Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 375 Find Yang Geyong

Chapter 375 Find Yang Geyong

Big Bear and the others rushed over quickly. If they don't come at this time, they won't be needed in the future. Of course, it was the uncle who asked someone to notify.Now this group of young people is so inflated, they don't take anyone seriously except for the little brother-in-law.

The little uncle was already furious at this time. Last time Gao Shan and the others tried to smash the store, he wanted to find him, but was stopped by Ye Yuze.This time he said that he couldn't bear to die, and Ye Yuze didn't stop him this time. "Bring more people and build momentum!"

The uncle nodded: "Stay here to look at the store for a while, we'll leave when we come back, otherwise there will be no one here."

Ye Yuze originally wanted to go to see the excitement, but was stopped by his brother-in-law.My brother-in-law has also gained some brains recently. He knows that Ye Yuze is a student, so don't let him get involved in these things. As for beating the old boy just now, it's a dead end.

However, my brother-in-law has a new understanding of Ye Yuze's combat power.In the past, when encountering hands-on things, he would hide far away.This time, he was asked to watch the house. You must know that the job of housekeeping is also dangerous.

When the uncle came to the Gaoshan video hall, Gao Shan sat drinking at the entrance of the video hall, while Lao Gada stood guarding the entrance of the video hall with an axe.

How can my uncle be a person who can be intimidated by an axe?A group of people surrounded him and beat Old Gada to the ground. His combat power was not as good as that of the old boy, but he was probably cowardly.

There are still a few Gao Shan's younger brothers in the video hall, but seeing so many people coming, how dare they make a move?Just pretended to be dead.The little uncle smashed the video recorder and TV set with a stick himself.

Taking the people out, the little uncle gave Gao Shan a cold look: "Your people smashed my store twice, and today they smashed you once. I now have seven stores, no matter which store is in trouble, we will not stop! By the way Let me tell you, I still have two in Lubei District."

Looking at the younger brother-in-law who left in a hurry, Gao Shan felt a little cold in his heart, he was really scared.Today's incident not only means that his shop was smashed, but also means that there is another person who is equal to him in Lunan District.Unless he can really kill this person at once, but can he really do it?

When my brother-in-law returned to the store, everyone was in high spirits, no one was in the mood to sleep, and everyone clamored to buy wine to celebrate.Ye Yuze didn't dare to mingle with them, his mother would not be able to sleep if she came home late.

When I got back to the factory, my mother was still awake, not because I was waiting for Ye Yuze, but because many people were still working overtime.The key point was that Ye Yuze didn't even know these people. After asking, Ye Yuze found out that they were all from the clothing factory in the district to earn extra money.

A pair of jeans costs two yuan, more pay for more work, and it is settled on the spot.This is a trick my mother came up with, and it works very well. It's already eleven o'clock, and my mother urged me several times, but no one went to bed.

Mom complained to Ye Yuze a few words, and went to the workshop to get busy again.Now my mother has to work much harder than working in the Corps. There is no way, this is my own factory, and so much money has been invested.My mother can't wait to earn it all back at once.

Ye Yuze sat in the office for a while, then lay down to sleep.He lives in this room by himself. The original bed was removed, but it was rebuilt today.

Just as Ye Yuze lay down, the phone rang.Ye Yuze was taken aback, who else called at such a late hour?At first I thought something happened to my uncle?When Zhao Linger's voice came from the receiver, Ye Yuze's heart dropped to the ground.

"Ye Yuze, you have no conscience. It took you so long to come back. Hurry up and rescue Yang Geyong. He is detained at home by his father, and he can't even afford a stamp!"

Ye Yuze was a little puzzled: "Then you'll be going soon? Uncle Yang doesn't listen to me, and I'm so far away, it's too late to go? If you can't, go to Ma Rong and the others and ask Uncle Ma or my father to talk to Uncle Yang. "

Zhao Ling'er knew that he had misunderstood, and quickly explained: "His family has come back. They are all farming in the village, and Yang Geyong was also taken back. He is looking for you. He has no money in his hand."

Ye Yuze was taken aback: "Tell me his address quickly, and I'll go directly to him!" He knew that Yang Geyong's hometown was QHD, but he didn't know the exact address.

Zhao Linger turned to Yang Geyong's envelope and read the address to Ye Yuze, and Ye Yuze hurriedly found the notes. "I'll go to his house tomorrow, don't worry."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Yuze couldn't fall asleep at all.He couldn't figure out what happened to Uncle Yang?If my mother can return to the city like this, this kind of return is understandable.But if you lose your job in order to go back to the countryside to farm, the loss is really not worth the gain.They also lost Yang Geyong's household registration and job.

He put on his clothes and found his mother, and told about the situation of Yang Geyong's family.My mother was not surprised at all, but just said: "It is estimated that not only Yang Yulin's family has left, but your father has left too? Since Yang Geyong is looking for you, you should go and see him, he is not close anyway."

Ye Yuze nodded and went back to sleep, and took the train to QHD early the next morning.The two places are very close, about 150 kilometers away, and the train will arrive in two hours.

It's just that going to Yang Geyong's house is a bit troublesome. When the bus arrives at the commune, there is no car.But anyway, the villages here are not far away, Ye Yuze walked about six miles, and finally arrived at Xuzhuang Switchboard Factory.

Ye Yuze walked towards the office when he entered the factory and saw no one.A girl opened the door and looked at him: "Who are you? What are you here for?"

Seeing how good-looking this girl is, Ye Yuze began to feel happy because of the bad mood of walking these few miles.It seems that beautiful things are not only eye-catching, but also everything!

"My name is Ye Yuze, may I ask if there is a man named Yang Geyong in your factory?" Ye Yuze reported his name by the way, saying that he is not a bad person.

The girl laughed: "You must be in the same place as Yang Geyong, right? Are all the people in your place so beautiful?"

Looking at this refreshing big boy, Xu Qiangwei also smiled, although his style was different from Yang Geyong's.But there are similarities in temperament, which makes Xu Qiangwei feel close.

Ye Yuze smiled: "Beauty has praised you, you are called beautiful. We are called handsome!" Ye Yuze did not forget to compliment the beauty while boasting.This girl knew Yang Geyong, which meant that she had found the right place.

"Yang Geyong is home for dinner, I'll call him for you." Xu Qiangwei was about to leave.Ye Yuze called to her: "Don't be so troublesome, I'll go directly to his house. I know his family very well. We are brothers!"

Xu Qiangwei shook her head: "If you go rashly, Yang Geyong won't be able to get out. I'll call him out and tell him that there is work in the factory. If you have something to say, you two can go back after you finish talking."

(End of this chapter)

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