Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 454 The 1st Border Trade 2

Chapter 454 The First Frontier Trade 2
Before the two of them finished talking, businessmen from neighboring countries had already rushed over at the port. Some of these people were pushing carts and some were carrying burdens. It is said that they all arrived at the port by car or on horseback, but those who could not Entering the customs, so I had to change to manual handling.

Many of these people are acquaintances, and when they came, they went straight to the familiar stalls. At this moment, three or four people surrounded Yang Dahai's stall, and they didn't ask the price. Then he took out the things he brought and bargained with Yang Dahai.

Yang Dahai's expression was serious, and he refused to give up an inch of the price.An aunt took ten sets of pillow covers and pillowcases from him, and exchanged a dozen bottles of wine and two cigarettes she brought, but he didn't agree.

Yang Geyong secretly clicked his tongue. According to his values, the value of ten bottles of wine has already far exceeded the value of pillowcases and pillowcases.Not to mention two more cigarettes.The aunt was also very emotional, and kept waving her hands and roaring.

Yang Dahai didn't know if he understood, he stood there smiling unmoved, but Yang Geyong understood, the aunt cursed Yang Dahai as a profiteer and villain.

In the end, the aunt who was tired of scolding finally compromised and took out another watch from her bag. Yang Dahai nodded and asked her to take it away.

At this time, people also came to Yang Geyong's stall.Is a middle-aged man in his 30s.He was pulling a small cart, and it was a mess, and he didn't know what was loaded on it?
He looked at Yang Geyong carefully, and asked, "Is this your first time here?"

He spoke Russian, which Yang Geyong could understand, but judging from his appearance, he should be a Kazakh.So I replied in Kazakh: "Yes friend, I am driving here for the first time today."

Hearing Yang Geyong's Hasa dialect, the visitor seemed very happy, and said: "That's great, that's great my friend, then our cooperation must be pleasant."

He roughly looked at Yang Geyong's goods, and then untied the pockets on his car for Yang Geyong to watch.It turned out that his car was filled with all kinds of candies, most of which were chocolates.

"I'll give you what's mine, and give me what's yours. From now on, we'll be friends!" The man was obviously very excited, and he was about to unload things as he spoke.

Yang Geyong was confused, although he came down to do border trade impulsively.But I don't know anything about these things. If he bought this pillow cover for [-] cents, he would definitely sell it for [-] cents.But he doesn't know how to convert this chocolate.

Ye Yuze had brought them to exchange chocolates before, and he knew it was delicious, but he didn't know how to sell these things if they were replaced with chocolates!
He looked at Yang Dahai, wanting to get some advice.But Yang Dahai was busy with his own business, so he didn't even look this way.

Yang Geyong hesitated for a while, thinking that it was his first time doing business after all, at least he would open the business first.So he pointed to his own goods. "Exchange all your candy for half of my goods. If you think it's OK, you can exchange it. If it doesn't work, don't talk about it."

This guy has a dozen or so bags in his car. Even a bag of 100 yuan chocolates costs 400 yuan. 400 yuan of chocolate is exchanged for 500 yuan of goods, Yang Geyong thinks it is about the same.

Unexpectedly, the guy shook his head like a rattle: "No, you can't do this, I have all the best chocolates in Russia, and I want to exchange all your goods! We are friends, you have to be honest!"

Yang Geyong is full of black lines. What the hell do you call it? If you give it all, you are called honesty. If you don’t give it to you, you are a liar?Yang Geyong imitated Yang Dahai's appearance, let this guy toss around, and stopped talking to him.

Finally, this guy was tired of shouting, and seeing that Yang Geyong didn't show any signs of loosening, he had to mutter to unload things from the car, and then Yang Geyong helped him divide his goods into half and put them into the bags he brought.

After loading the goods, I thought this guy would definitely ignore him angrily and turn around and leave.Unexpectedly, he opened his arms and gave Yang Geyong a big hug. "My name is Akeli, my friend, and I will come to you tomorrow!"

Looking at the back of Ake Lie, Yang Geyong had some bad premonitions in his heart, mainly because his last action made Yang Geyong feel that he had lost money.

He checked the bags one by one, and found that each bag cost 100 yuan. The quality of the chocolate was still very good, and each piece contained about two taels.This kind of large-packed candy is rare in China.

After staying for a while, Yang Geyong took on some small businesses one after another, and exchanged one-third of the remaining things.More belts, magnifying glasses, and binoculars were added to his booth.Leather shoes and stuff like that.This wave is finally over.

He took out his cigarette and was about to smoke one when Yang Dahai came over.Seeing what he changed, he smiled and didn't say anything.

Yang Geyong didn't know what to do, so he handed over a cigarette and asked for advice: "Brother Yang, do you think it's worth the exchange?"

Yang Dahai took the cigarette and lit it and took a puff: "No one dares to say whether this kind of thing is worth it, because whether we make money in the end depends on the domestic customers. If they like it, we will naturally make money. "

At this time, two more people came to Yang Dahai's stall. The two people looked at the Chinese people, and Yang Dahai saw that they didn't bother to say hello to Yang Geyong, but ran over, took out cigarettes and handed them to them.

The older one was wearing a tunic suit and a woolen overcoat. If he hadn't met him here, Yang Geyong would have regarded him as a state official.

"Old Yang, today's harvest is good, right?" The middle-aged man flipped through the things on his stall.

Yang Dahai smiled wryly and said, "Old Wang, don't make fun of me. We have worked hard for half a month, why don't you take a trip? According to the correct explanation, we are working for you, relying on your pocket money .”

Old Wang laughed when he heard this.He didn't talk nonsense with him, he picked up his things, packed up everything he needed and asked the young man who followed him to carry it, and he was going to look elsewhere.

Yang Dahai called him: "Old Wang, this little brother is out of the stall for the first time today, can you see if there is anything you need?"

Old Wang turned around and walked over to paw at Yang Geyong's stall.Pointing to the chocolates, he asked Yang Geyong: "How about I give you a dime for this chocolate? If you agree, I will take it away."

Compared with domestic candies that cost a dime a handful, this price is not low.But Yang Geyong didn't want to agree, although he gave him his own capital and got it all back.But the profit is not high.

Seeing that Yang Geyong's expression was not enthusiastic, Lao Wang smiled and walked away.After walking a few steps, he turned his head and said to Yang Geyong: "Young man, you can't get rich overnight in this business. If you have money, everyone earns it. It's the right choice. You should first find out the market price before selling the goods."

(End of this chapter)

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