Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 507 Good Students in the Army

Chapter 507 Good Students in the Army

Seeing Ye Yufan bring a girl to the door, Wu Tianming was stunned for a moment.When he knew the girl's identity, he felt a little sad.When he was in the company, because he had been in charge of breaking the ice, he had the most contact with the old Wei of the power station.Unexpectedly, in a blink of an eye, heaven and man are separated.

After grabbing the meat and bringing it to the table, Wu Tianming opened a bottle of Moutai.Ye Yuze refused to come back, so Wu Tianming could only express his gratitude to his younger brother.

Although Ye Yufan is young, he is not ambiguous about drinking.Two taels of cups are taken up and dried up.Wu Tianming couldn't help boasting: "Okay, you are indeed a child of the Corps. I said that I haven't been raised or disabled in the past few years. Tell me, why did you suddenly come back to serve as a soldier? Is your mother willing?"

Wu Tianming naturally knew that the reason why Meihua replied was for the future of the children.For this reason, I did not hesitate to give up my department level. In that era, this required a lot of courage.Now that Ye Yufan came back like this, she would definitely not agree.

Ye Yufan scratched his head: "Uncle Wu is brilliant, he can guess my mother's mind right away! But I played it later. My mother only found out when the Ministry of Armed Forces visited home, but it was already too late."

Wu Tianming was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly, pointed at Ye Yufan's nose and cursed: "None of you can rest assured, if this is the case, wouldn't your mother's job be for nothing?"

Ye Yufan curled his lips: "I don't agree to talk back, that place is not good. Originally, she promised to let me come back after graduating from junior high school, but her words didn't count. I can only figure out a way by myself. Anyway, I don't like that place."

Wu Tianming looked at Ye Yufan with interest for a while, then glanced at Wei Yucui, and asked gossipingly, "Is it because of this girl that you want to go back to Northern Xinjiang so much?"

The two young people didn't expect this serious guy to suddenly say such a sentence, and their faces turned red all of a sudden.Seeing this situation, what is Wu Tianming not clear about?He laughed loudly: "Okay, okay, uncle supports you in pursuing your own happiness. If you need anything, tell me, uncle will definitely help you!"

Hearing this, Ye Yufan was stunned for a moment: "Uncle Wu, I want to go to the border post. It's too boring to stand guard in the compound all day. It's better to go to the post of Liulian."

Hearing Ye Yufan's words, Wei Yucui's expression darkened for a moment.Which girl would like to leave her lover as soon as she meets her?It's just that she didn't want to speak at this time. Brother Fanfan's dream since childhood was to patrol the border with a gun, and she knew this.She can't stop this.

Naturally, Wu Tianming's thinking couldn't be as simple as Ye Yufan's. He thought for a while and said, "The superiors have the advantages of the superiors. You should work here for a while and perform well. Try to get promoted before you go down. You are a soldier now, and you don't want to be a general's soldier." Not a good soldier!"

Wu Tianming's idea is that it is easier to get promoted at the top than at the grassroots.There is no way for this. People who can directly contact the leader will naturally have a more intuitive impression of the leader.

Then Wu Tianming looked at Wei Yucui: "It must be very good for a girl to be admitted to a technical secondary school. You have to help Ye Yufan with this. Now the promotion of army cadres also emphasizes knowledge and youth. If he is admitted to a military academy at his age, he will have a lot of money." It’s a great place to grow.”

Wei Yucui nodded heavily: "Okay, don't worry, Uncle Wu. I will definitely help him study hard."

Seeing Ye Yufan's expression of disapproval, Wu Tianming tapped on the table with his fingers: "Don't be convinced. Wei girl is so beautiful, and she is a cadre when she works. Can no one pursue her conditions? Do you think you will change jobs when the time comes? In the end, is it really suitable for her to herd sheep and farm with you? Isn't her reading the books in the past few years in vain?"

Ye Yufan, who was still disapproving of Wu Tianming's words, froze for a moment.His original idea was to stay in northern Xinjiang to herd sheep or farm after changing jobs.But looking at the school badge on Wei Yucui's chest, she suddenly became silent.

Wei Yucui originally wanted to say: "Brother Fanfan, I will follow you whatever you do." But she knew that Uncle Wu's words were just to stimulate Ye Yufan to make him improve.Naturally, I couldn't disobey Uncle Wu's kindness, so I didn't say anything on purpose.

After a meal, Wu Tianming took out two keys and handed them one each: "This will be home from now on, come back when you have nothing to do. By the way, help me clean up the house or improve the food. I'm tired of eating in the cafeteria too." gone."

The two young men came out of the house and looked at each other.Ye Yufan's expression was a little complicated.He thinks of love too simply.I think if two people fall in love, they will definitely be together.But now Wei Yucui is a technical secondary school student.Her job is not destined to be in the company.Do two people have to live separately after they get married?
Wei Yucui pursed her lips and did not speak, but took Ye Yufan to the Xinhua Bookstore.She naturally knows Uncle Wei's painstaking efforts, but she also knows that her brother Fanfan doesn't like to study.But it is definitely the bounden duty of every lover to let his lover make progress.So she took Ye Yufan to buy books and began to reform him.

In fact, Ye Yufan's junior high school grades were not too bad. Although he skipped school for a while, the Queen Mother forced him to make up all the classes.It's just that I didn't learn much in high school.

And Wei Yucui's technical secondary school already included high school knowledge, and she is at the top level, so tutoring Ye Yufan is naturally not a big problem.However, a squadron like Ye Yufan and the others did not usually have heavy training tasks.It's just that there is plenty of time for the two hours of shifts and morning exercises every day.

Wu Tianming also gave Ye Yufan a back door for this matter, allowing him to study at Wu Tianming's house for a while before the lights are turned off every night.In this way, not only did Ye Yufan have time to study, but Wu Tianming also had a family.Because Wei Yucui went home every day after school to buy vegetables and cook.

Wu Tianming simply handed over his salary to Wei Yucui for management.Anyway, Ye Yuze is making offerings to his daughter, so he can just support his younger brother.Although Ye Yufan must have violated the rules in the army by doing so.But at Wu Tianming's level, who can not give face?
Learning this matter, as long as it's not really not enough IQ, it's not too bad.I can't learn well just because I'm not interested in this aspect.And studying with my lover, that kind of power definitely belongs to the four-wheel drive six-cylinder engine, and the horsepower is so strong!
The author has always felt that those parents and teachers who desperately oppose the love affairs of middle school students are a little brainless.In fact, if these children are properly guided, it may not be possible that this feeling cannot become a motivation.If they stay together and fly together to be admitted to the same university, wouldn't it be a good story for the world?
It is estimated that Ye Yufan never dreamed that when he tried his best to escape from the campus.After all, he still can't escape the fate of working hard to turn the pages of the book, the key is to be happy.

(End of this chapter)

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