Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 433 Luke Fighting With Wine

Chapter 433 Luke Fighting With Wine

"What's wrong?" Ye Yuze was taken aback and asked quickly?

"Alcohol, I drink all the time, I can't stop drinking, I'm about to be fed to death!" Luke's voice was obviously panicked, it seemed that he was really scared!

Ye Yuze felt a little guilty. He had dealt with some chores in the past few days and forgot about this foreign business representative.Luke was picked up by people from the Economic and Trade Bureau outside Tang City.He was directly arranged to Tangcheng Guest House.

Because he knew that his investment target this time was the garment industry, he took him around to all the large and small garment factories in the city.Chinese people are hospitable, especially this kind of guests with US dollars. Based on the principle that business can’t be done with righteousness, they treat Luke well, and they are raised to a higher level. Apart from the translators, the Bureau of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation and the Bureau of Industry have relatively good alcohol tolerance. lead.

A few days apart from inspections, there is only drinking. How can China's wine culture be comparable to that of Luke?Although the Germans also like to drink, but compared to the high grain wine that the Chinese like to drink!How can the lackluster beer and wine in Germany compare?
So after a few days, Luke's brain has been in a state of shutdown, and he doesn't even have any impression of the companies he visits every day.Today he got up and asked Ye Yuze for help after drinking too much and falling asleep.

After listening to Luke's almost crying complaint, Ye Yuze told him: "You tell the escort tomorrow that you are going to visit the factory that produces denim clothes."

Ye Yuze didn't dare to ask him to say the name of the factory directly, after all Warrior is a purely foreign company, if someone finds out that he can direct this foreign company, there will be endless troubles in the future.He dared not take the risk.Ignoring his mother's suspicious eyes, he couldn't even tell his mother about this, lest she worry about it.

Early the next morning, after Luke had breakfast, a group of escorts invited him into the car, this time planning to take him to the new area for inspection.I have basically seen some factories of some scale in the city.Even by the way, I visited the cotton spinning factory and the ceramics factory.The city is determined to keep Luke.

This time Luke didn't get in the car, and said to the translator: "I only look at the denim factory, and I don't go to other factories. Our company is a company that specializes in the production and sales of denim clothes. This time, the board of directors of the company decided to only target this factory I have no time to waste this kind of enterprise inspection, if there is no suitable goal in these two days, I can only go to other places for inspection.”

After the translator translated his words, the accompanying staff quickly reported the incident.After screening by the Industrial Bureau, they found that the Lunan District Garment Factory was the only one that processed jeans, but the scale was too small, which made them very scrupulous. Can such a small factory retain foreign investment?

But Luke's attitude is very firm, and they can only treat dead horses as living horse doctors.A group of people went to the district garment factory in a mighty manner.Luke was excited when he saw the jeans, because Ye Yuze told him that there was only one such company in Tangcheng, and that was his.But soon he realized something was wrong, because he didn't see Ye Yuze.

After roughly visiting the workshop, Luke couldn't help showing disappointment on his face. He was wondering what happened to the boss?There is obviously another factory that produces jeans?

In fact, this was Ye Yuze's negligence. He forgot about the clothing factory in the district, and he also forgot that his street factory could not get into the eyes of the Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau.

Seeing Luke's expression, the casual staff was also helpless.They have taken this guy to all the garment factories in the past few days, but they are not satisfied. They decided to show him another factory today, in case he is interested?
But I didn't expect this guy to be too stubborn, and he directly expressed his attitude when he came up in the morning, leaving everyone helpless.

At this time, Sun Zhengzhi was also frowning and thinking, not knowing how to break this situation.It is too difficult to attract business and investment in this era, because the reform and opening up has just started, and various policies and regulations are not perfect, so foreign businessmen have many scruples about entering China.After all, the money of foreign businessmen is their own, and no one dares to take risks with their money.

This time I finally met one, so I came to Tangcheng to investigate by name, which is almost like a pie in the sky.If he is let go, Sun Zhengzhi will be criticized for his scruples.The country's foreign exchange is too tight, and every penny is good.

"Mayor Sun, do you think this matter has anything to do with Ye Yuze?" Liu Jianguo, who had just finished sorting out the documents, suddenly asked.This idea just popped into his mind.He knew about Ye Yuze's going to America.How can it be such a coincidence?When Ye Yuze returned to China, foreign businessmen also came?

Liu Jianguo's words moved Sun Zhengzhi's heart.I thought to myself, does this really have something to do with that kid?Then he shook his head again, but a 16-year-old child, no, he is seventeen this year.How can there be such a great ability to influence a British company with assets of several million dollars?
But this matter can be tried, so Liu Jianguo was ordered. "Take them there to have a look. As long as there is any hope, we will do our best to fight for it!"

Liu Jianguo drove away after leaving the house. He knew where Luke was.When he arrived at the garment factory in the district, Luke was making a fuss about leaving. He was not interested in this factory.It is necessary to ask the accompanying personnel to look for such a manufacturer to have a look.The accompanying staff looked helpless, they really couldn't find it.Someone asked the workers directly where there are other companies like this?

Dong Yueying told the team leader of the Foreign Economic and Trade Bureau that the factory in Xingshengli Street produced denim clothes, and they processed them there.Her words surprised everyone, but they didn't intend to go to the street factory.Taking foreign businessmen to inspect small factories in the street is a joke in their eyes.

At this time, Liu Jianguo arrived, and he conveyed Mayor Sun's instructions.They were no longer willing and could not go against the mayor's wishes, so they got in the car and drove towards Ye Yuze's factory.

Meihua is nailing buttons with the workers in the workshop.This job is a bit time-consuming, no matter how fast the hands and feet are, this process has to be done by hand.

The inspectors walked into the factory swaggeringly, dismissing the inquiry from the janitor at all.A young employee of the Industrial Bureau even directly pulled the old man aside.

Ye Yuze was reading a book in the room at this time, and hurried out of the room when he heard the noise outside.Luke's eyes flickered for a moment, and he moved away. The little foreigner almost didn't cry, but he found an organization.

At this time, Ye Yuze ignored him, and asked the janitor who was arguing, "What's wrong with you, Mr. Liu?"

Uncle Liu kept talking to the young man: "I asked them what they were here for? Not only did no one answer me, but the young man even gave me a push."

Ye Yuze's complexion suddenly changed, and he grabbed the young man's arm: "Apologize to the old man!"

(End of this chapter)

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