Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 477 The fellow meets fellow

Chapter 477 The fellow meets fellow
Na Wu shook his head: "You don't need to pay for the money anymore, the things in your hand are enough to turn around. There are too many things, and we can't collect them all. We can only exchange the good things I know. Some value If it’s not expensive, just sell it.”

Speaking of this, his face turned to the old meat: "Your boy is savvy and talented, but he doesn't have the bearing of Yuze. Remember, there must be room for being a person and doing things, and you must be benevolent. Only when there are good things in this way will others know I will meet you. Money can never be earned, as long as it is enough to spend. If you don’t bring it to life, you don’t take it to death, you hoard a whole house of money, and you can’t spend it, and they will only be prodigal if they leave it to future generations!”

These words made Ye Yuze ponder for a long time. Is this Wu really a mortal?At least for life, it can be regarded as realizing some truth.

Ye Yuze didn't have time to stay here, he had to rush back to study.The college entrance examination is coming soon, and this delays my mother to fight him desperately.I don't know what my mother thinks. She knows that her son can live a comfortable life even if he doesn't do anything, but he wants to force himself to go to some university. Does he have to obey the assignment to work after he goes to university?

But he really can't do anything about it, and now he can't find an ally.That Sun Lanyu lived in the factory all day long, and whenever she saw Ye Yuze not reading a book, she would reprimand herself in a pretentious manner.Baby is so miserable!

When Yang Geyong drove to Shihezi, it was only four in the middle of the night.At this time, there was no one on the street, and he didn't bother to knock on the door of the guest house.At that time, the guest house would also be closed at night.

He parked the car in front of a restaurant on Xingfu Road. Xingfu Road is the busiest street in Shihezi, where the largest shopping malls and various shops in Shihezi are concentrated here, as well as an open-air market.

Lying in the car, Yang Geyong fell asleep.He wanted to wait for people to open the door to eat.After driving for eight hours, I naturally slept soundly, until I was woken up by the sound of a door slamming.

Yang Geyong took a look, and it turned out that the door of the restaurant had already been opened.Because my car blocked the door of others, it was inconvenient for people who bought food to enter.The boss pointed to a nearby department store: "You park your car at that door, it won't open there anymore."

Yang Geyong moved the car over after thanking him, and then got out of the car to eat.There are quite a lot of early varieties in this shop, rice skin, yellow noodles, noodle lungs, and mixed noodles.Yang Geyong didn't like to eat too vegetarian food, so he ordered Naren with horse intestines.

Horse intestines are stuffed with horse meat and then air-dried. Such things are easy to preserve.Just steam it when you eat it.Cut into sections and place on the strips, and it tastes delicious when mixed with it.

The noodle restaurants in northern Xinjiang all have a characteristic, that is, add noodles at will, no money required.It’s just that there is only one portion of that brine.Ye Yuze added noodles twice before finishing the horse intestines.Eighty cents is too affordable.

When he came out after eating, he found a girl sitting in front of the small shop where he parked. She was very thin and her eyes were a little dull.He thought he had influenced others to open the door, so he said shyly, "I'm sorry, I'll drive away right away."

The girl glanced at him, didn't speak, but her eyes drifted to the smelling restaurant.There was a gurgling sound in the stomach.

Yang Geyong looked at the image of the girl and knew that she was hungry.I simply went back to the store and ordered another Latiaozi.By the way, the restaurant owner, what's the matter with that girl?

The boss, a middle-aged man in his 30s, told him with a sigh.The girl is from QHD and came here to do business with her fiancé.The money was collected by the girl's family, but after she came, because the fiancé met a bunch of cronies, all the money was wiped out.In the end, the guy and his companions got a carriage and ransacked the store while the girl was out, and then disappeared.

The girl didn't have a penny in her hand, nor did she have any goods.At first, the neighbors pooled some money and wanted her to go home, but she was unwilling to go back, mainly because she couldn't face her parents. She came here with the money her parents had saved their hard work for half a lifetime.

At that time, it was the elder sister who came to join her fiancé, but not long after her arrival, his elder sister was transferred to the provincial capital.It is estimated that her fiancé also went to the provincial capital after tossing about the money.

The girl stayed in this store for the next few days, and began to borrow money from people everywhere, trying to open the store again.But who would dare to lend money to such a person?

After she had no hope of borrowing money, she just stayed here like this, and she didn't know what she was guarding?Someone saw that she was pitiful, so they gave her something to eat, and she was hungry if she didn't eat.This has been more than two months.

After hearing this, Yang Geyong became angry. He hates women who are sorry to men the most.What's more, this woman is still a fellow villager with him.He asked the boss to find him a bowl with three servings of noodles. The horse intestines were too hard for a woman to eat, so she asked for noodles mixed with oily meat.

He handed the dough to the girl, and the girl obviously had some doubts about a stranger offering her food, so she hesitated and didn't dare to extend her hand.

"I'm from Xuzhuang, QHD Ocean District, and my surname is Yang. You can eat quickly."

As soon as the girl heard him tell the place, she immediately took the basin and started eating. She might be too hungry, and the appearance of eating was like pouring it into her mouth.

Yang Geyong lit a cigarette and sat beside her, quietly waiting for her to finish eating, and asked, "Are you full?"

The girl nodded, and then she might be a little embarrassed.He sat there with his head bowed and didn't speak.

Yang Geyong took out 200 yuan: "Go home, you won't starve to death if you go on like this? You don't have to pay back the money, go home and watch your parents live a good life."

The girl shook her head stubbornly: "I can't go back even if I die. We have little land over there. I have two younger brothers. My parents used all their savings just to let me give them a way out. Now the money is gone. If I go back, I will be beaten to death!"

Speaking of which, the girl glanced at Yang Geyong: "Brother, I am also from Xuzhuang, named Xu Yueji. But you can't tell your family that you saw me here. If you believe me, can you lend me some more money, and I will prop up the shop. That’s good, it’s not that this place doesn’t make money, I still have a business license, and I’ll return the money to you soon.”

"Xu Rose? Do you know Xu Qiangwei?" Yang Geyong didn't know much about flowers.I just remembered that the little accountant in the factory couldn't help asking.

Xu Yueji lowered her head: "She is the daughter of the village chief, who doesn't know her? In fact, I am of the same family as her, but my father and her father have a bad relationship and have not moved around."

"How much do you need?" Yang Geyong wanted to help the girl.So I asked a question.

"600 yuan is enough." After saying this, the girl didn't dare to raise her head again. This amount of money was equivalent to almost a year's salary of a member of the Corps. Who would give it to someone who met by chance?
Yang Geyong touched his pocket, it was already empty.Now Zhao Linger prepares the goods for him on every trip, and then gives him 300 yuan for travel expenses.The remaining two hundred he gave to this girl.

(End of this chapter)

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