Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 395 Life in America

Chapter 395 Life in America
Because Wang Honghua often acts as a tour guide for foreigners in China, she has already passed the oral English test, so after coming to Boston, she studied grammar systematically and passed the preparatory examination soon. Because she has graduated from a university in China, she came to Harvard to study directly. research.

Harvard's scholarship is rigorous and pure.So the academic atmosphere is very strong.Because the domestic education system and disciplines are very different from here, it takes a long time for domestic students to adapt to here.

Wang Honghua couldn't help but be grateful for Ye Yuze's foresight, although he didn't know the specific situation of Harvard at all?But the idea that you can solve most problems with enough money is very true.

When she first entered the campus, Wang Honghua was shocked.Because everything here is completely different from that in China.Not to mention the free and open academic atmosphere, the dormitory is just as luxurious as Wang Honghua's dream.

Because she did not lack money, she applied for a dormitory for two.I thought it would be like a domestic university, a simple room with two beds, but I didn't expect it to be a luxurious villa!

Not to mention the common room and study room in the dormitory building.Where is the dormitory where I live is a double dormitory?It's a suite, that is, everyone has their own lounge, and the Simmons inside can bury himself when he lies down.

If it is a dormitory for two people, it means that the bathroom outside and the living room are shared.The key is the telephone, and the TV is readily available.There are also two desks thoughtfully placed.

There were two computers on the desk. Of course, Wang Honghua didn't know that they were computers.Do you still wonder if foreigners watch TV one by one to avoid disputes?

Wang Honghua simply packed her luggage and put her clothes and other supplies in order, when there was a knock on the door.

Wang Honghua opened the door, only to see a blonde girl greeting her with a smile. "Hello, my name is Maya, and I'm from Germany. Are you from that mysterious and ancient eastern country, China?"

This girl is obviously very talkative, but her English pronunciation is a bit blunt.This made Wang Honghua feel at ease. It turns out that foreigners also have accents when they speak English?

The two chatted quickly, and Wang Honghua introduced herself first.Unexpectedly, this girl was full of curiosity about China, so she didn't give Wang Honghua a chance to get to know her, she just answered questions for her.

It was only then that Wang Honghua realized that this Maya looked younger than herself, and even graduated from graduate school.But this is Wang Honghua's misunderstanding. In fact, German universities do not have undergraduate courses. They basically belong to domestic combined undergraduate and postgraduate courses.

The reason why she came to Harvard was to study at Harvard Business School.Her family is a well-known family in Hamburg, Germany, with a big business, so many of her children choose business school as their choice when they enroll.

And Maya has excellent grades and great ambitions since she was a child. Harvard Business School is the cradle of many business geniuses. Not only can she learn knowledge here, but also make many friends. Who might be her future business partner?
Wang Honghua was fascinated by what she heard. Compared with the relatively closed environment in China, Maya's thinking gave her a new way of thinking about doing business.She suddenly thought of Ye Yuze, the little boy who wanted to do business abroad.

The two of them had lunch off campus. Maya insisted on trying Chinese food, and Wang Honghua had seen Chinese restaurants off campus.So the two went straight there.

This is a small restaurant, but it is very clean, and it is a mom-and-pop restaurant.After chatting with Wang Honghua, she found out that the couple are from Chengdu and were overseas students in their early years.After graduating, I didn't choose a job, but started my own business, so I opened this restaurant.

This is unimaginable for Wang Honghua.Thousands of troops and horses passed the exam all the way, and the result was to open a restaurant after graduation.What's the use of studying so much?

But Maya told her: "This is very common in foreign countries. There is no necessary connection between career and school. Just be happy."

The hot pot for two people, to be honest, Wang Honghua is really not good at this thing.The strong spicy taste made her unable to open her mouth.But Maya kept wiping her sweat while stuffing it into her mouth desperately.A look of masochistic tendencies.

When Wang Honghua wanted to treat the bill, she didn't expect Maya to settle the bill very quickly. Just as Wang Honghua was about to leave, the boss stopped her and told her to settle her own bill. It turned out that Maya only gave her her share.This also taught Wang Honghua a lesson. It turns out that the consumption of people here is AA.

The first few months of school were busy, not to mention part-time work, Wang Honghua often even forgot to eat.Remembering that I still wanted to refuse money from my brother at the beginning, I couldn't help but smile wryly.If Ye Yuze hadn't forced it to her back then, I guess I would have been really hungry to study.

Now that she is officially enrolled, life is relatively easier, so Wang Honghua thought about calling Ye Yuze.It's just that it's inconvenient for two people to make a phone call. When Wang Honghua is free, it happens to be late at night in Tangcheng. Unless there is something urgent, there is no way to make this call.

And Ye Yuze struggled to make domestic long distance calls, let alone international long distance calls.So the two of them had to wait for Wang Honghua to make a call.But after several months of busy work, Wang Honghua almost didn't have time to eat or sleep, so she had no time to make a phone call, and she made one when she first arrived in Boston.Then there was no contact for several months.

Returning to the dormitory, thinking about the start of school in China, I have stabilized here, looking at the time, it is [-] o'clock in the evening, it is estimated that Ye Yuze should wake up by this time, so Wang Honghua dialed the phone.

Ye Yuze had just returned from his morning exercise, bought breakfast for his family by the way, and the phone rang just after eating.Ye Yuze thought it was Sun Lanyu, so he opened his mouth and said, "Don't rush your life, your goods will be delivered to you in a while."

"What's mine?" The voice in the microphone was a little puzzled.

"Sister! It's you. How are you doing? You haven't called me for several months. I thought you had forgotten about me." Ye Yuze's words were full of joy, he was so happy.

Wang Honghua recounted the previous paragraph, and Ye Yuze finally understood how her sister spent her time there?Quickly asked: "Sister, do you have enough money? Give me an account, and I'll call you."

Wang Honghua burst out laughing: "You think my sister is a gold-swallowing beast? I spent one hundred thousand dollars in a few months, and I haven't spent all the more than two thousand dollars myself!"

In fact, Wang Honghua didn't really spend much money. The public-funded study abroad is full of board and lodging fees, but when choosing a double dormitory, Wang Honghua paid an extra sum of money.

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