Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 392 Ye Ling got married

Chapter 392 Ye Ling got married

When Ye Wancheng returned to the company, his waist hurt a little.Today, I rode a horse for a day. First, I went to the homes of two herdsmen. Brucellosis and liver disease were more prevalent in this era in northern Xinjiang.This is a regional disease, but also related to occupation.Livestock are the most common source of infection.

For these diseases, the main focus is on prevention.If it is detected early, it is better to be cured.I went to see Wei Quanyou by the way, and was scolded by my old comrades.

Wei Quanyou and his wife are now without wages.He raised a flock of sheep and a few cows.Erlian has now withdrawn its establishment, and only his family is left as a complete herdsman.Because Wei Quanyou is very respected at the border station, every time a new soldier changes defense, the first thing the veteran tells him is to take good care of Uncle Wei.

Because there is no grass here in winter, Wei Quanyou's family refused to go to Dongwozi.Therefore, feeding cattle and sheep in winter has become a big burden for Wei Quanyou.At any rate, the border guard station gave him his own ration sheep to raise, and the army would transport the hay every autumn, which solved his big problem.

Recently, Wei Quanyou's legs are always hurting, and Ye Wancheng will come to give him acupuncture when he has time.After acupuncture and moxibustion, my brother drank a couple of drinks, and Ye Wancheng went back to the company.

When I arrived at the clinic today, it was already dark.When Xiao Liu saw Master coming back, he quickly got him a glass of water.Then brought a letter.Ye Wancheng looked at the envelope and was a little reluctant to open it.Once you know you are wrong about many things, it is best not to touch them.

After hesitating for a long time, Ye Wancheng opened the letter anyway.He hasn't responded to the last few letters, and he doesn't know how to reply.It was still the beautiful and familiar font, and there was a familiar smell on the letter paper.

"Wancheng, how are you doing recently? I haven't received your letter for a month. As for the reason, I can probably guess.

I don't blame you, you are a man with a strong sense of responsibility, you love your career and family, and I may be the only mistake you have made in half your life, right?

Don't feel guilty, I don't blame you, you are my greatest pride and happiest memory in my 32 years of life!Writing this letter today is the last letter between you and me.I have already confirmed the wedding date, which is August [-]st of this year. The reason why I chose this day is because you have always regarded this day as your birthday.

My husband is also a doctor. He shares the same hospital with me and has always treated me very well.The reason why I agreed to him is that I don't want you to feel guilty anymore.

Well, Ye Ling who loved you. "

After reading this letter, the tears in Ye Wancheng's eyes flowed to his lips unknowingly.Xiao Liu, who had been quietly observing him, quickly wiped away the tears on Master's face with his handkerchief.

At this time, Ye Wancheng was a little fragile, and muttered in his mouth: "I'm sorry for you, I was wrong, I'm not a good person."

Xiao Liu couldn't bear it any longer, and also shed tears. "Master, don't blame yourself, you are a good person, you are better than anyone else! She seduced you, she is a bad woman!"

Ye Wancheng trembled, and stared at Xiao Liu: "Don't talk nonsense, she is a good woman. It's all my fault. I'm not only sorry for her, but also for my wife. I'm even more sorry for the Corps that has educated me for 20 years! , and made all the mistakes of my life!"

Big drops of tears flowed down Ye Wancheng's rough face.Drops on the letter paper are like plum blossoms in full bloom, but they are quickly connected into pieces.Wet the letter paper thoroughly, and then the writing began to blur.Just like this relationship that has lasted for several years.It will eventually go away.

The door creaked and was pushed open, and Ma Quanyi walked in.Looking at the teary-eyed master and apprentice, they were a little stunned. "What's the matter with you? Has something happened?"

Ye Wancheng quickly shook his head: "It's okay, I just told her about the Tangcheng earthquake, and I got emotional."

Ma Quanyi let out an "oh", expressing his understanding.Although he had not experienced that earthquake, it was introduced in the newspapers, so he still knew the situation.

Regarding Ye Wancheng, Ma Quanyi initially had opinions.I feel that this person has no leadership, does his own way, and sometimes has no position on major issues of right and wrong.

But as time went by, especially when Ye Wancheng was the instructor.He already got to know this person thoroughly, so it can be said that Ye Wancheng is a relatively pure person without selfishness.If he has shortcomings, it is that he is too kind, and often ignores the principled things because of his kindness.It should be said that he is not suitable to be a political cadre.

Therefore, since then, the relationship between the two people has become harmonious, and even became friends.He came to him today because of the company's affairs.

"Lao Ye, you also know about the pencil box factory. Ever since your wife left, it has been getting worse day by day, and now no one wants the goods. Why don't you call Meihua and ask her to help you think of a way? The factory was rescued? Now even the other side businesses in the village are in a downturn, all relying on infrastructure to maintain it, and this is not the way to continue!"

After the restructuring of the Corps, the central government gave a series of policies.It is very beneficial to the development of the Corps.But it also faces the most fundamental problem, that is, self-financing.

All grassroots units have begun to find ways to generate income, at least not to hold back the Corps.At present, the conditions of the agricultural companies and farms are good. With so many lands, they can rely on selling grain and cash crops to maintain their operations, and their economic income is higher than that at the allocation stage.

But sideline companies like infrastructure companies began to decline.Because there is no land, no cattle and sheep, they rely entirely on the subsidies of the farming and animal husbandry company to live.In this way, not to mention bonuses, it means a salary from above.The soldiers didn't know much about this, but as the company commander, Ma Quanyi was under pressure.

Ye Wancheng was not good at production, so he was a little confused by Ma Quanyi's words: "She is in Tang City, what can I do?"

Ma Quanyi knew Ye Wancheng well, so he didn't explain to him: "You can call tomorrow and ask."

Ye Wancheng looked at his watch. It was just ten o'clock, and his wife was probably still awake at this point, so he picked up the phone and dialed the switchboard, and transferred to Tangcheng Long Distance.

The phone rang for a while before being picked up.Meihua's crisp voice came over immediately: "Hello. Who are you looking for?"

Hearing this familiar voice, Ye Wanren's nose suddenly became sour, and after a pause, he replied hoarsely: "It's me."

The husband and wife chatted a few words, and then Ye Wancheng relayed Ma Quanyi's words.Meihua over there thought for a while and replied: "When you go to work tomorrow, ask Xi Dehe's wife to call me. I asked her some things. I'm telling you that you and Ma Quanyi don't understand either."

Mei Hua's voice was relatively loud, and Ma Quanyi, who was listening, couldn't help but smiled wryly.This is despised by people.

 Ask for collection, monthly pass, reward
(End of this chapter)

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