Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 428 Read the stuff that shouldn't be read

Chapter 428 Read the stuff that shouldn't be read
Just when Sun Zhengzhi was at a loss, he received another call.The call was from the capital, and the caller was surnamed Sun, and his tone was very indifferent. He just asked about Ye Yuze's affairs, and then hung up.

Why doesn't Sun Zhengzhi understand what's going on?This is his fault.The matter must be dealt with in the shortest possible time, otherwise I will be very passive, but Ye Yuze has gone abroad, how to solve this matter?

At this time, Liu Jianguo took the initiative to stand up and solve Sun Zhengzhi's problems.He went to the Industrial Bureau and took out Ye Yuze's contracting fee of 3000 yuan, ordered a batch of denim, and then shipped it to the district garment factory, told Niu Fenglan to continue production, and the products would be shipped directly to Ye Yuze's factory.

Niu Fenglan didn't know, so the city leaders naturally listened to what they had to say, and quickly asked everyone to resume production. When the jeans were delivered at night, Meihua was taken aback, but the things had already been delivered, and Niu Fenglan took the lead again, so she had the nerve not to accept them. ?
Early the next morning, Liu Jianguo accompanied Sun Zhengzhi to the factory again, and praised Ye Yuze for what he had done in the garment factory. By the way, he also expressed a lot of thanks to Meihua, the mother who raised such a good son. if.In the end, Sun Zhengzhi also took out Ye Yuze's contract and told her that the contract was valid and could not be violated casually.Then go away.

In the afternoon, Sun Lanyu rushed over, and the bewildered Meihua told her everything.Sun Lanyu also laughed, but she didn't explain anything to Meihua, she just said: "Auntie, anyway, we are currently out of stock, so let them continue to work!"

In the next few days, Sun Lanyu stayed in Tangcheng. Every day, she went to the garment factory in the district to follow the production. This factory had half of her shares.

Wang Dalong was fired directly, followed by several long-term absentees who had been receiving wages.Those department staff finally couldn't stay any longer and began to enter the workshop to find work.There were still rich machines in the workshop, so Niu Fenglan found a master for each of them and started to learn sewing.

Second Aunt's operation finally started, Ye Yuze asked Wang Honghua to go to class, and he and his uncle waited at the door of the operating room for five hours.At noon, Wang Honghua brought them food, and neither of them ate a bite.

When Old John walked out of the operating room, he saw two people waiting there. He immediately took off his mask and said happily, "God bless, the operation went very well!"

Ye Yuze and his uncle were instantly relieved, but the second aunt was still under anesthesia after being pushed out of the operation, and had to stay in the ICU for 24 hours for observation, and no one was allowed to visit there, so the two of them had to go back.

Ye Yuze took his uncle to eat an authentic Western meal, which cost more than 100 US dollars. After coming out, his uncle went to a Chinese restaurant to eat a bowl of noodles. He was not full of Western food. Ye Yuze couldn't help sighing, it seems that even the stomach is patriotic.

It's three o'clock in the afternoon, that is to say, I won't be able to see my second aunt until three o'clock in the afternoon tomorrow. Ye Yuze wants to take his uncle out for a stroll, but his uncle refuses. He is not in the mood. His wife is still in a coma, and his son is following his brother-in-law. How much does he care? Can you continue playing?
Wang Honghua got her car back, and the two of them like to drive around when they have nothing to do. Wang Honghua has been in the United States for more than a year, and her style is still the same as in China. She has been staying at home and reading books. Now that there is a computer in the dormitory, she does not have to leave the house. The prey can get more knowledge, so that she will be more homely.

But she is a person who keeps her promise. Since she only spent a thousand dollars to get his car, she will definitely fulfill her promise.The winter vacation is coming soon, and she doesn't plan to go home this winter vacation. It turns out that the owner of the car is traveling in the back area of ​​the United States. She plans to go to the southern part of the United States during this winter vacation.

Because they were worried about the situation of the second aunt after surgery, the two of them didn't go out today. Ye Yuze sat next to the computer and played games. At that time, the computer keyboard was not just a thin plastic plate as it is now, but integrated with the host.very heavy.

Playing games is not Wang Honghua's strong point, she doesn't even know how to play, her computer is only used to look up information and read news.In this way, Ye Yuze and Martha played together, yelling and shouting from time to time, which was very lively.

After finally surviving until the next afternoon, Ye Yuze and his uncle rushed to the hospital, and the second aunt had been transferred to the general ward. This is an independent ward with a separate bathroom, and the conditions are very comfortable.Second Aunt has woken up. Although she is still a little depressed, her eyes are clearly lit up.

"Second Aunt, how are you feeling?" Ye Yuze asked first.The second aunt nodded, her eyes were a little moist.

"Yuze, my second aunt doesn't know how to thank you. Dr. John gave me a comprehensive examination today and said that I am very good. I recovered after the wound was healed. Now I am just a trauma patient, not a brain tumor patient. You spent so much money for me this time, when will Second Aunt be able to pay you back?"

Ye Yuze laughed happily, and quickly wiped his second aunt's eyes: "Second aunt, you are also my mother, how can a mother thank her son, besides, things that can be solved with money are not things, take good care of your illness, and wait until you get well You can go back to work.”

Although there are nurses, family members can also accompany after the operation, but they cannot stay overnight.Besides, everything about the patient is taken care of by a special person, and there is no need for the family to do anything, just chat with the patient and relieve boredom with the patient.

After leaving the hospital, Ye Yuze's mood completely improved.My second aunt's vision and language barriers are obviously gone, which proves that the cell tumor has been completely removed.This time, Ye Yuze spent less than [-] U.S. dollars including the air ticket and the nursing care fee, which is really worth the money.

Back in the dormitory, Wang Honghua hadn't come back yet, Ye Yuze thought no one was there, so he went into the room to change his clothes and went to the bathroom to drain the water.It turned out that Martha was putting on makeup in the mirror, and Ye Yuze was dumbfounded.

Seeing Ye Yuze looking at her like a fool, Martha didn't feel shy at all. Instead, she stretched her body and asked in Chinese, "Does it look good?"

I have to admit that the figure of the foreigner is indeed very good.Especially the pre-married women, who are protruding but have no fat at all. If we said that we met by accident at first, then now Ye Yuze is staring at her like a wolf.

Seeing Ye Yuze's expression, Martha raised her head and kissed Ye Yuze's lips.Ye Yuze shivered like an electric shock. At this time, the door of the dormitory rang, and Ye Yuze fled out of the bathroom.

When Wang Honghua entered the door, she saw Ye Yuze coming out of the bathroom, and asked, "How is Second Aunt doing today?"

Ye Yuze nodded: "The situation is very good, and you can leave the hospital after recovering from your injuries. Sister, let's celebrate today."

Wang Honghua originally planned to go to the hospital with Ye Yuze today, but today is Friday, and there is a very important class in the afternoon, so she had to give up.Now that my second aunt is doing well, I am also happy: "Okay, let's celebrate today!"

At this time, Martha, who was wearing a bathrobe, came out of the bathroom. The white snow on her chest clearly proved that there was a neutral gear inside. Wang Honghua saw Ye Yuze coming out of it just now, and immediately stared at Ye Yuze suspiciously. Look innocent.

Wang Honghua was not so easily fooled, so she grabbed his hand and entered the bedroom.

(End of this chapter)

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