Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 400 Yining City

Chapter 400 Yining City

Yang Geyong entered this small town last winter and wandered on the grassland for several months.He seemed to have become a Kazakh.He looks alike, and with his fluent Kazakh language, sometimes he can't even make out his own nationality.

The small town is very warm, different from other cities in northern Xinjiang, it is very clean and beautiful.In fact, what really made him stay was the boundless lavender in Huo Cheng.He wandered back and forth between Yining, Huocheng, and Horgos for a long time, but decided to enter Yining.

The reason for entering the city is that northern Xinjiang is relatively cold, and Yang Geyong's main need now is to make a living.In summer, you can wander on the grasslands and among the yurts, but in winter, these things are gone, so you can’t stay in a certain village to beg for food, right?
Yang Geyong did not live in a guest house, but found a small Kazakh courtyard to live in.He didn't go to the Corps, even though he was a member of the Corps, because the household registration checks there were stricter, and he was an unidentified person.At any rate, there was no ID card in that era, and a letter of introduction was required everywhere.This kind of thing can't help him.

At the beginning, he worked in a small noodle shop opened by Henan people.There are also two young people who opened the noodle shop. They came here to seek refuge with their relatives. The young man happened to have a craft, so he opened this small shop.

Because the business is good, the couple are a little too busy.It happened that Yang Geyong came to look for a job, so he was hired.At that time, the noodle shop did not have a dough mixer, and Yang Geyong kneaded out several bags of noodles with his hands every day.Anyway, he doesn't lack this bit of strength, and he has done all the physical work in the store.

The salary is one yuan per day, that is, thirty per month.The house he rents costs five yuan a month, so the remaining 25 yuan is enough for him to live on. As long as he goes to work, he doesn't need to spend money on food.The noodle shop manages the meals.

It's just that after wandering for so long, he didn't bring any clothes when he went out.Winter clothes and bedding should be arranged.In fact, Ye Yuze gave him the 1000 yuan, but he basically didn't move it. There was no money to spend on the grassland, and there was no place to spend it.

The noodle restaurant opened at the gate of the wool spinning factory, which is one of the largest state-owned enterprises in Yining, and most of the people who come to eat every day are from the wool spinning factory.Every day after reconciliation, Yang Geyong will come out to help the proprietress clean up the table.After a long time, I became acquainted with many workers in the woolen mill.

There are many female workers in woolen mills, and there are workers of all nationalities.Yang Geyong's appearance is considered handsome in northern Xinjiang, but his personality is rather introverted.Women are also very courageous when they get together, and many female workers often molested him when they came here.It made Yang Geyong refuse to come out when he saw that there were too many women outside.

The past few months of wandering have made him come out of the shadow of broken love.Although it was his own fault, he came back thousands of kilometers after all.But she didn't even wait for more than two months. Although it was inevitable to be sad, the feeling of guilt was relieved a lot.

The reason why he didn't want to go back to the regiment was also because he didn't want to go to Ye Yuze.It's not about escaping from anything?It's that he was confused, and didn't know how he should go in the future?
Originally, he wanted to find Uncle Wei, follow him to herd sheep and patrol the border.He felt fulfilled that day.But the old couple has no wages now, and they have to raise three children, and it is their burden to go by themselves.

Just wandering here aimlessly, let's get through this winter for now.Maybe after staying here for a while, I can figure out what I should do?There is no one here to control and arrange yourself, and the decisions you make should be the most sincere.

Yining Woolen Mill is a small factory with about 500 workers. The female workers in the factory include Uyghur, Han, Kazakh, Hui, Mongolian, Xibe, Uzbek, Russian and so on.

The factory manager is a Han nationality named Hong Xuesi.He is a demobilized cadre, in his 40s, from Henan.He is the uncle of the proprietress of the noodle shop. Most people in the factory like to eat here, and he is also related to the factory manager.

He has a daughter named Hong Liu, who is not too beautiful, but is tall and has a very good figure. She is 19 years old this year.I often come to the noodle shop to play with my cousin.He is also very familiar with Yang Geyong, and every time he comes to see Yang Geyong is not outside, he goes to the back kitchen to talk to Yang Geyong.

Yang Geyong doesn't bother her at all, because this girl is very measured.He never molested him, and would help him work as soon as he came.

On this day, Hong Liu was helping Yang Geyong wash the dishes when he heard a commotion outside.Hong Liu looked up and looked outside, quickly stuck out her tongue, and leaned against the wall, it turned out that her father was losing his temper outside.

"You three electricians, how can the electricity in the factory not stop for a day? The motor burns out at every turn. Do you know how difficult it is to buy this motor? You can't do this well. You said that the factory supports the three of you. what?"

At this time, the head inside the electrician was unconvinced: "It's not our electrician's responsibility to burn the motor, so don't blame us for this."

Listening to the words outside, Yang Geyong asked curiously? "Are there no switchboards and earth leakage protectors in your factory?"

Hong Liu shook his head: "What is an earth leakage protector? Our factory is full of those kind of big switch. Because they love to burn fuses, these electricians simply used aluminum wires instead of fuses to connect them."

Yang Geyong's head was full of black lines, and he quickly reminded: "You can't do that, the fuse is to protect the motor, you have to use as thick as it needs to be, and it is easy to burn the motor if you change it."

As soon as Yang Geyong finished speaking, Hong Liu rushed out and yelled at the three guys: "You are still stubborn, if you hadn't replaced the fuse with aluminum wire, the motor would not be able to burn!"

The leading electrician is a Russian, tall and strong, almost two meters tall.Both hands are as big as cattail fans.

He glanced at Hong Liu disdainfully, and waved his hands: "Whether it's cool or not. You know what to do with a girl? Who told you that the knife switch has something to do with the motor?"

Unconvinced, Hong Liu pointed at the kitchen: "Yang Geyong said that once the current is overloaded, the fuse will not melt, and the motor coil will be burned if the current is too high."

"He is a kid who can only wash dishes, what kind of electricity does he know? You ask him if he has been weaned, and you dare to point fingers here?"

"Vassili, you are not allowed to insult people!" Hong Liu's face flushed with anger, and he yelled at Vasily.

Vasily yelled at the back kitchen: "That doll who washes the dishes, come out, your mother is calling you to go home and nurse!" This Vasily obviously drank at work, and the words he said at this moment were extremely insulting.

How could Yang Geyong endure it?After a few strides, he rushed out of the kitchen, pointed at Vasily and cursed: "Is your mouth for eating or excreting? If you can't speak human language, let your mother remelt it for you!"

Hong Liu was petrified at this moment. She didn't expect that she would make such a mess with just a few words.

(End of this chapter)

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