his tone.

At this time, the people who followed Deputy Director Li also began to shrink back slowly.No matter how unresponsive they were, they knew that they had hit the iron plate today.Deputy Director Li called them today, saying they were raiding a private company.They have no scruples about doing this.

But now that the chief officials of the city are here today, the situation is completely wrong.Ye Zhengzhi nodded to Ye Yuze at this time: "Come on, take me to continue to visit, and bring these comrades with you. They should also come to visit."

Ye Yuze held back his laughter and nodded to Deputy Director Li: "Director Li, why don't you come together?"

But Secretary Liu stopped him directly: "Leader, ask Xiaoye to show you around, so many people have entered the workshop to affect the work, I will accompany them to chat outside."

Ye Zhengzhi nodded, and followed Ye Yuze and Sun Lanyu directly.Just now because he came out in a hurry, and just to verify the salary, Ye Zhengzhi only glanced at the equipment in the factory, but he still saw that these machines were obviously different from other garment factories in the city.

At this moment, the secretary didn't let him talk to those people anymore, and he also understood what Xiao Liu meant.The nature of this factory is indeed somewhat sensitive, and it is difficult for him to make a clear statement.

After re-entering the workshop, Ye Zhengzhi couldn't help but praise the clean and tidy room.Generally speaking, for a factory of the nature of a garment factory, the workshop is relatively messy.At the very least, the cloth heads, semi-finished garments and all kinds of accessories are scattered randomly.

But here it is completely different, everything is in order.Everything is stacked neatly in iron boxes following the order of the assembly line.Although the workshop cannot be said to be spotless, it is not far behind.

It's almost June now, and it's the hottest time.However, there are several rows of beige pipes on the top of the workshop, and the pipes are covered with ventilation holes, making the temperature of the workshop very suitable.There are also several exhaust fans on the windows to expel some floating objects in the air.

And the machines in the workshop were so shiny that no oil stains could be seen. He couldn't help but ask, "Where did you buy these things? The price is very expensive, right?"

Ye Yuze smiled: "Uncle Ye, these are all equipment imported from Germany. I brought them back from the port of Jin City. A company there ordered the goods but couldn't pick up the goods without US dollars, so they transferred them to me. The price is not high, 30 US dollars , I also picked up a leak."

Ye Zhengzhi looked at Ye Yuze, a little speechless.His identity meant that his knowledge was much better than Ye Yuze's.In his eyes, imported equipment costing tens of millions or hundreds of millions of dollars is also common. After all, Tangcheng is an industrial city.

But a child can say that $30 is not expensive unless he has a coal mine at home. He thinks it is necessary to find out: "You have $30?"

Ye Yuze glanced at Sun Lanyu indifferently: "Sister Lan lent it to me? How can I get so much money as a child? I will pay her back [-] US dollars every month in the future. And the products produced can only be sold give her."

Ye Yuze's blame is relatively clean, but Sun Zhengzhi will definitely believe it.If he told him that he made money by reselling foreign exchange certificates, people would not believe him.

Sun Lanyu twitched a few times recently, but she didn't refute.But as long as she doesn't speak, things will be qualitative in this way.It's just that her eyes flicked around Ye Yuze's body, as if she was studying which would hurt more when pinched.The arm is definitely not good, she can't pinch it.

Sun Zhengzhi gave Sun Lanyu a meaningful look. "Lan Yu, after you pay off your debts, see if you can exchange some foreign exchange to the city. Tangcheng is also in urgent need of foreign exchange."

Sun Lanyu nodded without hesitation: "Uncle Ye, pay me my debt. This factory is his own. Just tell her how much you want. He will pay off my debt in a year at most."

Ye Yuze's head was full of black lines, and he was sold out again in a blink of an eye.Looking at Sun Lanyu's proud eyes, he endured it, and he didn't speak.

Ye Zhengzhi nodded in satisfaction, and encouraged Meihua who came over.

Secretary Liu waved his hand: "You are the Bureau of Foreign Trade, not the Bureau of Commerce. Pay attention to the policies. Let's all go."

(End of this chapter)

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